Kifaru Pack Searching, need some input

MHAFB is a great assignment!

yes it was. My only regret was I spent too much time deployed or on exercises (not the kind you do at the gym) which prevented me from seeing the mountains enough. Great place to hunt and fish though. I did manage to pull in a few sturgeon over 6 feet though from the Snake. Found some time to fly fish when able. Went on a few elk hunts, and deer hunts, but never connected on anything big. Got a fork mule deer, and got close to a few elk with a bow, but ate tag soup on those each time. I did see the biggest deer of my life up there (non typical muley) above Anderson dam. He is the biggest that Ive ever seen (either in person or on tv). My only regret was that it was elk season when I saw him. All I could do is sit there and admire his AWESOMENESS. Great memory.
First I would decide on a frame and get that, then snag a packbag out of the classifieds. All of them are good and compress way down. After a season of using a certain packbag you will get an idea of what configuration fits your needs best and then you can try another packbag with the same frame.
Kifaru continues to evolve there line of packbags each year and you will most likely find off season enjoyment in jumping on the evolution train every other year or so ;)

Kifaru should just sell a monthly subscription that gets us the next generation of packbag each year :)
Kifaru should just sell a monthly subscription that gets us the next generation of packbag each year :)[/QUOTE]

YEAH...Kinda like a "Lifetime Membership"...I'm in. Aron, where do I send the check?
Rumor has it kifaru is coming out with some new smaller packs sometime in 2015. Might be worth the wait.

That said, I'm not a believer in the one big pack to rule them all philosophy. On backpack hunts or hunts where you need to carry large loads of meat it makes perfect sense. But for all the other stuff including whitetail hunting (atleast the way I do it here at home) a 7000+ cu pack is just plain annoying. I don't want to dig through 5 layers of compressed cordura, unlatch 2 buckles and loosen a strap just to get at my ass wipe.

Honestly if you wanted to save money with the frame setup, and make your setup a little more versatile for out of state backpack, as well as whitetail hunting, I'd go with your frame of choice, a small pack bag, and a monster pack bag. That would about cover you.

I had a spike camp for day hunts where meat packing wasn't going to happen. Really liked that pack, but sold it like an idiot. Still kifaru doesn't make a daypack bag really (yet) that really sparks my interest. However I go to kifaru alone cause all their suspension systems rock.

Personally if I were to buy a new day pack from kifaru right now. I'd buy a t3 bag and slap it on my bikini frame. Timberline gives you fast access, and the t3 is not so big that it's going to hamper your day hunts.

Their frames are awesome for hauling stands as well if that's how you hunt whitetail.
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Kifaru definitely keeps refining and fitting niches better but they do their best to make it all work together so you don't have any incompatibility issues. Your pouches and pockets are going to fit on your bag and the newest bag will still fit an older frame. Lets you buy with confidence.
I'm going through the same process. I believe I am going to go with the MW pack for multi-day backcountry hunts and the Urban Zippy for treestand hunts/turkey/range bag and hauling family gear on vacations.
Nuke, I love my Urban Zippy for EDC. Works great from home to car to station around town and back. But if you're gonna be carrying a stand and sticks or blind it might get a little harsh on the shoulders. I used to carry my bags on the stand/sticks then used the stand straps for carry but hoping to move to a LS and a cargo chair to get some use out of the waist belt and take some weight off my shoulders on long hikes in or scouting a new set. Hth, Bill
Yes, I agree that I wouldn't want to carry a stand w/ my UZ. For whitetail day gear when a 4 wheeler is available for the kill, my UZ would be awesome. Im carrying day gear on a frame though most of the time-- public land and no wheeler allowed. I bet the UZ would click right onto a duplex and maybe a bikini.
For whitetail with a blind or tree stand iv always wanted to try a cargo panel with a number of pockets as well, just haven't gotten around to buying one. Just another idea.
I mostly hunt private ground whitetails, so no carrying stands and sticks. And I use my quad to carry the deer out. But I plan on trying some public ground around me. My thoughts were fixing the UZ to a lone wolf stand/sticks to carry in. But yes I did see where you can put the UZ on the duplex frame also.
I mostly hunt private ground whitetails, so no carrying stands and sticks. And I use my quad to carry the deer out. But I plan on trying some public ground around me. My thoughts were fixing the UZ to a lone wolf stand/sticks to carry in. But yes I did see where you can put the UZ on the duplex frame also.

I'd do what lawnboi mentioned. Duplex with cargo panel. Use a back pouch and / or long pockets or and old backpack. Use the cargo panel over everything to secure it. Use the kifaru water bottle holders or a bladder pocket. I'm using something similar right now for training and it's really stable.