Is the 270 Win going the way of the 280, and slowly dying?

For those who love the 270 Win, how did you get started on this caliber? For me, I was looking to replace an old hand-me-down 303 British. I went to the store primarily seeking a 280, 30-06, 308, or a 270 Win, and the 270 was on sale. I only included the 270 as a few people at my deer camp swore by them.

My 270 Win has done everything I have ever asked of it. I have never felt over or under-gunned in any hunting situation, and as I now own the reloading components, if I ever shoot out the barrel, my next gun will be a 270 as well. That being said, I still believe that on paper, there are now better options and if I were starting from scratch I would go another avenue, either a 6.5 PRC or a 280 AI.
Using Hornady own numbers at 500 yds.
270 Win 145 ELDX 2157FPS / 1497 FT-LBS / -37.6 inches
6.5 PRC 143 ELDX 2248 FPS / 1601 FT-LBS / -36.2 inches
If one wanted they could cherry pick components to make either look better, but those are similar bullet weights in factory ammo. Doesn’t look like enough difference to worry about IMO. The PRC is new and shiny though.
I fully agree that the numbers are close, likely close enough to never make a tangible difference in the field. However, as you have shown the 6.5 PRC has a faster speed, more energy, and less drop. Additionally, other sources suggest that it produces less recoil than the 270 Win. Therefore, all things being equal, the 6.5 PRC is arguably a better hunting caliber.

For me, that is not enough to switch from the 270 I have and love, but it is enough that if the bullet availability were equal, and I was a new hunter looking for a new rifle, I would go for the 6.5 PRC. This line of thinking is why I posted my initial question.
I fully agree that the numbers are close, likely close enough to never make a tangible difference in the field. However, as you have shown the 6.5 PRC has a faster speed, more energy, and less drop. Additionally, other sources suggest that it produces less recoil than the 270 Win. Therefore, all things being equal, the 6.5 PRC is arguably a better hunting caliber.

For me, that is not enough to switch from the 270 I have and love, but it is enough that if the bullet availability were equal, and I was a new hunter looking for a new rifle, I would go for the 6.5 PRC. This line of thinking is why I posted my initial question.
I personally don’t think diameter means much but the .270 is wider. The .30 cal club all ways points this out:-)
For those who love the 270 Win, how did you get started on this caliber? For me, I was looking to replace an old hand-me-down 303 British. I went to the store primarily seeking a 280, 30-06, 308, or a 270 Win, and the 270 was on sale. I only included the 270 as a few people at my deer camp swore by them.

My 270 Win has done everything I have ever asked of it. I have never felt over or under-gunned in any hunting situation, and as I now own the reloading components, if I ever shoot out the barrel, my next gun will be a 270 as well. That being said, I still believe that on paper, there are now better options and if I were starting from scratch I would go another avenue, either a 6.5 PRC or a 280 AI.
It was the only Fieldcraft I could find. It replaced a kimber .280 AI and 7mm-08. Just shoots really nice.
I doubt it will go away but it has some very stiff competition as of late with the advent of the 6.8 Western, 6.5 Creed and PRC. Those cartridges will definitely have taken some of the market IMO.
I believe the .280 was making a pretty strong come back (one of my favorite cartridges), but once rifles, ammo and brass started becoming available for the 280ai (another one of my favorites), it is stealing some of it's thunder.
You launching bullets of similar weight at similar speeds, felt recoil will depend more on stock geometry than headstamp. Ive killed a bunch of game with a lot of different calibers thru the years. Enough to know that there isn’t enough difference in performance of common cartridges to really worry about. At your self imposed limit of 400 yds, high BC heavy for caliber bullets are irrelevant.
If you want to shoot a 6.5 PRC go for it, it’s a cool cartridge, but the advantages are in your head. You’ll never see any difference in the field. My reasoning for a 270 is it’s enough for everything I hunt, it doesn’t kick too hard and if, for some reason I forget or lose my ammo, the chances ( pre Covid) of be able to find .270 at any place that sells ammo is pretty damn good.
As long as I’m around the .270 will still be around. I don’t use it much right now but I can see a day coming when I lay down a pile of money and all I have is a custom Pre 64 M70 in 270 to finish my days with. It may not be the absolute best in every category but nothing has done me better from antelope to Alaska Yukon moose. I’ve had 5 to 6 at a time and am down to a couple special 270s now but they are good as they once were and are as good as I will ever need!
I went through the long process of over thinking and over analyzing the data a while back and was really considering a 6.5 prc. Then I ran some ballistic data on the “updated” 270: 1:8 or faster twist with appropriate throat for the new .277 high BC bullets. Long story short, I will not be bothering with anything in the 6.5 family.
The biggest issue for the 270 would be I. Updating the barrel twist for the new high BC bullets being produced is that the masses of 270s out there will more than likely not shoot the new rounds well without a new barrel.

