Is Cabela’s played out?

I’ve been to many throughout the country, but spend more time stopping in Post Falls Idaho store these days. Was there with my wife and three kids yesterday.

There’s more fudge shop than bargain cave, far more apparel than tackle, and more licorice than scope rings.

They do well bringing solid products to market at competitive prices (like their base layers or space rain), but wading through the nonsense and getting deli tickets at the gun counter has put me in the no-go zone.

Oh man. You went into the saddest of the sad of Cabelas stores too. I live just down the road from the Post Falls Cabelas, and it’s pathetic. It’s been that way for years though, even before the Bass Pro takeover. It passed into a new depth of sadness after Bass Pro.

With Black Sheep and North 40 in Coeur d’Alene, and the new Sportsman’s in Spokane Valley, I think that the Post Falls Cabelas days are numbered.
I had Cabelas as a client years ago and going to their store in Praire DuChen Wisconsin was amazing. I went to our local one in Hoffman Estates and it was pretty sad, no more bargain cave. They seem to carry alot of their own camping gear and clothing line not the same. Great place to see trophy animals still with my kids.

We have a Dicks in our town and after they pulled that stunt with the AR and guns, I stopped buying from there. I only pick up tags there because its such a PITA and they dont make money. Took a stroll to see their hunting section and they no longer sell hunting gear....we live on the WI border and the area is full of hunters, dont really understand the logic. Now all my $$ goes to the local Farm and Fleet and Black Ovis :)
I foresee a slow death.
Went downhill after Bass Pro took over.
I see less and less quality items on the floor.
They continue dropping quality items (example Meindl boots).
My wife, who is not big into outdoors, did like going to Cabelas, she doesn't even like it much anymore.
Coupons 100% suck now that Bass took over.
In the upper midwest Scheels is the go to now.

I actually never got the hype of Cabelas (maybe 20years) but even before the Bass Pro deal their selection sucked and everything was Cabela's brand which 99% also sucked.
Yes. They’re in the middle of a slow death. Terrible selection. Low quality gear. More stuff completely unrelated to the outdoors than anything. High prices. People that don’t know anything about guns. It’s kind of sad.
Unfortunately you are right. I feel the same way.
Cabelas legacy is gone. The entire brand will be Bass Pro in the next few years it just takes a lot of money to rebrand a store this the slow trickle.

Bass Pro needs to pivot and enhance its online consumer presence. If it does not then it will fade away.

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Cabelas changed for the worse about 15 years ago, before the bass pro debacle.
I agree but the buyout just magnified how bad it is getting. I used to drive over 2 hours several times a year to go there, loved it. Now I won't even stop if I go buy one. Horrible store.

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No more R&D for a long time. All they carry now is lower quality budget gear for the most part. I visit other stores instead. Only go there as a last resort.
I don't mind if they have some girly junk since it gives my wife a reason to go and spend money so I can spend money without any backlash.

I think besides the bargain cave disappearing, the price of used guns is the most disappointing. For example, they sell used versions of their exclusives for basically the same price as a new one they have in the back. They also don't haggle anymore. Basically useless in my option.
When the Redhead line showed up and the Bargain Cave did I! Scheels has gotten more and more of my business over the years but sadly, that will also come to an end soon after relocating to AZ later this spring.
I used to go to a Cabelas twice a week to just walk around and relax after long days at work. I am not sure who they are targeting with the junk they are selling but it isn't me. I don't bother going at all anymore. I buy most of my stuff online except for powder and I normally get that at Scheel's.
They are selling something to somebody, that is for sure. The one here in NW Arkansas changed from Cabela’s to a Bass Pro bit is still busy most days. I don’t really go much anymore but my kids do enjoy it and they love running and playing in the boats 🤣
Fully agree on the downward slide of Cabela's. Sad when I compare it to the excitement of their summer sidewalk sale they used to have in Sidney, NE.....thousands of people would show up. Either Dick or Jim would signal the opening of the gate with a shot from their muzzleloader.
For me it is now Scheel's and Runnings plus the many small but great online companies.
I used to shop at Cabela's religiously. I only live a couple miles from the Omaha store and my office is only a mile away. I would stop in at lunch time for a quick escape. I bought a lot of items on sale, in the bargain cave, and full price. I have only been in the store about a half dozen times in the last 12 months. The changes are not for me.