Kifarucast/ Don jr episode

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Apr 1, 2013
I stopped reading after your first sentence. I never once said he was a bad guy, I just don’t want to listen to politics on a hunting podcast.
I get that, and don’t disagree, I wish it would of been more hunting.

With that said that wasn’t remotely close to what you quoted and responded to me on.

I did find it interesting his response on why he doesn’t post more of his hunting on social media. He made a very valid point. He knows his name and image can and is solely used to fundraise for anti hunting initiatives. He is way more cognizant of fueling anti’s then 99% of Instagram personalities.
Jun 29, 2017
Have you ever considered that the reason why we are fighting Isreal/Suadi Arabia's wars is so that we could keep the petrodollar intact?

I am not pouting, I am waiting to pounce...more millionaires were created during the great depression than at any other time in American History.

And I own a small farm too so I am good on potatoes :)
Look at all the countries that left the petrodollar and what happened to them.
Jan 5, 2019
Had never heard of this Ryan Busse guy before the Don Jr. podcast. You have to be a special kind of stupid to work in an industry 30 YEARS and then wake up one day and decide there's wide spread injustice and systematic racism. WEAK.
May 16, 2020
Modern-day royalty? Biden has been in office for half a century.

Morality? Hunter cheated on his dead brothers wife while impregnating a stripper from Arkansas and fought in courts to not pay child support, and Biden has never acknowledged the fact that he has a new grandbaby.

Work ethic? Hunter said on national TV that if his last name weren't Biden he would have never been put on the board of the Ukranian gas company.

So let's take a step back if we are comparing royalty, morality, and work ethic.
You've made quite the leap. Did I say somewhere in here that I wanted my kids to be like the Biden's? Or did I say that the Biden's were better than the Trumps?

You take a step back from comparing, because I didn't.
Dec 1, 2020
Look at all the countries that left the petrodollar and what happened to them.
OPEC trades in US currency because of the agreement we made with Saudi, Russian and China both have been trying to get opec to renegotiate that agreement and stop trading in US dollars. I’m not sure what examples you were siting about other countries but our economy would be devastated if they were to switch and start trading in renminbi, yen or whatever.
Aug 4, 2019
North Carolina
"what did Trump do for the hunters while in office?"... well let's see..

he doesn't hate America and everything it stands for
he didn't try to turn it into a third world shit hole, start race riots, bow to terrorists & give them pallets of cash, give away all our trade and military secrets to our enemies
He didn't destroy the economy & ship all our jobs overseas
he didn't make us dependent on countries that want to kill us
he didn't try to turn our military into a bunch of fairies & trannies
He didn't advocate for slaughtering babies & selling their parts or mock religious people
He didn't invite millions of illegal invaders into the country or condone burning cities and murdering cops
he didn't turn the intelligence community against private citizens & spy on them
he didn't commit massive voter fraud & steal an election... there's that
Jun 29, 2017
OPEC trades in US currency because of the agreement we made with Saudi, Russian and China both have been trying to get opec to renegotiate that agreement and stop trading in US dollars. I’m not sure what examples you were siting about other countries but our economy would be devastated if they were to switch and start trading in renminbi, yen or whatever.
Iraq and Libya, as examples. Do you think these M.E. countries require their oil be purchased in US dollars for no good reason? Our economy would be devastated, as you say, so when these M.E. dictators quit playing ball, it doesn't end well for them. Petrodollar recycling is what our entire fiat-currency house of cards is built upon.


Mar 22, 2016
CO -> AK
This podcast, like Don Jr., is insufferable.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why we jump on any effing bandwagon we can when someone is an "advocate" courtesy of some cute coattails from their predecessor. 10 years ago, no one on this forum would have said Don Jr. represents us -- now he's somehow the posterchild and we're all supposed to ignore what he came from?

