Is my buddies meat bad?

Hard to say how much freezer burn and flavor changes due to oxygen exposure occurred, but slow-cookers, chili and ground meat are good options when dealing with the less flavorful portions. I process my own meat fresh and into vaccuum sealer bags. When he processes it, do it right and it can still be good for several years done right.
No, Coop didn't say that. Disregard this horsesh!t and heed these diligence postings. This kind of justification sends a horrible message to new hunters.
If a hunter goes afield he has a responsibility to do his best in every facet of his hunt. Treat harvested meat with the respect that it deserves.
Hell, none of us are perfect, we make mistakes, it's learning from those things that makes us better men and women.
Apologies to coop22250, I didn’t mean to imply that he said “don’t worry about the drama”, I simply meant that I agreed with his original post in this thread. And with Ryan Averys Post #40 now that I circle back and read further.
I appreciate all the help. I am going to have my buddy read this post as well. He knows he screwed up but it can only help it sink in a little more. Its good learning for all involved. I went through field dressing and quartering in the field and then we packed it out. Although I am not a babysitter for grown men I could of aided.

Ill follow up this week and let you guys know how it tastes...
I appreciate all the help. I am going to have my buddy read this post as well. He knows he screwed up but it can only help it sink in a little more. Its good learning for all involved. I went through field dressing and quartering in the field and then we packed it out. Although I am not a babysitter for grown men I could of aided.

Ill follow up this week and let you guys know how it tastes...
Welcome to Rokslide! I’d say some grace is warranted here. As someone else already said, trim the freezer burn off and have at it

I’d suggest to your buddy: bone in roasts on the fronts. Could do jerky with some cuts from hindquarters. Steaks from backstrap and loins of course. Grind the rest - you can get beef tallow off Amazon if you want to add that in there
I appreciate all the help. I am going to have my buddy read this post as well. He knows he screwed up but it can only help it sink in a little more. Its good learning for all involved. I went through field dressing and quartering in the field and then we packed it out. Although I am not a babysitter for grown men I could of aided.

Ill follow up this week and let you guys know how it tastes...
None of us are perfect Muley, shit happens. There’s a lot of good info on this forum and if you stick around you will definitely learn something from someone on here. In my first post I should have included that trimming that outer layer off works best when the meat is still partially frozen. It’s way faster than dealing with meat that is completely thawed out. At least your friend is not tossing it in a dumpster or ditch though, that would be a real shame. There’s a lot of good threads in the meat and trophy care forum for home processing and cooking game as well.
I've processed several whitetail and elk after leaving the whole quarters in game bags in the freezer for a couple months and haven't noticed any degradation in meat quality or reduction in final yield compared to keeping the meat unfrozen prior to processing. If your buddy's meat was in good shape prior to being frozen, it should still be fine now. The surface rind/crust that formed prior to freezing will help protect the meat from freezer burn.
Some of the guys in here throwing fits about this guy making a mistake (sounds like it anyways and knows it) are probably some of the same ones that wouldn't blink an eye at someone aging the sh!t outta their meat and having to trim an excessive amount off.

The question the OP is asking...Is the meat ok?

Answer...most of it probably is. He will no doubt have some freezer burn.
I wouldn't worry about it one bit. Trim off the freezer burnt outside and process the rest as usual.

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Depends on what happened to the meat prior to freezing. Based on his laziness that would be my biggest question.

Assuming meat care was otherwise correct prior to hitting the freezer it should be fine.

Never heard of anyone doing this.
Some of the guys in here throwing fits about this guy making a mistake (sounds like it anyways and knows it) are probably some of the same ones that wouldn't blink an eye at someone aging the sh!t outta their meat and having to trim an excessive amount off.

The question the OP is asking...Is the meat ok?

Answer...most of it probably is. He will no doubt have some freezer burn.

We age all of our meat and don't have to trim excessive amounts off.
Sounds like you took care of the meat in the field and gave it to him for further processing, no harm or foul. Just inform him to take it out of the game bags next time and wrap it well to prevent freezer burn.
It be fine trim the freezer burnt, is this any different then letting a buck age for a month and then trimming the outer crust.?
Chock it up to a lesson learned and aim to do better in the future. Cut off the freezer burn and get in there.
Curious how it turned out. I doubt there was much if any freezer burn to trim off. If the meat was clean ( no urine, poop, stomach matter, dirt stuff like that ) before freezing it it should be fine. I do some taxidermy work and have had frozen “ parts of animals” in the freezer for longer then a year and when I thaw them meat looks and smells great, no sign of freezer burn or anything. Now granted I haven’t tasted it, but sometimes I get these animals in pretty “ dirty” shape also. But the “ meat “ parts I trim off, flesh, look, smell fine the majority of the time. ( unless they were smelling when I got them of course, but I normally refuse any that way.) Sooo, what’s it taste like ?