Well last night i completed my testing of the Exo K3. Again this was head to head with the Stone Glacier Xcurve frame. Like Jordan stated in her opening post I am mostly keeping this to the frame/suspension. I do like the Exo bag and layout, but am not the biggest fan of the narrowing done at the bottom. I get why its designed that way, but if you want to pack a synthetic bag or even a down bag in stuff sack it makes it real tough.
With that said, after testing the K3 60 lb sand bags I ended up coming to the conclusion that the Stone Glacier Xcurve checked more boxes for me.
The Exo K3 is a well built and quality product, but the deal breaker for me was the overly soft lumbar pad. It also had alot of slip once you put the pack on. After 20 minutes into a hike I would experience more slipping than I liked. Although I thought it was better than the K2 I didn't think the overall feel was that much different from the K2.
Another key factor for me was when I would switch back and forth with the sand bag I notice that the sand bag felt like 60 lbs with the Exo and when I put it in the SG it felt lighter.
I will say this result is what I like for my personal feel and what I like in a frame. I have had multiple phone conversations with Exo and their philosophy is different. They are looking for the lightest weight pack and a flexible lumbar pad. They feel that makes it the most comfortable no matter what weight is in the pack. They test their packs relentlessly, so I trust them that in their testing that was the best for them; however, for me alone it doesn't work.
This thread is meant for the 4800 reveiw so I'll keep it at that. I may post a new thread giving my perspective on Kifaru, Exo and SG.
I am looking forward to Jordans review of the K3 frame. The cool thing about actually trying something is I know. what is good for me may not be good for someone else.
I will say any of the big 3 packs would work and feel good probably on most, but once you compare the 3, there are some differences.
Because I believe in being honest and transparent, shortly after posting my results I had a bad fall while working out in the garage. I fell doing box jumps and landed square on my lower back.
Now, what I am about to share probably only has to do with my back not being fully healed, but take it for what its worth. After a year and half of the Xcurve being my favorite frame, it was very uncomfortable after my fall. It make sense because the same reason I loved the xcurve is why it hurts now. The xcurve puts alot of pressure on the lower back and does not slip by having a very stiff/dense lumbar pad. Well, although the Exo K3 for me does slip some, it was the frame that allowed me to still carry heavy loads with no discomfort.
Again, I'm sure after i'm fully healed my back will love the Xcurve again, but for my August hunts looks like the K3 will get the nod since i actually am pain free while using it.
Reasons? I have my theories like the lumbar pad being much softer on the K3. Also, I feel there is more of an even distribution of weight between the shoulder straps and the hip belt, which normally I don't like but for a lower back injury was perfect.
Couple things to note regarding Jordan's findings. I also thought there was more play, side to side movement in the frame. Mine did get a little better after adjusting the shoulders traps. You want the grey and cordura fabric intersection to be lined up at the top of the shoulders. use the tri slider to adjust the load lifter with clavicle.
Another thing to note is Exo truly listened to me. I emailed and called them and told them I was still getting slip. They sent me a 2nd shim to install in the lumbar. Not gonna lie it still doesn't stick like the Xcurve, but definitely solved my issue with the K3. It allowed me to feel comfortable and hike all day with it. I really look forward to taking my K3 on my august highcountry hunt and fingers crossed I get to back out heavy.
One other item to note. the Exo frame (K2 or K3) uses a titanium tube. There literally is zero barreling with this frame. out of the big 3 this is the only frame that has zero barreling. Duplex lite had minimal and the Xcurve had some, but neither were an issue.
Bottom line it nice to have options and this was a lessened learned that some packs work better when coming back from a back injury than others.