Just did 5 nights out with My Cimaron beside My buddies Sawtooth I am 6,1 and He is 6,3 we can easily stand up in the front of the Sawtooth and it offers a bit more overall room, I think the Cimaron is a great value for what you pay. I have double doors with screens and stove jack and its real easy to set up and lighter to pack.
if you have 2 people you will be fine if you have more you need a larger set up I had a hard bow case a large plastic tote box , My Kifaru pack and boots etc. on one side and it filled that side up with just enough room to get dressed
I dont think you can go wrong with either one both are great but if your alone the cimaron is plenty and well made. I use a REI center pole not the Seek poke it was around $30. it works great.