I own some vacant property here in CO that we deer hunt every year. I store my boat and camper on the property and always have issues with mice getting into anywhere they can. I use peppermint and products like Cab Fresh and they seem to do a decent job of deterring mice. I want to build a permanent hunting blind now that my kids are a little older and interested in actually sitting still for more than 10 minutes. This blind will be insulated and have a small wood burner in it for long sits in cold weather. I want to carpet the floor and shooting rest to reduce noise. My fear is no matter how tight I make this blind mice are still going to find their way in it seems. I don't want to use any odor deterrents as I wouldn't want the entire blind and everyone in it smelling like a peppermint tea bag. Any advice from guys who have nice permanent blinds on how to keep the little critters out? I would think the mice would devour the carpet for nesting and within a year or two the place would smell like rat piss.