Kifaru Nomad User Reviews

If you have any trouble pulling water through it you might try moving it closer to the bite valve. I use the full size sawyer and have it down towards the valve. Please let us know how it works out for you and if it flows water fast enough.
Used it problems at all getting water through it.

Have you used any less than perfect water yet ? I'm wondering how fast it will clog up being so much smaller than the squeeze filter body. I should probably start a new thread and not derail this one.

Started a new thread for the Sawyer Mini
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I haven't used it with dirty water yet...installed today & first use was out of the hose :)
When you say "try", does that mean a couple trips around green mountain with us....or in the living room?

Don't hate me!

Its a process Aron I try it out in the living room and if it makes sense then it makes it to the field. and I've concluded the Xing is left best as its own pack.

Arse! :)
Me and Colton spent about 3 hours shooting at the shop yesterday. Him and his wife are wonderful people. Had a great time shooting and shooting the $h!t with them.
Doh off topic back to the nomad trying out a mega pullout with a small ul pod on the bottom now.
I use a Sawyer mini as well. Inline filtration so I can just dip my bladder in the creek. I keep a small clean bladder to fill when fresh water is available, too. And iodine tabs in the emergency kit.

The gear to clean the Sawyer is very small/lightweight so it's in the kit too.
I'm really liking the back pouch on mine. I just clip it to the horizontal straps of the Nomad and it gives me a very accessible extra 1000 c.i. without adding a lot of weight.

Looking at taking the plunge on the bikini/nomad combo. Can I use the Grabit to carry my bow and also use a long pocket or med pod below the wings. I am unsure if I can attach both for use simulate lushly or if the lower pocket would interfere. Also I use a 35 ATA bow if that makes a difference.