Kifaru Sawtooth vs Seek Outside Cimarron.

I would say they are very different tents and it is more a question of what you are after then which tent is "better." The cimarron is a non standing room symmetrical pyramidish tent, the Sawtooth is a standing room asymmetrical tent. I think stove and pole position make them feel very different inside, going to be lots of differing opinions beyond just weight/price/quality.
I think the BC2 is more comparable to the sawtooth than the cimerron. I have a SO 6 man tipi and the quality/function is very good. I like the sod cloth on the bottom of the tipi to seal things up better. You could shave some weight on the sawtooth by using a carbon pole instead of kifaru's aluminum pole. The new pole SO is using is very nice. I have spent some time in the sawtooth as well and they are a good shelter. Both companies put out good products and have good service. I wouldn't be afraid of either.
Hey guys, I'm back again looking for some opinions on a shelters.

I was reading through an earlier thread and I discovered the Seek Outside Cimarron. Before I had discovered this shelter I had my heart set on buying a Sawtooth with an 18" smith stove. However once I got onto the Seek Outside website I say that the Cimarron was literally half the price of the sawtooth. Now I'm wondering is the sawtooth worth the extra money? I will be taking which ever I buy to the NZ west coast next may hunting tahr and possibly to CO to hunt elk.

I am a gear junkie and love to know the pros and cons of everything I look at purchasing and obviously it is a massive investment into the sawtooth (the conversion rate to Australian dollars makes it like $1600-$1700 for me), but if it is worth it I wouldn't have an issue in spending the extra money.

Keep in mind also that I am completely new to the whole floorless shelter thing so even the most basic of pointers will probably be new to me!

Thanks guys!!

No experience with the sawtooth. I do own a Cimarron and some Kifaru gear. Good friend does have an 8-man Kifaru tipi/stove combo he has abused for the past 10 seasons winging arrows at elk without an issue with the 8-man. My brother and I ran Cimarron for 10 days with an sxl stove in MT high country this September. Worked really well and lightweight. If you haven't read Patrick Smith's essay "What I Use", I would. Mr. Smith's 50+ years knowledge on the subject was a very informative and interesting read for me.
Kifaru 8man and Cimarron
No experience with the sawtooth. I do own a Cimarron and some Kifaru gear. Good friend does have an 8-man Kifaru tipi/stove combo he has abused for the past 10 seasons winging arrows at elk without an issue with the 8-man. My brother and I ran Cimarron for 10 days with an sxl stove in MT high country this September. Worked really well and lightweight. If you haven't read Patrick Smith's essay "What I Use", I would. Mr. Smith's 50+ years knowledge on the subject was a very informative and interesting read for me.
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Kifaru 8man and Cimarron
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Aw man! They both look like such good choices. Im leaning towards the sawtooth though.
I am nobody's gear fanatic, and from what I can tell both companies (Seek Outside and Kifaru) build excellent shelters. I had my Sawtooth in Alaska a couple months ago and endured a siege of weather like nothing I've ever experienced. The wind gusts were so bad that I resigned myself to the likelihood of my shelter being knocked down or destroyed. I put up with this for 5 days above treeline (sheep elevation) and it wore me out mentally. I was piling heavy rocks on tent stakes to keep them from pulling up. My center-pole was bowing like mad and the wind was roaring outside. I would have bet you MONEY my Sawtooth would go down in that 5 day stretch, but it didn't. Good thing, because I was so far in (and alone) that rescue wouldn't have been possible for several days. You'd understand why that Sawtooth has my respect now.
I haven't used the sawtooth but we did put the cimmaron to the test a couple weeks a ago while chasing mountain goats , we were able to get 3 guys and a stove in it ... Not a lot of room left in there , but we did it... It held up extremely well to the high winds we had , looking up at the tent walls at about 3am looked a little spooky but it held up great and we were in some really soft ground so I was worried the stakes were gonna pull out ...
I would say they are very different tents and it is more a question of what you are after then which tent is "better." The cimarron is a non standing room symmetrical pyramidish tent, the Sawtooth is a standing room asymmetrical tent. I think stove and pole position make them feel very different inside, going to be lots of differing opinions beyond just weight/price/quality.

I definitely agree here. I have stayed in shelters from both manufacturers (never in the sawtooth though) and they are both awesome. I think they just have different pros and cons. I was set to buy the Sawtooth about a year back but, given the price of the Cimarron, it's the one I went with. Here's a video I did on it: Seek Outside Cimarron and LiteOutdoors Stove (2nd look) - YouTube
I had a Sawtooth and have a Cimarron. Forgetting price and weight, the Cimarron is slightly easier to set up and has a smaller footprint. I've set up both in the same spot when hunting and the Cimarron fit into a smaller area. The Sawtooth is taller for standing up. The Cimarron has a rain flap over the zippers whereas the Sawtooth does not. The nights I've been in the Sawtooth with rain it does drip through the zipper. The Sawtooth had the ability to walk around either side of the stove to enter or exit. The stove is located near the entry. The Cimarron is in the middle of the shelter. When in the shelter I think I prefer the stove near the entry. There's less moving around the stove.

