Kifaru Lite and Exo K3

Took the Exo on a day hike yesterday with 20lbs or so. No complaints on the lighter end.. that new lumbar pad makes a huge difference versus the first one they released. The bag was okay, but not my favorite. After getting used to having 2 way zippers on everything and then not having them can be an adjustment. Like the outer stretchy pocket for example.. the zipper ends at the top, so when you have a lid attached you have to unbuckle the lid or reach up under the lid to find the zipper. Not the end of the world but something I noticed.

Last week I loaded up the Exo with 60lbs and walked a couple of miles with the goats. One thing I noticed on the load lifters was when I snugged them up to where it felt right and comfortable, there was still a little bit of slop/travel side to side with the frame. So I continued to tighten until that travel in the frame no longer existed and while it did stop, that extra tightening puts pressure on the shoulder straps about at my arm pits. Not unbearable, but certainly noticeable in the distance I went. That's one thing that hands down differs from the Duplex Lite frame.. I can snug the load lifters up on that frame to where it's comfortable and the load transfers but it doesn't have any extra play in the frame, it just sticks to my back with no added pressure on the shoulder straps.

This week I'm planning to do longer hikes with weight in both packs.
I noticed these same two issues on a hike with my EXO this weekend. A two way zipper on that stretch pocket would be a great little addition. On the slop issue, I tinkered with it but had the same kind of "pinch" at my armpits, so I let the straps back out a touch and just let the frame move. It feels weird for sure, but I didn't get any uncomfortable rub or anything because of it. I was loaded light though (30 punds), I'm thinking with a heavier weight that could be miserable. For me, the chest strap seems a little high (like maybe an inch). I'm wondering if taking that off and moving it down would let me get the load lifters tight enough to lose the slop, and get the straps pulled out from my pits just a little more and alleviate those pressure points. If I get around to trying it this week, I'll report back here on how it turns out.
Try sucking the side straps tighter it helped the barrelling on my K2.
They had a 2 way zipper on the k2 stretch pocket.
I about pooped purple twinkies when I see the 1 way on K3
Well last night i completed my testing of the Exo K3. Again this was head to head with the Stone Glacier Xcurve frame. Like Jordan stated in her opening post I am mostly keeping this to the frame/suspension. I do like the Exo bag and layout, but am not the biggest fan of the narrowing done at the bottom. I get why its designed that way, but if you want to pack a synthetic bag or even a down bag in stuff sack it makes it real tough.

With that said, after testing the K3 60 lb sand bags I ended up coming to the conclusion that the Stone Glacier Xcurve checked more boxes for me.

The Exo K3 is a well built and quality product, but the deal breaker for me was the overly soft lumbar pad. It also had alot of slip once you put the pack on. After 20 minutes into a hike I would experience more slipping than I liked. Although I thought it was better than the K2 I didn't think the overall feel was that much different from the K2.

Another key factor for me was when I would switch back and forth with the sand bag I notice that the sand bag felt like 60 lbs with the Exo and when I put it in the SG it felt lighter.

I will say this result is what I like for my personal feel and what I like in a frame. I have had multiple phone conversations with Exo and their philosophy is different. They are looking for the lightest weight pack and a flexible lumbar pad. They feel that makes it the most comfortable no matter what weight is in the pack. They test their packs relentlessly, so I trust them that in their testing that was the best for them; however, for me alone it doesn't work.

This thread is meant for the 4800 reveiw so I'll keep it at that. I may post a new thread giving my perspective on Kifaru, Exo and SG.

I am looking forward to Jordans review of the K3 frame. The cool thing about actually trying something is I know. what is good for me may not be good for someone else.

I will say any of the big 3 packs would work and feel good probably on most, but once you compare the 3, there are some differences.

Because I believe in being honest and transparent, shortly after posting my results I had a bad fall while working out in the garage. I fell doing box jumps and landed square on my lower back.

Now, what I am about to share probably only has to do with my back not being fully healed, but take it for what its worth. After a year and half of the Xcurve being my favorite frame, it was very uncomfortable after my fall. It make sense because the same reason I loved the xcurve is why it hurts now. The xcurve puts alot of pressure on the lower back and does not slip by having a very stiff/dense lumbar pad. Well, although the Exo K3 for me does slip some, it was the frame that allowed me to still carry heavy loads with no discomfort.

Again, I'm sure after i'm fully healed my back will love the Xcurve again, but for my August hunts looks like the K3 will get the nod since i actually am pain free while using it.

