Is There Booze In Your Pack?

Is There Booze In Your Pack?

  • Yes

    Votes: 33 35.1%
  • No

    Votes: 61 64.9%

  • Total voters
I don't see myself as uptight at all. I love to go out and have a good time. I also like having a few drinks if I'm truck camping/ hunting.

If guys want to do it, I have no problem with it whatsoever. I'm just not going to waste my energy and time packing booze into the backcountry on my back.

If one of my hunting partners wants to bring a celebratory shot, that's fine. If they want to sit around a fire and drink, they probably aren't as serious about why we're there. I have plenty of people to hunt with so I'll continue to be picky.

I don't think most of us that take it in are even taking enough to get drunk or party with :). I hardly ever drink but take probably 8oz of the brown stuff as a night cap, I also wouldn't tolerate a partner up all night drinking or getting drunk. I think the uptight comes up from people baggin on guys that like a nightcap which amounts to nothing.

I doubt rokslide is attractive to the guys that use hunting as an excuse to get drunk away from their family and hardly any hunting is done.
yup, I bring a nalgene flask full of 101 wild turkey. Can't remember if its 8 or 12oz? Usually take a few pulls after dinner while telling stories with the buds. Never enough to get drunk, just a light buzz to take the aches out and make ya smile. If someone kills, then maybe a few more pulls and a few more stories before bed. I'm still relatively young so the weight is a non issue, plus all you pack out is the container.

A large cooler or two is always back at the truck full of Ice, water, beer, and gatorage. Celebrate the pack out (it's usually really long and tough) drink some cold ones and put the meat in the cooler.

Very rarely do we do a truck camp type hunt, and when we do it's mostly just for fun. Bring the beer, steaks, and the girls.
Ha! A few ounces of liquid is of little consequence.

Pair that with a couple of ounces of dried shiitake mushrooms and you got something! Soak those 'shrooms to reconstitute them with some dried onions, do a quick sauté, braise the recently removed inside tenders of a mule deer, deglaze your pot or pan with a splash of whiskey or sherry and watch the face of your buddy when he takes the first bite of that victory dinner!

And it's hardly any more effort than a bag o' Leonardo da Fettuccine.
No packing alcohol when hunting, but once in a while during summer trips. I talked my hunting buddy in to hauling a few beers in 10 miles over the Fourth.

Spent my birthday in some great country. Packed in some cheap wine (well GuNR did) to relax and take in the scenery.

No packing alcohol when hunting, but once in a while during summer trips. I talked my hunting buddy in to hauling a few beers in 10 miles over the Fourth.

Spent my birthday in some great country. Packed in some cheap wine (well GuNR did) to relax and take in the scenery.

Awesome pics miller, one day were gunna have to get together and do that golden trout trip... you can bring gunr if he packs beer :D Once again awesome pics.
A buddy of mine got bit by a pig he shot with his bow, poured some Wild Turkey in the wound, wrapped it with duct tape and kept on going. Uses a capful as a firestarter too which I think is an awful waste. :-)
Just about like OR Archer, I only carry what's an absolute necessity. But back at the truck I usually have cold beers and some snacks. Only reason I am back at the truck is to leave or packing meat. A few years go a buddy and myself packed out a spring bear 7 miles one way. We set on the tail gate of my truck for an hour drinking beer and eating Oreos and chips before we hiked back in. Long day but nice having reward back at the trail head.
i also like to cache some beers in the first (last) creek crossing as a motivator on the way out

That is a great idea!!!!! We always look forward to stopping at the round table pizza in the nearest town to the trailhead for pizza, the fresh salad bar (fresh veggies taste so good after a long time of eating mountain house dinners), and beer. That is usually our motivations, but I like this idea MUCH better!
If a truck, horse or plane can carry it... a little celebratory brown will be in base camp. I don't carry booze on my back... Ed F

Wine! Seems that I am always too tired to drink more than 1/2 a glass but it's sooo nice to have a sip after a long day. I usually pack camp in before the season, so I don't worry about the weight, generally.