Japan made Burris Signature HD latest model selling for $207 on Amazon

I received my 15x today. Also stamped made in Japan. Compared them to my Athlon Cronus 15s and the Burris had a slight edge on clarity and chromatic aberration. However, the Burris's focus wheel is terrible. I think I'll keep them and sell the Athlons but at full price I don't think it would have been worth the upgrade
I bought two of the Athlon Cronus UHD Gen 2 10x42s and not a fan. Ones worse than the other ones bad and others terrible based on my own experience. Neither have serial numbers. The dirt cheap ScoopX UHDs are way more pleasant to look through SMDH. The Midas UHD Gen 2 12x50s are great though I have 3 of them and all are equally great no variance. All three are almost as clear as the ScoopX UHDs.

If given a choice between Japanese made and made in China I think it's a real no brainer when given similar price points

Edit - correction two of the three Athlon Midas UHD Gen 2 are fantastic and one is so-so not as great just a hair below average. This one's gonna be returned for refund for sure.
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I received mine (8x42) yesterday and got to test them out yesterday afternoon and evening.

I don't have any high end binoculars, and could only compare these to a pair of 12x42 Nikon Monarch's that are about 15-years old and the Sightron 8x32 binoculars that sometimes are recommended here.

I'm no expert by any means, and the test was fairly basic. Looking South, I sat out and looked into some timber ground about 400-yards away as the sun set. While not extensive, or covering every use case, low light at short to medium ranges is where I was hoping a pair of 8x42 binoculars would shine.

The Burris set had slightly better clarity edge to edge, but were not noticeably clearer than the Nikons or Sightron in daylight

At 400 yards, the FOV of the Nikons vs the Burris was similar, with the Nikons having slightly less. If you believe the stats on both, the FOV should have been 28 feet less on the Nikons than the Burris, but appeared to be about 5 to 10 feet. The sightrons exceeded both for FOV.

As it was getting dark, I focused on a stump that I ranged at 385-yards. Switching between binoculars, there was no noticeable advantage in low light clarity between the Burris and the Nikon set, with the Sightron set appearing brighter for longer.

I haven't made up my mind on them yet but was hoping they would noticeably outperform my older Nikon Monarchs.

As of now, I'm not sure they're worth keeping. They weigh 2 ounces more, similar FOV, no real clarity or low light advantage (in very limited use) and I'm giving up 4x magnification.

If you don't have any other binoculars, I do think that getting fully warranted Japanese glass for under $200 is a great buy.
it is hard to beat for the price the monarch even if made in china.
nikon canada replaced me 2 pairs that gave up but i used them a lot while in bad conditions in northern quebec and now home here in the yukon. i got monarch and i doubt those great burris can do better but it is great to read you review. thank you
I received my 15x today. Also stamped made in Japan. Compared them to my Athlon Cronus 15s and the Burris had a slight edge on clarity and chromatic aberration. However, the Burris's focus wheel is terrible. I think I'll keep them and sell the Athlons but at full price I don't think it would have been worth the upgrade
I had a pair in my cart yesterday and almost pulled the trigger. They are back up to $800 now.
I had a pair in my cart yesterday and almost pulled the trigger. They are back up to $800 now.
I played with them a little more this evening and found the rubber on the focus wheel was rubbing the rubber on the binocular body. I trimmed the rubber ever so slightly and like them way more now. Id definitely recommend them if they go back down in price even though that's kinda shoddy QC
If this matters I just received two Swarovski NLPURES in 8x42 and 12x42 and the 8x42 exhibits similar focusing traits which has 1 and 7/8 total turns from ebd to end and only the last 1/8 turn goes from 1000 yards to infinity and it's no focusing necessary from 60 yards to 1000 yards Just like the Burris Signature HD 8x42s at least the first one out if 3 I bought. I expect ti receive the other two Signature HD 8x42s Saturday or next week Monday. I am not saying the Burris Signature HD is at the same optical level of the NLPure just their focus knob and depth of field are very similar where more than one and a half turns goes from closest distance around 5 to 6 feet to around 50-60 yards taking up the bulk of the focus travel. The Burris focused closer if this matters.
After comparing the Swarovski NLPURE 8x42 VS Burris Signature HD 8x42 (which I paid $207 and change plus tax for the first one) I can say the Swarovski is not worth 17x the price I paid for the Burris. I kinda regret buying the NLPure after comparing them both just based on price difference and according to my eyes it's not really night and day difference in regards to clarity and the Burris has a little more pop to it believe it or not. The colors look really dull and muted looking through the Swarovski while the Burris looks more colorful. If this is normal then my eyes apparently don't like Swarovski.
I got mine yesterday, they seem like great glass for the price. Maybe slightly heavier than some models, but very well built Japanese glass with great clarity. Have not had much of a chance to fully evaluate but it seems like a winner…
I received mine. Made in Japan. I do not have any other 8x42 glass for comparison. But.. They seem like a good value.

Hotmail.. Are you receiving commission on each pair sold?
I received mine. Made in Japan. I do not have any other 8x42 glass for comparison. But.. They seem like a good value.

Hotmail.. Are you receiving commission on each pair sold?
Haha I wish!!! No affiliation with any companies just sharing good deals that's all. Matter of fact If they paid me commission they wouldn't have any profits based on how low they went.