Reasons? I have my theories like the lumbar pad being much softer on the K3. Also, I feel there is more of an even distribution of weight between the shoulder straps and the hip belt, which normally I don't like but for a lower back injury was perfect.

Couple things to note regarding Jordan's findings. I also thought there was more play, side to side movement in the frame. Mine did get a little better after adjusting the shoulders traps. You want the grey and cordura fabric intersection to be lined up at the top of the shoulders. use the tri slider to adjust the load lifter with clavicle.

Another thing to note is Exo truly listened to me. I emailed and called them and told them I was still getting slip. They sent me a 2nd shim to install in the lumbar. Not gonna lie it still doesn't stick like the Xcurve, but definitely solved my issue with the K3. It allowed me to feel comfortable and hike all day with it. I really look forward to taking my K3 on my august highcountry hunt and fingers crossed I get to back out heavy.

One other item to note. the Exo frame (K2 or K3) uses a titanium tube. There literally is zero barreling with this frame. out of the big 3 this is the only frame that has zero barreling. Duplex lite had minimal and the Xcurve had some, but neither were an issue.

Bottom line it nice to have options and this was a lessened learned that some packs work better when coming back from a back injury than others.
Alright, I've been busier than expected but I did get a test on these two frames the other day. 65 lbs in each. I did a lap with the Exo first and the Kifaru second. I had bags on both frames and utilized the load shelves with a 50 pound bag of salt and the remaining weight was practical gear in the main bag. The walk was about 3 miles with some elevation gain and loss with each on a road, so no twisting and turning over logs or anything.

Last time I'd used the Exo with 20-30 lbs of gear I had some issues with the frame swaying side to side without really cranking down the load lifters. This time, with this weight I didn't notice that being an issue. The belt was fairly comfortable and did a much better job of staying on my hips over the first generation frame/suspension that I had. After a while I did begin noticing a couple of pressure points in the lumbar pad. It wasn't overbearing but you could clearly tell where the extra pressure was. I adjusted the shoulder straps/load lifters and even took the pack off and back on again to reset everything but had the same results.

Next up was the Kifaru. The first thing I noticed after settling in was the hip belt comfort. The belt felt like it hugged my hips better. After the next lap I didn't have any extra pressure in the lumbar area, it felt the same as when I put it on. It may have just been because I was getting tired, but I found myself shifting the weight back and forth between the shoulder straps and hips more than I did the Exo. No doubt that the Exo has been upgraded and is a solid frame, they both are.

Thanks for the reviews everyone.

Jordan, it looks like the load lifted angle is much better for you on the Kifaru frame. Maybe that made a difference between the two?
Thanks for the reviews everyone.

Jordan, it looks like the load lifted angle is much better for you on the Kifaru frame. Maybe that made a difference between the two?

Given the pressure was in the lumbar pad itself I don't think that had much to do with it, but I did think about it. I need to play with that Exo frame a little more and try it again.

I got bucked off a horse a couple days ago and my hip is pretty bruised up. I'll give it a few more days then try a similar test with probably more weight.
Given the pressure was in the lumbar pad itself I don't think that had much to do with it, but I did think about it. I need to play with that Exo frame a little more and try it again.

I got bucked off a horse a couple days ago and my hip is pretty bruised up. I'll give it a few more days then try a similar test with probably more weight.

I saw that video.... and laughed at your expense. 😜
On the slop issue, I tinkered with it but had the same kind of "pinch" at my armpits, so I let the straps back out a touch and just let the frame move. It feels weird for sure, but I didn't get any uncomfortable rub or anything because of it. I was loaded light though (30 punds), I'm thinking with a heavier weight that could be miserable. For me, the chest strap seems a little high (like maybe an inch). I'm wondering if taking that off and moving it down would let me get the load lifters tight enough to lose the slop, and get the straps pulled out from my pits just a little more and alleviate those pressure points. If I get around to trying it this week, I'll report back here on how it turns out.
I ended up taking some pics of myself with the pack on and sending them to EXO for feedback. Mark pointed out a couple of things I had screwed up. First, I apparently wasn't loosening my load lifters enough when I dropped the pack and then was getting them too tight when I put it back on. I had also adjusted the shoulder harness position based on the K2 video, and needed to move it up to get it correctly positioned for the K3. Those changes have helped alleviate the issues I was having. I got out for a little over 4 miles this past weekend and either the side to side movement is completely gone or mitigated down to the point where I don't notice it now. I didn't get any of that pinch this time out.
How much further is it supposed to be moved up from the K2 fitting video?

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How much further is it supposed to be moved up from the K2 fitting video?

