Is There Ever a Time to Hunt with Magnum Calibers?

But, some match bullets are better than others. Always going for the better ballistics implies that everyone should always use the most ballistic superior solution and that includes velocity, caliber, etc.

I guess that would be ok if we all used exactly the same setup ... but probably is not going to happen.

Nobody is saying we should choose our bullets based on ballistics alone. That’s why there’s entire threads dedicated to terminal performance of specific bullets. Just like with bonded “hunting” bullets, there’s significant differences from bullet to bullet, and even in different calibers/weights of the same bullets. I’ve seen some frankly awful terminal perforce from “hunting” bullets. That’s what testing is for. Not every match bullet is a good hunting bullet. Not every bullet marketed as a “hunting” bullet is a good hunting bullet.

There are a bunch of proven killing match bullets with significantly superior ballistics and excellent terminal performance.

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You still didn't answer my question. "Why are you trying so hard to get people to move away from something that works?"

Note: I don't need an answer.
I don't care what anyone shoots. The posts above asked about animals at 50 yards with Match bullets. I've seen and shot elk at 50 yards with Partition and ELD-Ms. The difference was minimal. People saying match bullets don't work up close is ignorant. This ignorance is driven by some in the hunting industry and its useful idiots.
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Ballistics are not objective. Match bullets have better ballistics

Terminal performance isn’t objective either. Time of impact to time of death.

What YOU prefer a wound channel to look like is objective.

For what it’s worth, I use bonded bullets sometimes. But it’s a preference. It’s not better. And I’m actually trading some terminal performance and significant ballistic performance for a certain wound channel preference when I choose to use them.

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If you ever get a chance to walk up on a critter at 50 yd or less, your "match" bullet is inadequate, especially if bone is in the way.
Looks just like the caribou at same-ish yardage I took with a VLD. Ruined A LOT of meat that we were after.

These two statements are completely conflicting. So which is it: are match bullets not effective at <50 yards on bone or too effective?
These two statements are completely conflicting. So which is it: are match bullets not effective at <50 yards on bone or too effective?

And what bone (s) exactly? I have a cow elk hanging and will happily shoot some bones and show what happens once we finish cutting it up. There are entire threads out there, but if a handful of posters need more evidence in here I'm happy to provide it.