Where I come from, who you are is what you've done and this guy hasn't done shit to be an "advocate." Anyone, PLEASE, tell me what his personal trials and tribulations were? What midnight oil was he burning to hone his craft? Wait....what is his craft? I'm confused as to what Don Jr. is actually an expert on....other than bullshitting because he is pure genius at that. Real Estate? Nah, that's inherited. Politics? Same. What is Don Jr.'s calling that he's pursued for years?


So he's hunted as an adult. Right on, good for him. How does this suddenly make him qualified to speak on any decision that has any management implications? Fine, you want someone that shouts "Don't take my guns!" from a loud speaker? No qualifications necessary. But let's not pretend that this Don Jr. has any clue what legal, ecological, biological, or other implications could possibly be involved in Pebble, Proposition 114 in CO, or greenhouse gas emission standards.

And Don Jr. is the real deal? What? Don Jr. LITERALLY inherited a fortune in time and money and because he knows his arrow weight and momentum and can shoot a stick bow he's the real deal? Oh, sorry, and he goes on a sheep hunt a year which, of course, is mandatory to be a real deal.

The podcast was a waist of time and I'm pissed I ruined my chorizo tacos listening to it. How do you even ruin chorizo? I'll tell you, you hover over your phone for an hour and cuss the whole time while your wife says "I thought you loved kifaru" "THAT"S NOT THE POINT HONEY."

Rant over.

Post Script: Kifaru still makes a great pack because they are experts at pack building.


Mar 4, 2012
Better than I expected. I think what I found funniest was them discussing health, fitness and not eating like a slob; means a bunch when obese 45 doesn’t believe in exercising and loves the fast food


Mar 4, 2013
I thought it was pretty decent. Jr's his father's son forsure, but I find him far more palatable than his dad. Some very funny shots fired. "Mustache wax", "99.9% of them, there's not a discipline I wouldn't destroy them". "They like to see themselves as hunters but they don't actually do it, they like talking about it, they're good at that". That's funny - because it's true, humor has to have an element of truth to work.

All the triggered attacks are pretty funny too. All personal and he was born with a silver spoon, etc., nothing of any substance.


Jan 27, 2020
I thought it was pretty decent. Jr's his father's son forsure, but I find him far more palatable than his dad. Some very funny shots fired. "Mustache wax", "99.9% of them, there's not a discipline I wouldn't destroy them". "They like to see themselves as hunters but they don't actually do it, they like talking about it, they're good at that". That's funny - because it's true, humor has to have an element of truth to work.

All the triggered attacks are pretty funny too. All personal and he was born with a silver spoon, etc., nothing of any substance.

Ol Cal has a mustache and I don't think I'd take Don Jr. over him


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
This podcast, like Don Jr., is insufferable.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why we jump on any effing bandwagon we can when someone is an "advocate" courtesy of some cute coattails from their predecessor. 10 years ago, no one on this forum would have said Don Jr. represents us -- now he's somehow the posterchild and we're all supposed to ignore what he came from?

Where I come from, who you are is what you've done and this guy hasn't done shit to be an "advocate." Anyone, PLEASE, tell me what his personal trials and tribulations were? What midnight oil was he burning to hone his craft? Wait....what is his craft? I'm confused as to what Don Jr. is actually an expert on....other than bullshitting because he is pure genius at that. Real Estate? Nah, that's inherited. Politics? Same. What is Don Jr.'s calling that he's pursued for years?


So he's hunted as an adult. Right on, good for him. How does this suddenly make him qualified to speak on any decision that has any management implications? Fine, you want someone that shouts "Don't take my guns!" from a loud speaker? No qualifications necessary. But let's not pretend that this Don Jr. has any clue what legal, ecological, biological, or other implications could possibly be involved in Pebble, Proposition 114 in CO, or greenhouse gas emission standards.

And Don Jr. is the real deal? What? Don Jr. LITERALLY inherited a fortune in time and money and because he knows his arrow weight and momentum and can shoot a stick bow he's the real deal? Oh, sorry, and he goes on a sheep hunt a year which, of course, is mandatory to be a real deal.