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My understanding on the K2 is that the logo on the shoulder strap was supposed to be about at your clavicle. On the K3, the seam of the gray fabric on your shoulder strap should be right on top of your shoulder, about 12:00 if you’re looking at it from the side or in a mirror.
Because I believe in being honest and transparent, shortly after posting my results I had a bad fall while working out in the garage. I fell doing box jumps and landed square on my lower back.

Now, what I am about to share probably only has to do with my back not being fully healed, but take it for what its worth. After a year and half of the Xcurve being my favorite frame, it was very uncomfortable after my fall. It make sense because the same reason I loved the xcurve is why it hurts now. The xcurve puts alot of pressure on the lower back and does not slip by having a very stiff/dense lumbar pad. Well, although the Exo K3 for me does slip some, it was the frame that allowed me to still carry heavy loads with no discomfort.

Again, I'm sure after i'm fully healed my back will love the Xcurve again, but for my August hunts looks like the K3 will get the nod since i actually am pain free while using it.

Reasons? I have my theories like the lumbar pad being much softer on the K3. Also, I feel there is more of an even distribution of weight between the shoulder straps and the hip belt, which normally I don't like but for a lower back injury was perfect.

Couple things to note regarding Jordan's findings. I also thought there was more play, side to side movement in the frame. Mine did get a little better after adjusting the shoulders traps. You want the grey and cordura fabric intersection to be lined up at the top of the shoulders. use the tri slider to adjust the load lifter with clavicle.

Another thing to note is Exo truly listened to me. I emailed and called them and told them I was still getting slip. They sent me a 2nd shim to install in the lumbar. Not gonna lie it still doesn't stick like the Xcurve, but definitely solved my issue with the K3. It allowed me to feel comfortable and hike all day with it. I really look forward to taking my K3 on my august highcountry hunt and fingers crossed I get to back out heavy.

One other item to note. the Exo frame (K2 or K3) uses a titanium tube. There literally is zero barreling with this frame. out of the big 3 this is the only frame that has zero barreling. Duplex lite had minimal and the Xcurve had some, but neither were an issue.

Bottom line it nice to have options and this was a lessened learned that some packs work better when coming back from a back injury than others.

My back healed up and i'm back to running the Stone Glacier Xcurve for the reasons I previously mentioned. I will say if you have lower back pain or are dealing with some back issues that Exo K3 seemed to work great.
Thanks everyone for sharing this great information! Been trying to decide on using an old hiking pack for my first trip or jumping in with both feet
Did a little bit of adjusting on the Exo this morning and went for a hike with about the same load. Didn't go as far though. I flipped the frame stay things around to make it a 25.5" frame instead of 24" and I lengthened the hip belt out. Made the hip belt feel better around my hips for sure. Heightening the frame did make the load feel a little different, mostly better. Still had some pressure points in my hip belt though.

Didn't have time to do a comparison against the Kifaru directly after, but wanted to give the Exo update.
Did a little bit of adjusting on the Exo this morning and went for a hike with about the same load. Didn't go as far though. I flipped the frame stay things around to make it a 25.5" frame instead of 24" and I lengthened the hip belt out. Made the hip belt feel better around my hips for sure. Heightening the frame did make the load feel a little different, mostly better. Still had some pressure points in my hip belt though.

Didn't have time to do a comparison against the Kifaru directly after, but wanted to give the Exo update.

Hey Jordan,

Are you running the Exo with the lumbar shim installed? It seems like the bottom of the frame is leaning away from you a bit which may be causing the pressure/slippage. If you haven’t, you might want to try removing the shim to see if it improves how it rides on you.

Love seeing real, helpful comparisons between great packs!
I have the 4800 and used a 6200 last year on a 7 day hunt and was maxed out. I have very light high end gear. I think the only way to get a 4800 to work on a 7 day hunt would be pretty Spartan. probably a quilt and tarp for sleeping would be only way to manage it. If you use a synthetic bag you would be screwed.

Compression sack for bag and strap tent or bag (my sack is waterproof) to outside gets you 7 days with decent quality light gear.
Compression sack for bag and strap tent or bag (my sack is waterproof) to outside gets you 7 days with decent quality light gear.

Not a compression sack fan except for my sleeping bag at times. Sometimes I just pack my sleeping bag loose just depends. I also try to avoid strapping anything to the outside of my pack. But yes I would agree if you did that the 4800 would get you to 7 days.
Not a compression sack fan except for my sleeping bag at times. Sometimes I just pack my sleeping bag loose just depends. I also try to avoid strapping anything to the outside of my pack. But yes I would agree if you did that the 4800 would get you to 7 days.

