Keeping Meat good During September Archery Elk Hunt

Most advice here is solid...always plan more trips than you think it will take. Also, word of advice. middle of the night with a full pack is not the time to start taking shortcuts to camp or the truck. Unless the short cut has been vetted it usually leads to pain and getting pissed off.

We had many quartered hair on elk hung in the shade for a couple days in 60 degree weather. However, it dropped well below that at night and they were hung where there was a cross breeze and no sunlight hitting them at anytime of the day.
Tight mesh bags, not the Walmart cheese cloth style, drawstring at the top, personally I carry Argali and have had great results, they breath to allow air flow to cool meat, are durable and flies can’t lay eggs through them.

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I’ve heard someone suggest spraying bear spray on the outside of game bags to deter bears, varmints and bugs. Anyone else heard this?