Suggest me a nice wood stock rifle

I own a kimber classic in 308 I enjoy it for a bolt gun but my favorite wood stocked rifle is a single shot Blaser K95. This is the 30-06 barrel but I also have a 6.5x55. Super fun to shoot, accurate, break down in 5 sec with no tools to a 20” package. This is my CO elk rifle this year for R1

I recently got an old , pre 1968 Springfield/ Savage .22 and it resurrected my desire to shoot a classic wood stock gun. I have an old Remington woodsmaster 742 in .30 06 that i hope to take out on the doe third rifle season. i will be carrying the new Ruger American plastic .06 for the elk hunt, that rifle will shoot better longer distance with handloads. But i didn't work up the load for the old rifle so i wont use that in it... Just think it will be fun to carry the old classic for the doe hunt if i don't get an elk and running out of time. Shot bunches of whitetails and hogs and a few muleys with it before getting a newer more reliable shooter.
some gorgeous new wooden stocked guns on here!
Cooper is first on my list for nice wood. 5CC44DEF-8ED5-423A-BD23-AB171041D5BC.jpeg
I also like Winchester model 70s. Weatherby mark Vs usually sport very nice wood as well.
I’d say cooper or sako or full blown custom and get exactly what you want you could also build a semi custom with an action that you like
How about a rifle built on a QUALITY well done 98 Mauser action w/ jewelled bolt/follower and oh so slick on a QUALITY and very nice but not super fancy AA stick of wood on QUALITY rust blue metalwork done by a QUALITY real pro in 338-06. I dont know who built it but its of superior quality and workmanship. Not a lightweight, but oh so gorgeous and fine-fitted. Oh, and another 338-06 built by Mark Bansner himself..he only built a few wood stocked rifles per year and he is a true master of the art......fleur-de-lis checkering like you never ever seen before and absolutely perfectly executed on a AA grade stock and Winchester CRF action and black cerakote finished metalwork. He guaranteed all of his rifles to be 1/2" accuracy but ive not shot this one in the many years i owned my other Bansner in 35 Whelen certainly is. Using these on a nice dry, crisp hunting day is a wonderful idea.....i'm going to have to try it. BTW, I second the model 70 Featherweights and Lightweights for attractive rifles. Cooper makes some dandies as well.
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Factory, Sako, Sauer, Heym and Blaser.

Custom, there a lot of good names. MNR Custom in Vermont does top work. As do guys like Duane Wiebe, James Anderson, Lon Paul, Reto Beuhler, Dennis Earhardt, Jim Kobe, and others who I am forgetting right this moment.

I love the look of the Win Supergrade in Maple. Coopers are hard to beat also but if price is really no option you can spend quite a bit on a Blaser and have an outstanding rifle.
Another vote for a Winchester 70 Super Grade. My 325 wsm started life as one, then pulled that beautiful wood and installed a laminated stock. Way to pretty to hunt with.