Hauling a stand on anything is still a pain in the ass, no matter how you do it. I've tried frame, no frame pack and just strapping the pack to the stand, it all sucks.
Anyways there is no do all unfortunately. Get the minimum you need for the biggest load you will carry and go from there.
I am going to run a woodsman this year. Seems to work pretty well for my setup, but I am not trying to pack a full sized stand, just sticks/stepps and a small platform for use with my harness/saddle setup.
Like wesfromky, I don't haul stands around with me, as I use a saddle setup. But I have numerous times had my gen 2 duplex and diy bag hanging in the tree with me. My bag has a meat shelf, so if I was hauling stands I would sandwich it between my bag and frame.
It gets a lot simpler when you can bring your saddle and one stick and be good to go!
Make sure your tree hooks are up to the task. A big pack can also kind of hinder your shooting lanes around the tree so plan accordingly.