Joe Rogan and Pot

Aug 26, 2014
There's an old adage which goes "If drugs or alcohol are causing you problems, you've got a drug or alcohol problem".

The issue is typically that a problem-user of substances either can't or won't identify with their substance (use) being a problem. It's the hallmark of substance abuse to deny, deflect and defend the use.....until it becomes situation critical, or at least very problematic.

I'm not down on cannabis. I'm down with any use of substances (including pot and alcohol) which negatively affects the user (or those around them) whether they realize it or not.


Aug 26, 2018
Sparta. Michigan
Rogan is in the entertainment business. I liked him on Fear Factor and still like him as a commentator on UFC. Those are his strengths (to me). He isn't a very skilled hunter - but I'm happy to have him enjoying our hobby with the rest of us. If he wants to smoke dope - that's up to him. It doesn't impress me that he does it though - just as it doesn't impress me when people use other drugs to alter their minds.

If a person feels the need to alter their mind, maybe there is a bigger issue that should be addressed? I get high other ways. Watching the sun come up while sitting on a mountain peak is one good example. Sitting with my 14 year old nephew last week and watching him shoot an 8 point buck was a high for me. Dropping my wife of 32 years off at the airport last week so she could go see her mother who was diagnosed with cancer was a high for me. When I went to give her a kiss and hug goodbye - the look she gave me when ours eyes met was awesome! It said "I love you, you are my soul mate, we will grow old together."

Instead of all of this focus on drugs, the focus should be on healing ourselves from whatever scares we bare, enhancing relationships and experiencing life to it's fullest.


Feb 25, 2013
Westslope, CO
Hmm, guess I would have to watch TV then to know him. I'll be darn

We have less than 10 K population and I can't believe we are the only place. But it's just like ETOH issues, it's not sheer volume it's the frequent flyers that keep coming back with the same issues again and again. They either don't believe or they can't help themselves.


Jan 3, 2020
I love joe Rogan. Anyone check out the Elon musk interviews? The one about AI is insane.

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Feb 9, 2019
British Columbia
I don't think Joe Rogan should be a spokes person for hunting.

He's definitely done some good in getting things through to people who otherwise would have no exposure, he's also said things though that in my opinion are pretty harmful to hunting. Think I may have twisted an optic nerve rolling my eyes at the one podcast where he was claiming it's nonsense that you should have any issue whatsoever with someone taking other people into a spot you showed them, easy to feel like that when you've never once had to find a spot on your own

Side note, anybody listen to the recent podcast with Ash Dykes? (guy who walked across Mongolia.) I do think it's pretty funny that someone who hunts elk regularly would be so amazed that somebody would/could sleep a the woods??? In bear/wolf country???? Oh jeezus no!!! :LOL:

That ranch huntin sure must be cozy.

No issues with him sparking up, sometimes he could probably use a bit less before podcasts but I think anti-pot guys that drink alcohol draw a striking parallel to anti-hunters that eat factory farmed meat, that recent video from long island has come to mind numerous times reading this thread.



Aug 8, 2014
It's amazing that we've made a plant illegal, and that it seems perfectly acceptable to control what somebody else does to themselves, that is shameful in a free society. And taxing a plant? come on we have enough taxes already.
Apr 17, 2018
Alcohol = way more dangerous than marijuana could ever be. You mean to tell me that a plant that grows and if someone so happens to light it on fire and inhale those fumes they feel good about this insane life, is a thing that should be outlawed? Craziness lol. I’m a fed and think it should be as legal as tobacco. Just frowned upon while at work lol.


Feb 26, 2020
Mountains of CA
Who is Joel Rogain?? When he came out as a bernie bro that was enough. Hes already out there. Im in CA and see enough issues with (people who use) mj, and only support it being legal to take control away from gangs/cartels. Not a great ambassador for hunting but has the largest reach of anyone minus rinella maybe. I know people that hunt high, and one shot a hole through his foot…. Dont mix any mind altering substance with firearms.

Oh yea, and joe is technically in violation of his ATF 4473 form 11-e in regards to use of marijuana. Not sure if thats a felony or misdemeanor, but hey, hes one of our industry's top “spokesman” so thats all we got… Back to the breadline.


Nov 15, 2018
I don't see how Rogan using marijuana and Rogan occasionally hunting affects hunting. I also wouldn't label him as a spokesman for hunting - he's got an entertaining show and sometime he openly talks about hunting and his participation in it. Maybe I'm wrong. Either way, the only connection between marijuana and hunting I can draw is that maybe he influences a person who's interested in one to also be interested in the other? Maybe it isn't the worst thing in the world for hunters to be seen as open-minded. If we're being honest, inbred would be the more typical stereotype, unfortunately. I don't have a problem with it either way, and can't help but notice we don't have a similar thread about Rinella's fascination with chew or his repeated desire to take up drinking again.

Since I've made that connection, I also don't see the logic in arguing for legalization of marijuana on the basis of it being "not as bad" as alcohol. I don't disagree with that assessment necessarily, but we're not talking about replacing alcohol with marijuana - we're talking about adding yet another substance to list of already legal substances at our disposal for abuse and misuse. And I get the "freedom" and "Merica" sentiments, but it's not like recreational marijuana use has zero effect on a person's decision making or ability to perform some actions as effectively as they could while sober - which has the potential to negatively impact other people. There may or may not be other downsides. There are certainly upsides to legalization as well. Tax revenue being one; and of course we'll tax a plant - I think we set that precedent long ago. I'm very firmly on the fence on legalization, but it's obviously happening nationwide regardless of any remaining opposition. Society has a lot of other issues right now that I think are more critical than weed. And hunting has bigger issues than Joe Rogan.


Oct 2, 2014
Speaking from my experience, family and friends not myself, I do not drink alcohol or use any drugs not even prescription meds.

I have seen far worse things involving alcohol than weed, drunks are obnoxious, they like to drive fast and get into fights, the only thing in danger from a pothead is your supply of doritos!


Mar 31, 2017
If you want to drink a bottle of whiskey, great go ahead.

If you want to snort a line of coke, great go ahead.

What pisses me off is when peoples "freedoms" infringe on mine. Now that pot is legalized in MT, I can't put gas in my truck without being forced to breath in somebody's pot smoke. That is not OK with me. It's grounds for getting your ass beat. My kids, family members, and myself are not willing participants in your drug use.

The same can be said for the group of underage highschoolers sitting at the trailhead late at night when my wife and I come walking up in the dark and have to breathe your crap.

Also for the dude sitting at the trailhead blazing away at 7am with his smoke blowing our way while we are packing for a 7 mile hike to go bear hunting.

Add in every concert I've been to as well.

Then there is the whole case for driving around impaired.