Jimmy John kills potential new state record sheep in NM


Jun 29, 2020
Southern AZ
How do you feel his hunt puts sheep hunting out of reach for a lot of people?
Sheep tags are a somewhat precious commodity. Every auction tag takes a tag away from a regular everyday sportsman. Or commission told the AZGFD to figure out the $$$ deficit just so the everyday sportsmen can have the tag. Will this doom sheep hunting in AZ? Somehow I doubt it.
Jan 26, 2021
Fixed it for you.
So what? Im sure lots of high dollar guided hunts go down just like that,not just these extremely spendy ones. Ive seen the video of him from his AZ bull and he seemed extremely grateful and makes sure to tell everyone there that they're the real hunters and he couldnt do it without him. At least he seems to be a decent shot and it didn't go completely sideways like some other videos that actually made me cringe, the one of the guy wearimg kryptek and saying he knew it was gonna be a gunfight comes to mind. Jimmy john doesn't bother me in that way
Oct 25, 2012
How do you feel his hunt puts sheep hunting out of reach for a lot of people?

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It drives up the price bc outfitters see that there are people willing to pay an exorbitant amount of money. Look at the current prices to hunt vs 5 years ago, 10 years ago. I went to Alaska in 2021 and going back this year. The outfitter I flew with for caribou has gone up 30%. The transporter I’m using for my moose hunt has gone up 45%.

Sure, inflation plays a roll in it, but that’s a steep hike in 2 years. And they sure don’t have a shortage on clients.

The dall sheep outfitter I would like to eventually hunt with has a 5 year wait list and is currently charging $45k. I literally may never get to make that hunt. Sure, we are doing good financially but I have a kid on the way. They offer a payment plan but that’s 10k a year for 5 years…

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Jan 26, 2021
Really? You don't get it?

It's optics. You've got a guy dumping 300k for a tag, hiring a dozen guys to find his animal, he goes and shoots it. Then the pics with all the hired hands, extended family, etc.

It's off putting for many sportsmen. Is the money going to a good cause? Probably. Does it look good? Not really.

In essence, it's easy to dislike, even if it's justifiable.
It doesn't bother me personally, no. So is your problem is mainly with the publicizing of it? This is my only social media, i dont seek this type of content out and dont even see any of this stuff unless i come across it here. Maybe i just dont see how often this stuff is posted or the reaction from the general public? Definitely possible


Oct 20, 2023
It doesn't bother me personally, no. So is your problem is mainly with the publicizing of it? This is my only social media, i dont seek this type of content out and dont even see any of this stuff unless i come across it here. Maybe i just dont see how often this stuff is posted or the reaction from the general public? Definitely possible
I never once stated I personally had an issue with it. You inferred that. As long as it was done legally, I have no issue with it. It's a really nice ram.

I just explained the obvious as to why people don't care for these auction tag situations.


Oct 1, 2014
It drives up the price bc outfitters see that there are people willing to pay an exorbitant amount of money. Look at the current prices to hunt vs 5 years ago, 10 years ago. I went to Alaska in 2021 and going back this year. The outfitter I flew with for caribou has gone up 30%. The transporter I’m using for my moose hunt has gone up 45%.

Sure, inflation plays a roll in it, but that’s a steep hike in 2 years. And they sure don’t have a shortage on clients.

The dall sheep outfitter I would like to eventually hunt with has a 5 year wait list and is currently charging $45k. I literally may never get to make that hunt. Sure, we are doing good financially but I have a kid on the way. They offer a payment plan but that’s 10k a year for 5 years…

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I feel the same in regards to AK. I went in 22 and my same hunt is now 50% more. Not looking super likely I’ll get to go again.

With all of that being said, I don’t see how auction tags in the lower 48 like the one referenced in this thread are driving up prices for regular sportsman or making it less attainable. Obviously if it was one more tag going to a draw that would increase odds but I don’t think it would make a noticeable impact for the every day guy.

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Jan 28, 2015
What's with the negative tone towards people who are extremely successful. Is it just jealousy? We all make choices in life.

Some people choose to work their butt off and take risks which lead to huge success. Some people choose to live in a place that offers less opportunity for earning but more opportunity for hunting. I know I tend to be jealous of both sometimes.
I'll play devil's advocate. Would we celebrate someone who pays big $$$ to play for a yr in the NBA, MLB, etc? They wouldn't have the talent or skill to compete, but money allows them to.
Oct 25, 2012
It doesn't bother me personally, no. So is your problem is mainly with the publicizing of it? This is my only social media, i dont seek this type of content out and dont even see any of this stuff unless i come across it here. Maybe i just dont see how often this stuff is posted or the reaction from the general public? Definitely possible

Maybe his point is it isn’t really hunting, per se. Kind of buying the world record in a sense. Basically a guided hunt but of the entire state. I’m just spitballing.

It’s kind of like having a plane in Alaska and flying around until you find the 70” moose. Then find a landing zone close enough to drop in and go shoot him.

If I had the money and time and the opportunity to hunt a world record ram I’d do it. But it wouldn’t be a team of people scouting from every ridge. Just me and maybe a hunting buddy and the range where they are located. I’ll figure out the rest. But I always seem to pick hunts where the odds are overly stacked against me.

Don’t get me wrong, I see it from both sides. And honestly, if I had a plane and lived in Alaska I wouldn’t be on here very often! That would be the dream!

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Oct 25, 2012
I’d like to see one of these guys buy the tag and really hunt the animal (no guide).

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Hmmmm…. Maybe that should be part of the stipulations. Lol. You get to hunt the animal on the tag, but first…. I’d actually pay attention to these types of pie in the sky hunts for the average man.

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Feb 15, 2021
Our Ministers tag here in Alberta bothers me because the season is one entire calendar year. There is one tag for residents and one for whoever wants to pay the most. I wish they restricted the season to what everyone else gets. Essentially this is "buying a sheep". One can look at this as good ,for the funds provided if they help wildlife management. I personally think that it lessens the overall accomplishment when someone has multiple guides and help on every drainage finding the biggest sheep so they can kill it. Kind of takes "fair chase" right out of the equation.


Apr 5, 2021
It’s probably just me, but it gets old seeing the lives of the super wealthy living these super luxurious lives while so many people are struggling to keep their head above water.

I have nothing against this guy or his buying tags, but it’s like reading about the kardashians and their latest vacation


Jan 12, 2021
I don't care what rich people do with their money. I always wonder what they get out of a hunt like this. Personally, it wouldn't mean that much to me. It would remind me of hunting with my dad when I was a kid. He would figure out everything, set me up and I would shoot what came in. I would rather shoot a spike buck a mile back on public land I found myself. I think it's cool that he supports something I love to do. Way better than most rich people or celebrities.