Kimber Adirondack .308

THAT will do just fine !!

It certainly will! That said, not convinced it wasn't a fluke, not sure I could duplicate it if asked. Anyone have any recommendations on a good adjustable front rest for the range? Want to get away from shooting with the lead sled.

Hopefully - this is one of my last posts for awhile. Hit the road west a little later this morning, but I'll check in when I'm back.
10 days of archery hunting in Wyoming, day 11 was opening day of rifle. Naturally, this guy came cruising in to 40 yds right at legal shooting light. Slightly quartering towards, bullet is the 165 AB found in the opposite side hide after going in behind the shoulder and taking out both lungs.

Had bigger bulls bugling all around me, but had committed to shooting the first legal elk at that point





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Nice write up and action shots. Much appreciated!!

keep us informed of future load developments and successes! I've had my eye on this same exact setup for ages. Seems about perfect.

What reticle is the 3-10?
Nice write up and action shots. Much appreciated!!

keep us informed of future load developments and successes! I've had my eye on this same exact setup for ages. Seems about perfect.

What reticle is the 3-10?

Reticle is a BRH.

I really love how compact the rifle is - shown here just put in a side sleeve of my EMRII. With the external pocket storing rain gear or puffy - protects the rifle and scope pretty nicely.

Great report man!! Those sure are sweet little guns no doubt! But I am a sucker for rifles with short barrel and the .308 so I am biased. :)
I've shot a couple in 7-08 that absolutely shocked me with how accurate they were with that short barrel. Great little guns.
Thanks everyone. My project now is a couple different things.

First, shoot more. Living in the Northeast, I've always been the guy who pulls the rifle out of the safe a month before deer season, fires three rounds in the the bullseye at about 1.5MOA to check zero, usually shoots his deer, and then cleans the rifle and puts it away until the next season. I want to spend more time shooting and extending my range and confidence. That includes field positions, potentially shooting sticks, with and without brake, etc.

Second, reloading. I have a good amount of gear, but need some new dies and brass and to do some experimenting and start loading up my own rounds.

Third, I have a 6.5 Creedmoor Mountain Ascent to get a scope on and start playing with too :)
Like you I rarely shot my rifle. I was more confident at 50 yds with my bow then I was at 150 (freehand) with my rifle. The biggest thing that changed it? 1. reloading - all of a sudden I needed to shoot more to test my different loads 2. getting a scope with a dial - just a leupy 2-7x33 but with an elevation dial - checking ballistics and ringing steel at 400 yds is so much fun. Those two things give me a reason to shoot more.
I haven't experimented yet, but I've been told by others here with more experience that point of impact can change with the brake.

I think Stid also commented in another thread that his Kimbers shoot better with the brake on.

Need to try it myself.