Kifaru moving to WY

Don't you need to be missing a tooth to be considered a Wyoming resident?

Thought I saw that on an application once.
I think that is right below the section where you show proof you are married to your cousin.

Could be wrong though.
The one thing that is very high in Wyoming is the vehicle licensing fees. Also I believe health care is more expensive than most other states.
That was one thing I was always concerned about with moving out west to some of the less populated states. In fact I had the same issue in VT. Medical care. Not just the cost, but quality of care. I would imagine state of the art surgical centers are a little hard to come by. My wife had a rare brain tumor so we can't just go to any local hospital. Something to think about as we all get older.
Don't you need to be missing a tooth to be considered a Wyoming resident?

Thought I saw that on an application once.
Hey, that's probably what all the politicians in Virginia, I mean DC think. That's cool with me. Maybe we should just cut out part of the state and disown the toothless relatives, could we call it West Wyoming? (all in fun amigo. just messing around)
I am going to take "affordable living costs, good tax code for businesses, which attracts businesses, which then brings economic development, which allows people to move there, which changes the political climate for 300, Alex."

Did I hit the nail on the head?
I’m guessing yes. Gates is planning a nuke power plant there. Won’t be long and high paying jobs that attract college degrees will bring in the Liberals and Wyoming will be well on its way to being Blue. Displace the Red coal mine workers and oil field workers and there won’t be enough ranchers to keep the place Red.
I’m guessing yes. Gates is planning a nuke power plant there. Won’t be long and high paying jobs that attract college degrees will bring in the Liberals and Wyoming will be well on its way to being Blue. Displace the Red coal mine workers and oil field workers and there won’t be enough ranchers to keep the place Red.
I’m going to hazard a guess and say you know less about our economy than you think. There are other jobs here that pay very well and are not in fossil fuel extraction… hell, some of them folks even have college degrees. The industry I work in directly employs over two thousand and most make very close to or more than $100k. That’s the company employees. Then there are a whole bunch of contractors and other support personnel that also make a decent living. The new power plant will no doubt bring in some specialist engineers. I’d be willing to bet most of those jobs are filled by residents. Nuclear generation is accomplished in basically the same way as coal generation. Ya boil water and spin turbines with steam. Kemmerer has people that already know how to do that.

The jobs from Kifaru, Stag, Weatherby etc are a welcome addition, they are not the high paying jobs. A coworker of mine looked at a Weatherby job… very briefly. They pay is pretty decent, but not near enough to draw him away.
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Whats the avg property tax on a home and car? Do you pay $6k+ for a $350k home and close to $1500 a year for newer vehicles? Thats what it is in the KC area. Which is cheap compared to NY and CA from what I hear.

I have a feeling that even property taxes are cheap etc.
I believe my one year old Silverado cost me $1200 last year. Less this year. Not sure what we pay on the $465K home we built last year, but not $6K. Probably half that.
We moved from 80 miles SE of KC and things were very cheap. A rural area.