But, moving forward, it would be really interesting to see a major manufacturer come out with a fast twist 270 with a 24” barrel.

The 6.5 vs 280 is really a story of two different marketing experiences. One benefited substantially while the other whithered and died due to terrible/absent and confusing marketing. Ballistically, the 280 is an interesting cartridge.
Everyone gets hung up on the newest latest and greatest.....but finding brass, bullets and powder to make it happen is almost impossible....and let's face it, a 270 pushes a 150 at 3 grand. If that's not enough, the 270 roy makes the difference.

The beauty of the win is every bullet made excluding the last few years was made for it's twist and velocity windows. Really if a guy feels the need to break out of the 800 club, there's plenty of 30 plus choices that do it better.
I've got three .270 WCFs, including standard and featherweight pre-64 Model 70s I'm hoping some of the younger kids in my life are still using 50-60 years from now. All my hunting has been done in VA and WV, quite a bit on farms where longer shots are possible. I've been exploring the possibility of a trip out west and feel pretty good about what I've got when an elk guide says if you've got a .270 bring it. Several folks mentioned marketing of calibers, rifles, etc. I'm always I'm favor of anybody's reason to buy a new rifle so go for it, but the .270 will be around as long as there's hunting rifles.

And I'm a big fan of Jack O'Connor too!
For those who love the 270 Win, how did you get started on this caliber? For me, I was looking to replace an old hand-me-down 303 British. I went to the store primarily seeking a 280, 30-06, 308, or a 270 Win, and the 270 was on sale. I only included the 270 as a few people at my deer camp swore by them.

My 270 Win has done everything I have ever asked of it. I have never felt over or under-gunned in any hunting situation, and as I now own the reloading components, if I ever shoot out the barrel, my next gun will be a 270 as well. That being said, I still believe that on paper, there are now better options and if I were starting from scratch I would go another avenue, either a 6.5 PRC or a 280 AI.
My old man bought me a new T3 Stainless off the rack the night before my second rifle opener. He narrowed it down to that rifle or a Browning in 243 WSSM (thankfully dodged that ammo mess). On top of the 270 being adequate for almost all NA game within 600 yards, that rifle holds a pile of sentimental value for me. My goal is to kill a sheep with it one day, as I've always been a fan of O'Connor as a writer. When the barrel on that rifle is shot I'll rebarrel with another 270 tube, but 1:8 and throated for heavier bullets.

Admittedly, if I were just getting into big game today I would probably end up with a 280ai or a 6.5 PRC, but the 270 will always have room in my safe.

ALL that said, my next BG rifle will be a Superlite in 308.
The 280 is more popular now then it ever was.

There are so many ‘06, 308 and 270 rifles out there they’ll never die. I can get 270 ammo cheaper then just about any other cartridge.

Once you get away from sites like Rokslide most hunters just go get a regular old caliber in a middle level rifle.
This site cracks me up. If any of you can hold within the 1.3 inch difference in drop at 500 yards between some PRC BS and a 270, then dip me in shit and roll me in breadcrumbs. Until then, its all mental masturbation.

The 270 turns 100 in 2025 (it predates the boomers for all the “ok boomer” idiots). It survived the magnum craze (the 264 Win Mag, once chronos became available, was basically a loud 270). It survived the short action craze. It survived the short magnum fad. It will survive the 6.5 BS too.

It’s cheaper, easier to find, feeds smoother, kicks light, and kills with monotonous reliability.
I just bought a 270 a few months ago for mule deer , antelope and black bear, also back up elk rifle. Also wanted something able to bang steel at 600 yards without a muzzle break. I looked at the 6.5 PRC and 280 AI, I don’t reload and ammo for both are hard to find. 270 was the answer will kill what I’m hunting out to 500 with good ammo.