Berger bullets. Pretty much to sum it up. Hand gernades. Blow apart on impact. Lots of small shrapnel. Massive tissue damage. Minimal penetration (at sub 300 yard ranges) not enough juice to break bones. Sometimes not enough penetration to get enough vitals. Kinda looks like a bear got shot with number 8 shot outs a shotgun except the entrance hole is only one hole.I would like to know about your experiences with Berger style bullets and what you didn't like about their performance?
I am also curious about your comments about exit holes. Is it simply because it shows good penetration and leaves blood trails if needed?
I will leave the 800 yard shot topic alone, except to say that some people are way more capable of that shot than your average joe six pack that checks his zero with 3 shots and then pot shots at 500 yards.
I greatly prefer close shots but will stretch a bit if needed under ideal conditions.
Great round for sheep,deer,antelope etc. but for bears or moose I wouldn’t use it. I go back to green box cod-lokt first. (I realize this is the internet, and we have more interpreters than the military. I’m NOT saying you can’t kill a bear or a moose with Berger bullets.)
Yes some are good shots and practice. Some at long range. Some at short. Seen a lot of lost and wounded game at 100 yards as well.
Exit holes. Wound channel shape. Narrow at both ends. BIG in the middle. If we have an exit hole that means that we have more BIG wound Channel inside the animal and less narrow. I love damage and exit holes tell me I got more damage. “Bullets staying inside means the animal soaked up all the energy”. I think we have all heard this, bears don’t understand energy but they do understand their lungs falling out of a hole in their chest.