Kifaru Bikini Frame?

Have any of you guys had issues with the power pulls on the Bikini belt? My T2 works perfectly but the Bikini gives me issues. I thought I saw other guys having same issue but can not seem to find it. I got one of the very first this a common issue or just me?

My original belt had that issue, sent it in and they had it fixed and back to me in no time. I had the same exact problem with my KU pack.
So, is the plate in the lumbar pad currently an option?? If it is, does anyone know if there is an extra charge?? I'd like to get one with the frame I have on order, just so I can try it both ways and see if it makes a big difference...
I ordered a bikini frame to try out in early July and called and asked that the prototype plate be included in my order. That is the route I was told to go if I wanted it, by a few in the know folks on here. I had a really nice chat with a Kifaru employee, he said "man, that's just to easy" when I told him I wanted to make a change and add to my order. "No problem, it'll be in there when you get it,....."

Well, I got what I had originally ordered: the Bikini Frame. No nothing extra in the lumbar, no alterations to my order form, order update, I expected an upcharge....nothing. pretty disappointed in that, but for me the Bikini frame works really well as is. If I know things may get heavy, I will have the duplex on my back from the get-go.

I guess I will believe this add-on when I see one....
I called today. This is a dead issue. There is nothing to wait for any more. I should have called sooner but I was thinking someone on the inside would let us know on this thread.

Apparently this affected only "the 1%" and if someone has the "problem", Kifaru may be able to supply a piece of plastic to fix.

I'm just going to go ahead and order I guess.

Anyone ever heard any update on this?
I called today. This is a dead issue. There is nothing to wait for any more. I should have called sooner but I was thinking someone on the inside would let us know on this thread.

Apparently this affected only "the 1%" and if someone has the "problem", Kifaru may be able to supply a piece of plastic to fix.

I'm just going to go ahead and order I guess.

I have never felt it needed in two years of using my bikini.
I was in the shop last week and had Chris & Kevin help me with some fitting issues. (Great guys by the way). I've never really had any "issues" with the lumbar pad or low back pain but after describing the way I was loading my kitty litter it ends up I'm putting it too high on the frame and causing inadvertent pressure to the lumbar region. The guys explained a better way to load my pack with more weight evenly distributed thru the middle of the frame and it made a great improvement over my loading high method.

I did have to put the carbon arrow shafts across the frame in a couple of places to keep the litter from squishing thru but feel no better solution could be made without switching to a duplex frame. The squishing probably wouldn't occur with any other load outside of sand or kitty litter. IMHO of course.