Japan made Burris Signature HD latest model selling for $207 on Amazon

Just received them and haven't had a chance to compare them to my Cabela's/Meoptas yet.

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The 12x50s are $400 someone should take one for the team...OOPS CORRECTION price just went lower $376.83 just today!!!

I don't need any more 12s unfortunately...

Already wasted my money on a brand new Japan made Leupold BX4 12x50 just recently that's up and up (considering night time and low light also factored into the comparison) with my Athlon Midas UHD Gen 2 12x50s (I currently have 3 of them Midas UHD Gen 2 12x50s to check for sample variance and two out of 3 look noticeably clearer than the Leupold BX4 and I'm fact pretty close to the ScoopX UHDs in clarity and one of Midas UHD Gen 2 is tied neck and neck with the BX4 which has the shittiest glass of the 3 Athlons) during the daytime side by side actually 2 of these 3 CHINESE Athlons looks damn clearer and cost a lot less in fact almost half the price.

The Leupold however beats them in low light and night time usage.
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Received mine says made in Japan on it will play with it today. So far looks great I just ordered two more to check for sample variance luckily the price didn't go up. Looks clearer noticeably sharper than my Leupold BX4 also made in Japan. Definitely looks clearer than my Leupold BX3 Mojave Japan also that I paid more for used. Looks Clearer than my Bushnell Legend Ultra HDs and L series and Athlon Midas and Cronus. Really looking forward to putting this one up against the much cheaper ScoopX UHDs and SVBONY SV202s. Later...
Anyone have any input on the 15s? I neee a spotting scope or some 15xs and it seems like a pretty good deal on them.
I received mine (8x42) yesterday and got to test them out yesterday afternoon and evening.

I don't have any high end binoculars, and could only compare these to a pair of 12x42 Nikon Monarch's that are about 15-years old and the Sightron 8x32 binoculars that sometimes are recommended here.

I'm no expert by any means, and the test was fairly basic. Looking South, I sat out and looked into some timber ground about 400-yards away as the sun set. While not extensive, or covering every use case, low light at short to medium ranges is where I was hoping a pair of 8x42 binoculars would shine.

The Burris set had slightly better clarity edge to edge, but were not noticeably clearer than the Nikons or Sightron in daylight

At 400 yards, the FOV of the Nikons vs the Burris was similar, with the Nikons having slightly less. If you believe the stats on both, the FOV should have been 28 feet less on the Nikons than the Burris, but appeared to be about 5 to 10 feet. The sightrons exceeded both for FOV.

As it was getting dark, I focused on a stump that I ranged at 385-yards. Switching between binoculars, there was no noticeable advantage in low light clarity between the Burris and the Nikon set, with the Sightron set appearing brighter for longer.

I haven't made up my mind on them yet but was hoping they would noticeably outperform my older Nikon Monarchs.

As of now, I'm not sure they're worth keeping. They weigh 2 ounces more, similar FOV, no real clarity or low light advantage (in very limited use) and I'm giving up 4x magnification.

If you don't have any other binoculars, I do think that getting fully warranted Japanese glass for under $200 is a great buy.
I received mine (8x42) yesterday and got to test them out yesterday afternoon and evening.

I don't have any high end binoculars, and could only compare these to a pair of 12x42 Nikon Monarch's that are about 15-years old and the Sightron 8x32 binoculars that sometimes are recommended here.

I'm no expert by any means, and the test was fairly basic. Looking South, I sat out and looked into some timber ground about 400-yards away as the sun set. While not extensive, or covering every use case, low light at short to medium ranges is where I was hoping a pair of 8x42 binoculars would shine.

The Burris set had slightly better clarity edge to edge, but were not noticeably clearer than the Nikons or Sightron in daylight

At 400 yards, the FOV of the Nikons vs the Burris was similar, with the Nikons having slightly less. If you believe the stats on both, the FOV should have been 28 feet less on the Nikons than the Burris, but appeared to be about 5 to 10 feet. The sightrons exceeded both for FOV.

As it was getting dark, I focused on a stump that I ranged at 385-yards. Switching between binoculars, there was no noticeable advantage in low light clarity between the Burris and the Nikon set, with the Sightron set appearing brighter for longer.