I can only guess they are actually Burris company selling direct to consumer through Amazon and sold them at dealer cost due to slow sales through their dealers. Notice how high the other sellers on Amazon selling them for? Even for the old tan models.
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Amazon delivered the other two 8x42s a d upon initial opening and checking them out all three I bought including the first one I paid around $207/$220 for with added taxes all three look identical optically with no noticeable chromatic aberration and believe it or not actually surprisingly close in optics when I just looked through my NLPure 8x42s side by side among these three Burris and the FOV aren't offensively small as I was expecting regardless of the specs but the NLPures are massive.
If anyone wants a second chance in a great deal for one of these 8x42s message me since going to return one, the highest price one that I bought and figured add priority mail shipping and insurance added to the roughly $220 I paid with taxes how's about $240 shipped still better than $293 Plus taxes currently on Amazon or $499.99 everywhere else and they are still as new just opened box to compare to other Binoculars. Otherwise I'll request a prepaid free return label for it since I really don't need three and plan on keeping just two. All three are clearer and sharper than my way more expensive Japan made Leupold BX4s I bought just two months ago brand new and night and day clearer than my Athlon Midas Binoculars and I'd say even a hair clearer and brighter than my Maven B3s. They're also night and day clearer than my Leupold BX1s, BX2s and Japan made BX3s and SVBONY SV202 EDs and KOWA BDII XD Prominars and Nikon Action Extreme EX as well.

EDIT to add I'll even let you randomly choose one of these three by giving you the last digit of the serial numbers which you can actually choose one you want (lucky number eh?) since all three look identical optically so much for sample variance. 7, 0, 2 are the last digits on each of the 3 I have.
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Update I'm glassing with all three and one has a tiny bit of chromatic aberration during high contrast situations but it appears to be is a teensy bit sharper of the three. In normal daytime conditions it actually rivals my Nikon HG believe it or not after actually just comparing them side by side. The other two seem pretty close as well but this one has a slight edge unfortunately it's the one with a little chromatic aberration during high contrast situations. Think of it as alpha Leica with chromatic aberration hahaha. Serial number ending in 222.
Where are you guys seeing the made in Japan on yours? I'm not finding it.

They're pretty underwhelming to me, I'll take them in the field tomorrow but probably return.
Where are you guys seeing the made in Japan on yours? I'm not finding it.

They're pretty underwhelming to me, I'll take them in the field tomorrow but probably return.
You probably got a dud then because all three of mine are really close in clarity way better than average $500 name brand Binoculars and can tell they use Japanese glass for sure and one is on par actually to my Nikon Monarch HG ls in image quality sharpness and detail.

The "Made in Japan" is actually molded into the outer coating inner thigh part of the barrel opposite the serial numbers.

I'd definitely return yours for a refund, sure sounds like you got a bad one. I don't know if they're willing to do an exchange though so it's a one way return ticket unless you have Burris FOREVER warranty it for you via prepaid return shipping label upon request which they did for me on a brand new XTR3i with unusually high levels of chromatic aberration.
You probably got a dud then because all three of mine are really close in clarity way better than average $500 name brand Binoculars and can tell they use Japanese glass for sure and one is on par actually to my Nikon Monarch HG ls in image quality sharpness and detail.

The "Made in Japan" is actually molded into the outer coating inner thigh part of the barrel opposite the serial numbers.

I'd definitely return yours for a refund, sure sounds like you got a bad one. I don't know if they're willing to do an exchange though so it's a one way return ticket unless you have Burris FOREVER warranty it for you via prepaid return shipping label upon request which they did for me on a brand new XTR3i with unusually high levels of chromatic aberration.

Found it, thanks. These are made in Japan as well.
Frankly guys I'd regard this thread with some caution. A lot of hype from one user. I have owned both these and the Athlon Midas in 8x42 and they are very similar, with a definite edge to the Midas in basically every category.
Frankly guys I'd regard this thread with some caution. A lot of hype from one user. I have owned both these and the Athlon Midas in 8x42 and they are very similar, with a definite edge to the Midas in basically every category.
Well at least as I mentioned first thing Amazon has an excellent returns policy which I've personally used on many occasions. So this deal is essentially risk free and hassle free to try out. Perhaps you got a bad one, was it the newest updated 2023 green ones or the much older tan model? The tan ones weren't as good. I also have a Midas ED 8x42 as well but only one of them and have not bought extras as I normally do ti check for sample variance and don't think too highly of them based on the first and only one I purchased to be honest these newest Burris Signature HDs are brighter and sharper without the yellow tint the Midas ED has but my Midas UHD Gen 2 12x50s which I actually own three of, two are fantastic while one is mediocre not as clear. They're almost as clear as my dirt cheap ScoopX UHDs.

I actually compared them to my Swarovski NL Pure 8x42s as well and these newest line green Burris Signature HDs are not that far off as I had previously anticipated during normal daytime viewing.

I wouldn't ever suggest trying anything out unless they were relatively dirt cheap and would never recommend buying them for their $499 typical selling prices either. I'm merely sharing a good deal I found that's all. I personally bought three of them and personally noticed sample variance.
So are these better or worse than the ScoopX binos? Lol
Hard to say I actually prefer the more vibrant colors and image pop from the ScoopX UHDs over these Burris Signature HDs but they don't have a FOREVER warranty. Plus the price just went up to $99.00 plus $18.60 so I'm actually a bit hesitant to recommend them lately due to no longer being $65.00 with free shipping and without a warranty. It's just like buying a used or demo or new open box NIKON Binoculars without any warranty support from NIKON or owning a NIKON without a dated proof of purchase receipt from an authorized Nikon authorized dealer.

These Burris Signature HDs are actually kind of like my Swarovski NLPURE 8x42s regarding flat muted unexciting color that doesn't really pop like the ScoopX UHDs and Athlon Midas UHD Gen 2 and even the Cronus UHD Gen 2. It just appears as if you're actually closer to the subject when looking through them with the not so much color pop.

Think of the ScoopX UHDs as an improved lighter weight version of the Athlon Cronus UHD Gen 2 and without a lifetime warranty that won't make you feel dizzy or nauseated when looking through them that are also way cheaper too or an upgraded Midas UHD Gen 2 with much better glass and field flatteners added.
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