Yes, I mean for the bag. And only if you are running out of space. I also usually don't use bags for anything except trash unless it's wet.
I noticed the same thing, I really like the exo k3 4800 pack. I have a deeper lumbar. I am still playing with it, the SG X frame just works for me. I have not been able to go more than a mile without having to make an adjustment on the exo. I did 4.5 miles in SG no adjustment made in the belt. I was very surprised how it latched on to my waist. The lumbar pad on the SG is very sticky (way thinner than the exo).

I moved the 4800 exo bag the the SG frame with little effort. Changed out the buckles is about it. I am going to try the extra lumbar pad that exo is sending to give it every opportunity to work.

My back likes the exo k3 (25" frame) better my waist just gets to much pressure. The SG waist belt won't let go but the frame is not as comfortable. All this is tested with 65#s. I am 6'0" 34 inseam 200# for reference.
Did a little bit of adjusting on the Exo this morning and went for a hike with about the same load. Didn't go as far though. I flipped the frame stay things around to make it a 25.5" frame instead of 24" and I lengthened the hip belt out. Made the hip belt feel better around my hips for sure. Heightening the frame did make the load feel a little different, mostly better. Still had some pressure points in my hip belt though.

Didn't have time to do a comparison against the Kifaru directly after, but wanted to give the Exo update.
Because I believe in being honest and transparent, shortly after posting my results I had a bad fall while working out in the garage. I fell doing box jumps and landed square on my lower back.

Now, what I am about to share probably only has to do with my back not being fully healed, but take it for what its worth. After a year and half of the Xcurve being my favorite frame, it was very uncomfortable after my fall. It make sense because the same reason I loved the xcurve is why it hurts now. The xcurve puts alot of pressure on the lower back and does not slip by having a very stiff/dense lumbar pad. Well, although the Exo K3 for me does slip some, it was the frame that allowed me to still carry heavy loads with no discomfort.

Again, I'm sure after i'm fully healed my back will love the Xcurve again, but for my August hunts looks like the K3 will get the nod since i actually am pain free while using it.

Reasons? I have my theories like the lumbar pad being much softer on the K3. Also, I feel there is more of an even distribution of weight between the shoulder straps and the hip belt, which normally I don't like but for a lower back injury was perfect.

Couple things to note regarding Jordan's findings. I also thought there was more play, side to side movement in the frame. Mine did get a little better after adjusting the shoulders traps. You want the grey and cordura fabric intersection to be lined up at the top of the shoulders. use the tri slider to adjust the load lifter with clavicle.

Another thing to note is Exo truly listened to me. I emailed and called them and told them I was still getting slip. They sent me a 2nd shim to install in the lumbar. Not gonna lie it still doesn't stick like the Xcurve, but definitely solved my issue with the K3. It allowed me to feel comfortable and hike all day with it. I really look forward to taking my K3 on my august highcountry hunt and fingers crossed I get to back out heavy.

One other item to note. the Exo frame (K2 or K3) uses a titanium tube. There literally is zero barreling with this frame. out of the big 3 this is the only frame that has zero barreling. Duplex lite had minimal and the Xcurve had some, but neither were an issue.

Bottom line it nice to have options and this was a lessened learned that some packs work better when coming back from a back injury than others.
This was my findings as well when I tested the K3 vs the X frame. I haven’t had any slippage problems with the Exo but it definitely spreads the weight across the body more. The X curve was my favorite going into my pack purchase last year but my old hunting buddy from college recommended that Exo might be the pack for me given my build an physical limitations. After packing out an elk and deer last year on my Exo it became pretty apparent that my testing between the two paid off. I will never be hard core and able to pack 100lbs much more than 2-3 miles because of my Cerebral Palsy and Bad knee. I can’t handle all the weight pushing down on my hips/lower back because then it directly transfers into my knees And legs, the X curve design does this and it feels great in the beginning but it wears me out way too fast. While it’s not proper technique/form the Exo spreads the weight a little into my shoulders and upper back which is Hands down the strongest part of my body this helps my legs last a little longer which in turn helps me make it a little farther down the trail 😊. I regularly have been running 35lbs in my Exo all summer and when it comes to light loads like that it is my most favorite pack to date. I probably never will find a pack that lets me carry a heavy load out long distance( think that’s called new legs) but the Exo works for me. Really though, SG,Exo,Kifaru you cant go wrong. I Think we can all agree let your body decide what it likes best in a pack because your body won’t lie to you!