I haven't made up my mind on them yet but was hoping they would noticeably outperform my older Nikon Monarchs.

As of now, I'm not sure they're worth keeping. They weigh 2 ounces more, similar FOV, no real clarity or low light advantage (in very limited use) and I'm giving up 4x magnification.

If you don't have any other binoculars, I do think that getting fully warranted Japanese glass for under $200 is a great buy.
I ordered two more to check for sample variance because the first ones I just received might be a freak of nature unlike the one you received based on your own findings. I was surprised they appeeared clearer than the brand new Leupold BX4s I recently bought for significantly more money but the Leupolds are brighter.
I ordered two more to check for sample variance because the first ones I just received might be a freak of nature unlike the one you received based on your own findings. I was surprised they appeeared clearer than the brand new Leupold BX4s I recently bought for significantly more money but the Leupolds are brighter.

I think it's pretty good glass for the money, especially if it's someone's first set. I'm going to test them a little more before deciding.
I ordered two more to check for sample variance because the first ones I just received might be a freak of nature unlike the one you received based on your own findings. I was surprised they appeeared clearer than the brand new Leupold BX4s I recently bought for significantly more money but the Leupolds are brighter.
That's quite a nice endorsement, as I find the BX4's to be pretty dang good for twice the money.
That's quite a nice endorsement, as I find the BX4's to be pretty dang good for twice the money.
Honestly thinking of sending my practically brand new BX4s in to Leupold to have them check them out because I really expected them to at least be noticeably clearer than the dirt cheap ScoopX UHDs I already compared them to and was really disappointed in these particular Leupolds. All 3 of my Athlon Midas UHD Gen 2 12x50s look clearer (sharper crisper) than these Leupolds during the daytime as well but I only bought just this one Leupold while I bought 3 Athlon Midas UHD Gen 2s and all are same excellent clarity unlike the two Cronus I bought one kinda so-so one junk. All 4 ScoopX I tested are equally great as well with no variance.
Interesting these are actually from Japan without Burris hanging their hat on it. When I called Burris last year asking about the 2-10 Signature HD they said that the whole bino and scope line is MIC. It’s got good glass for the $, I’m sure the binos would sell better if the FOV wasn’t abysmal for an 8x42.
Interesting these are actually from Japan without Burris hanging their hat on it. When I called Burris last year asking about the 2-10 Signature HD they said that the whole bino and scope line is MIC. It’s got good glass for the $, I’m sure the binos would sell better if the FOV wasn’t abysmal for an 8x42.
Their current Signature HD Riflescopes are MIC while their binos are Japanese.

I was kinda hesitant on the lower FOV but it's not bad you wouldn't even think the specs were accurate by actually looking through them. My Leupold BX3 Mojave 12x50s also Made in Japan are way worse.
I received my 15x today. Also stamped made in Japan. Compared them to my Athlon Cronus 15s and the Burris had a slight edge on clarity and chromatic aberration. However, the Burris's focus wheel is terrible. I think I'll keep them and sell the Athlons but at full price I don't think it would have been worth the upgrade
I received my 15x today. Also stamped made in Japan. Compared them to my Athlon Cronus 15s and the Burris had a slight edge on clarity and chromatic aberration. However, the Burris's focus wheel is terrible. I think I'll keep them and sell the Athlons but at full price I don't think it would have been worth the upgrade
Speaking of focus wheel, with a little more than one and a half full turns in this first copy (ordered two more inbound) 8x42 has a huge close focus range from less than 4 feet to 50 yards then from 60 yards to 1000 yards (confirmed with laser rangefinder) has a really short travel only less than a quarter turn of movementt actually more like 1/8 turn left. From 1000 yards to infinity is about one eighth of a turn left. From 55 yards to 950 yards there's no need to evey touch the focus wheel at all. However for distances 50 yards and in, there's a lot of focusing needed down to less than 4 feet which is a whopping more than one and a third turns worth.

50 yards to infinity is around 1/8 turn and 50 yards to under 4 feet minimum focus distance on this one is almost one and a half turns.

Suggest leaving it at max infinity stop for quick focus when planning to use them from 50 yards and farther or set focus knob at the minimum if you bird or insect watching or indoor use at close distances up to 55 yards.
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