The podcast was a waist of time and I'm pissed I ruined my chorizo tacos listening to it. How do you even ruin chorizo? I'll tell you, you hover over your phone for an hour and cuss the whole time while your wife says "I thought you loved kifaru" "THAT"S NOT THE POINT HONEY."

Rant over.

Post Script: Kifaru still makes a great pack because they are experts at pack building.
If you didnt like it why not just turn it off and save the stress?


Jun 20, 2013
I thought it was pretty decent. Jr's his father's son forsure, but I find him far more palatable than his dad. Some very funny shots fired. "Mustache wax", "99.9% of them, there's not a discipline I wouldn't destroy them". "They like to see themselves as hunters but they don't actually do it, they like talking about it, they're good at that".

Who is he talking about here? And are those really meant to be jokes? I enjoy the industry drama as much as the next guy, but this has me Don Jr. the real TurkeyBowMaster????


Mar 4, 2013
Who is he talking about here? And are those really meant to be jokes? I enjoy the industry drama as much as the next guy, but this has me Don Jr. the real TurkeyBowMaster????
You'll have to listen for full context. Those comments are about 15 min in. They're not jokes in the context of stand up comedy. And they're hyperbole, but the elements of truth had me rolling.
I'd say the jist was with friends like that, who needs enemies. Also Jr views himself as a guys guy, the people he's talking about, not so much.


Jul 7, 2015
This podcast, like Don Jr., is insufferable.

I cannot, for the life of me, understand why we jump on any effing bandwagon we can when someone is an "advocate" courtesy of some cute coattails from their predecessor. 10 years ago, no one on this forum would have said Don Jr. represents us -- now he's somehow the posterchild and we're all supposed to ignore what he came from?

Where I come from, who you are is what you've done and this guy hasn't done shit to be an "advocate." Anyone, PLEASE, tell me what his personal trials and tribulations were? What midnight oil was he burning to hone his craft? Wait....what is his craft? I'm confused as to what Don Jr. is actually an expert on....other than bullshitting because he is pure genius at that. Real Estate? Nah, that's inherited. Politics? Same. What is Don Jr.'s calling that he's pursued for years?


So he's hunted as an adult. Right on, good for him. How does this suddenly make him qualified to speak on any decision that has any management implications? Fine, you want someone that shouts "Don't take my guns!" from a loud speaker? No qualifications necessary. But let's not pretend that this Don Jr. has any clue what legal, ecological, biological, or other implications could possibly be involved in Pebble, Proposition 114 in CO, or greenhouse gas emission standards.

And Don Jr. is the real deal? What? Don Jr. LITERALLY inherited a fortune in time and money and because he knows his arrow weight and momentum and can shoot a stick bow he's the real deal? Oh, sorry, and he goes on a sheep hunt a year which, of course, is mandatory to be a real deal.

The podcast was a waist of time and I'm pissed I ruined my chorizo tacos listening to it. How do you even ruin chorizo? I'll tell you, you hover over your phone for an hour and cuss the whole time while your wife says "I thought you loved kifaru" "THAT"S NOT THE POINT HONEY."

Rant over.

Post Script: Kifaru still makes a great pack because they are experts at pack building.'s just a podcast


May 29, 2019
He's nothing like us and never was. He's never known life as a worker bee and never will. He's pandering to his base and you guys are dumb enough to buy it. No different than Nancy Pelosi trying to act like she represents the common man.
So because someone was never a worker bee they do not understand the workers needs or struggles?

I see your point, but in my opinion, it's poorly thought out. Maybe you could say it better or different.

Wealthy people who own businesses or are very successful, or educated, or are born into wealth with a silver spoon in their mouth can go either way. I tend to think much like you said about people born into wealth, but in this case, his outlook on life, responsibility, hard work ethic and outdoor driven hobbies are pretty much like most of us on here. I'm not going to immediately condem someone like that.

I would guess if he drove into any of our camps he could crack a beer and hold a conversation with any of us.

I listened to most of the podcast, haven't finished it yet. I enjoyed it, but not as much as the technical, gear oriented bullshit sessions i usually enjoy.

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