Is an Eastman's subscription worth it?

I will second the above mentioned. I can't blame everything on eastmans but I do believe that they are the cause for the spike in people in some areas. I am fairly certain not all of their hunts are on public 100% diy and that's why I dropped the magazine. I don't like to support a groups guide fees but that's just me. You have to pick and choose with magazines.
Also, if you do the digital/magazine combo subscription, you have access to all previous Extreme Elk magazines including the current issues. It takes a little getting used to reading on your computer or iPad but its nice to have the option. Hope these suggestions help.
The eastmans are awesome! Just ask and they will tell you just how awesome they are! The gear reviews are slanted to whoever ponies up the free stuff to them. Swarovski used to be the best then nikon was etc. there is a reason that so many great people used to work for them but moved on. The sun can only shine on a couple people at that org. I find it funny that in thier show they say mike became "a voice for a generation of hunters", really, all he talks about is himself! TOOLS.... Western hunter is way better...
I do the digital and am a veteran so both mags only cost $19 combined. Not bad and I can read it on my phone when I am bored.

I was not impressed with the CO MRS this year though.
I won't renew my Eastman's subscription. When they pulled the MRS that we got with our subscriptions and decided we needed to pay an extra $20 bucks for it, that did it for me. They are all about money from what I see. I think they are gonna be very surprised how many subscriptions won't be renewed.
I've been a long time EHJ subscriber and I still look forward to every issue. I guess I just like to see how other hunters are doing and keep up with what's going on in the West. It's entertainment.
I had EBJ for a year and let it go after that. There's some good stuff, and I don't mind guided/private/DIY. But I like to read and learn and 90% of each issue is just stories of some guy killing a trophy on the last day of his hunt and missing his wife and kids.

Print how-to articles, fitness and gear reviews and stuff I can use and I'll subscribe again.
I look forward to checking the mailbox every month, when the magazine is supposed to arrive. I subscribe to both EHJ and EBJ. I agree with the guy that said its entertainment, fairly cheap entertainment. I have noticed a downhill trend in quality lately, it appears I'm not the only one. I have no plans to cancel my subscriptions. I also subscribe to Western Hunter/elk Hunter. Between the two, I definitely like the Western Hunter crew better.
I agree on quality dropping too, seems like most articles show the hard core hunters wearing blue jeans. I like the Brian Barney guy, surprised he is still there. I am going to check out the western hunter.
I have to agree with a few people here. I applied for a 3 point elk unit in Wy. I didn't draw with 4 points. It showed up in the Mrs. We have hunted this area for a couple years. With leftover cow tags. Just to put boots on the ground. Before we burned our points. Eastmans hasn't been the same. Since a few people have left a few years ago. Jmo.
I have subscribed to Eastmans for years. That introduced me to the Eastmans forum. That in turn introduced me to Rokslide which is exactly the kind of hunters I want to talk to and be associated with. I agree after Cameron and Nate left it has lost some relevance. I have not really been very interested in most of their materials or TV shows. When did Guy get his official "TV voice"? It makes it weird. I don't have any other magazines other than Eastmans, and I will not be renewing those. I get everything I need from boots on the ground, and Rokslide.
+1 on Guy Eastman's "tv voice." Distracting, awkward, laugh and shake my head, turn the channel/mute the tv...all the above.
I get it because I like to look at the pics and read the stories. Don't use the mrs and honestly I don't look to articles for advice. I get elk hunter and western hunter and I honestly don't see why you get it for the articles. Most is of opinion imo and there are several ways to skin a cat in regards to western hunting and a lot is personal preference.

I did however get on the eastmans forum and then led to this forum
I'm kind of the same as velvet, I like to see the trophies people harvest, I like Brian Barney's articles, I don't use the MRS I can't afford to hunt out of state. Just another magazine to read to fill in the space between hunting season.
Eastmans is alright I am really liking western/elk hunter. My dad gets huntin fool its really good but pricey they are completely geared toward guided biggest trophy on the mountain but the info is useful toward diy all the same
Will always have a soft spot for eastmans. They were my entry into backcountry hunting. I still keep the subscription along with western /elk hunter and xtreme elk. Western/elk hunter magazine is my favorite.
I will opt out of my EBHJ this year and I will be trying Western Hunter or Extreme Elk instead. Much of the content on Eastmans seems to be moving away from the DIY community and more geared towards the high end guided hunts.

I could probably get my fix of hunting articles online, but I like having something I can pick up and read (old fashioned). I've found quite a few online locations that I visit frequently. The latest that I found is