I also own a Seek Outside 12 man and have owned an 8 man. Their customer service is excellent and responsive. The quality is no different than Kifaru. I would like to know what this new tent is that they're announcing, though.
I had a Sawtooth and have a Cimarron. Forgetting price and weight, the Cimarron is slightly easier to set up and has a smaller footprint. I've set up both in the same spot when hunting and the Cimarron fit into a smaller area. The Sawtooth is taller for standing up. The Cimarron has a rain flap over the zippers whereas the Sawtooth does not. The nights I've been in the Sawtooth with rain it does drip through the zipper. The Sawtooth had the ability to walk around either side of the stove to enter or exit. The stove is located near the entry. The Cimarron is in the middle of the shelter. When in the shelter I think I prefer the stove near the entry. There's less moving around the stove.

I also own a Seek Outside 12 man and have owned an 8 man. Their customer service is excellent and responsive. The quality is no different than Kifaru. I would like to know what this new tent is that they're announcing, though.

huh! new shelter?...there is their new Silvertip but in your link there is 2 poles in the shelter so i dont think is this picked my curiosity!!!!
2 poles mean something with annex or vestibule maybe??
I just got home from a 19 day trip to Alaska. I spent 15 days solo in the backcountry and my shelter is a Kifaru Sawtooth.

I'm not a shameless promoter or Kifaru fanatic but I have no problem telling you I never had a single doubt about the quality of my tipi. I put it through pure hell a year ago and it survived a huge multi-day storm on an exposed mountainside. The 15 days I just spent in it were a piece of cake. Mine is equipped with a TiGoat Wifi stove. Having a stove setup in any of these units requires space and will make you change your layout and movements inside. Small price to pay for dry heat when needed. The Sawtooth is rugged and built to endure abuse. I especially like the side guy-out points. My zippers didn't leak a drop through hours of rain. I should add that I had Bearpaw Designs add a custom sod flap to my Sawtooth. Other opinions noted: I like a snug fit to the ground. I use stones where available to secure my stakes and perimeter. A sod flap helps repel ground crawlers and small opportunists like mice and pikas.

I haven't owned anything by SO but I have 100% confidence it is good stuff. I believe the choice of shelters would come down to features. I think the quality of both is unquestionable.
Thanks @Kevin Dill I know the sawtooth and inner is like 1150$. I would imagine with the real world experiences you have with the sawtooth, it’s money well spent. Expecially when your life depends on it. I’m just trying to justify the expense. When I know It won’t get the use and abuse like yours. Do you have any experience or knowledge on the Luxe octopeak? It’s a very similar design and Nearly half the price. It does have ripstop and from the reviews seems to be well built. Maybe something to start with and save for the Kifaru, or should i just spend once cry once so to speak. Appreciate all the info you give us here. I’m new but can tell it’s a great place for us back country folk. 👍
Thanks @Kevin Dill Do you have any experience or knowledge on the Luxe octopeak? It’s a very similar design and Nearly half the price. It does have ripstop and from the reviews seems to be well built. Maybe something to start with and save for the Kifaru, or should i just spend once cry once so to speak.

No knowledge of the Luxe products, so that's totally your call. Nothing wrong with saving money if the product will meet your needs. Don't buy way more than you need or will use. The commandment is to 'know thyself'.

Although quite similar in price to the Sawtooth, the Seek Outside Redcliff looks to be a real contender in this size & quality range. I have owned products from both companies. My experience has been that Seek Outside shelters are over-built without appearing as such. Very strong construction techniques and components. I don't think anyone is exceeding their quality, and I see plenty of progressive nice touches in their shelters. The Redcliff does include a sod flap, plus dual zippered doors. I'm impressed.
Awesome info my friend. Thank you very much. I have some time so I’m gonna research more on all three companies and then go from there. It will also give me time to save more. Thanks a bunch! I enjoy all your posts! Have a great day
Just did 5 nights out with My Cimaron beside My buddies Sawtooth I am 6,1 and He is 6,3 we can easily stand up in the front of the Sawtooth and it offers a bit more overall room, I think the Cimaron is a great value for what you pay. I have double doors with screens and stove jack and its real easy to set up and lighter to pack.
if you have 2 people you will be fine if you have more you need a larger set up I had a hard bow case a large plastic tote box , My Kifaru pack and boots etc. on one side and it filled that side up with just enough room to get dressed
I dont think you can go wrong with either one both are great but if your alone the cimaron is plenty and well made. I use a REI center pole not the Seek poke it was around $30. it works great.