Juiced to the gills ?

i want to see a juiced up 6th grader for science.
I have pictures but obviously won't share that. Kid was a phenom in wrestling and football from middle school through college. In the weight lifting room he had every record in the schools, bench press almost 400 lbs, deadlift and squat over 400 lbs as a high school freshman. Every single coach knew what was going on, it was that obvious.
In cycling it’s nothing new. Been going on for a long time. Always sucked in amateur racing to find out someone was doing this. All was good (for them) until they got good enough to reach national level or a jump to the pros where there was drug testing. That’s when they started having trouble and the excuses would start as to why they weren’t doing as well. That or they flat got busted.
Funny how that works in amateur cycling. I always noticed there were a few guys that were just so far ahead of everybody else when I raced at a cat 3/2. dudes were just constantly on the podium of every race, sprinting off the front of every group ride etc. At some point when you're biking 25 hours a week and the same guy keeps smoking you and everybody else, you have to wonder. Also interesting how so many of those types never do go pro, they stay local and just hammer everybody then dissapear off the scene after a few years.
Nothing new, guys have been on gear for forever, TRT if used correctly is basically a miracle drug. Better to get cleaner stuff prescribed by a doc who checks your hormones regularly than buying some bathtub steroids from TJ
If only they could find a way to make it last. I've known lots of people who use/d it and as soon as they stop, the gains go away and it's back to normal. Seems constrictive to have to be on a daily regimen....forever.

Like those sleep apnea machines, as soon as folks use them, they never sleep again without one.
Smoke em if you got em. 🤷

I don’t juice but I’m not going to lie, I am taking advantage of the some the peptides that are out there.

Ibuprofen and aleve cane kiss my ass.
Has anyone else noticed the trend of younger dudes hopping on performance enhancing drugs in recent years?
I can understand the need for TRT (testosterone therapy) for the more seasoned gentlemen but it seems that as of late dudes in their mid 20s are hopping up on TRT. Maybe its just because i have a lot of people in my in my circles who are into fitness but it seems that even outside my own circles theres too many young dudes on sarms, trt, pepties, tren, etc. At the end of the day what you do to and with your body is none of my concern but it seems like these guys are setting themselves up for issues in the future just to be mediocre athletes on the juice.
Yep. It’s the new cure all. I’m surprised with the known and undeniable negatives of testosterone therapy that so many men are doing it. There’s a lot of bad that comes with that shot if your body doesn’t want it. And, assuming health is good most men should stay away from it.

Along will be people telling you how great it is. If that’s the case our bodies wouldn’t decline in its natural production as we age.
To each their own. Not on it but have plenty of friends that are. I am on the wrong side of 50 and can’t say I would rule it out. Some guys basically up the dose to get more results. Pretty clear who is over dosing. They have that red, muscular, veiny, penis-in-street clothes look to them. One thing to watch is the emotional effects. Too much can **** with your head. Anger. Impulsiveness. It can cause problems. Friend of a friend got on and then upped his dose. Changed his physique but it eventually made him a bit of an asshole, impulsive party guy and a raging hard on. Flash forward a couple of years and he wrecked his marriage and is divorced now. Off the sauce and living with regrets.
Off the sauce and living with regrets.
We had a masters cyclist that after many years as pack filler did the typical out of the blue started kicking everyone’s butts. The usual line given with this sudden success was “oh I’m just training more” “I’m just more focused in my training” BS. Well long story short the guy started having health issues and ignored them until he had major heath issues ultimately wrecking his body for life. For what? Kicking other locals butts? Ego fail! He had a Come to Jesus moment and finally admitted to all of us as to what he had done in the hopes that no one would end up like him.
We had a masters cyclist that after many years as pack filler did the typical out of the blue started kicking everyone’s butts. The usual line given with this sudden success was “oh I’m just training more” “I’m just more focused in my training” BS. Well long story short the guy started having health issues and ignored them until he had major heath issues ultimately wrecking his body for life. For what? Kicking other locals butts? Ego fail! He had a Come to Jesus moment and finally admitted to all of us as to what he had done in the hopes that no one would end up like him.
I knew a guy like that, all of the sudden at like 49 years old he got super lean and started actually working in races rather than just sitting in them. the guy was a jackass, people would see him coming out of tanning salons wearing cycling gear so he could get those cycling sleeve/short tan lines so that people would think he was riding even more.
I was in college in the early 2000's and steroid use was prevalent enough. Folks I know. Hell some fraternities seemed to specialize in that. Looking at you Beta Theta Pi. Most obnoxious dudes in the gym.

My larger point, I think this has been happening for a long time.
Yeah, I was at Florida State from 1997 to 2002. It was definitely everywhere
If only they could find a way to make it last. I've known lots of people who use/d it and as soon as they stop, the gains go away and it's back to normal. Seems constrictive to have to be on a daily regimen....forever.

Like those sleep apnea machines, as soon as folks use them, they never sleep again without one.
True, which is why you need to start only when you actually need it
Circa 1994ish - There was a guy that went to my high school that was an absolute monster and on the juice pretty heavy. He owned ALL the records for lifting. Record for bench press @ the time was 1 rep @ 425lbs. He graduated a couple years ahead of me but came back to use the weight room while my conditioning class was in there. He was doing 4-6 rep sets with his own record! He stayed on the stuff for a few more years until he had a fatal heart attack. I'm not sure he even made it to 30 years old.
A high school acquaintance was on the juice starting junior year - he got big, really big and was quick enough to eventually be a nfl bench warmer - he’s dead now. Like most things in life, young boys think real world schitt won’t happen to them, until it does.

I used to feel bad for guys with poor judgement, but it’s just the way they are - some get a Darwin Award quickly, and others drag it out over a lifetime of making the rest of us miserable.
i want to see a juiced up 6th grader for science.
I’ll see if I can find you a picture from when I was in 6th grade. I bet my T was 2000!

I’m 39 this fall and in my 20s I couldn’t compete with the late 40s guys I know on the T. I’ve been checking my blood yearly and it goes down a bit each year. The break even seems to be late 40s/early 50s for actual increased quality of life with minimal negative consequences (based on the 20-30 guys I know well who are on it).
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I’ll see if I can find you a picture from when I was in 6th grade. I bet my T was 2000!

I’m 39 this fall and in my 20s I couldn’t compete with the late 40s guys I know on the T. I’ve been checking my blood yearly and it goes down a bit each year. The break even seems to be late 40s/early 50s for actual increased quality of life with minimal negative consequences (based on the 20-30 guys I know well who are on it).
Yep, I’m going to try to hold off for a long time I think early to mid 50’s it can be a game changer