Is 5 PP's going to be enough in the WY General Elk


Jul 15, 2020
Lenexa, KS
I applied with 4 pp's in the Special draw last year and as we know it took >4 pp's. With the price changes and the discussions of 90:10 tag allocation looming down the road...I have a feeling point creep is going to jump in the General and 5 pp's won't get it in the draw this year. If I'm considering going with an outfitter, do I contact them and have them put in for me with the outfitter draw? Does that have different odds/% than the regular draw? I figure if i do it on my own and get a tag, the outfitters will be book up at that point and will be waiting for a last minute cancellation. TIA
Outfitters can pair you with higher point holders to insure that you draw with 5 points if that’s the route you are looking for.
With the general tag they are going to have three zones. Might be easier depending on which zone you apply for.
I'll be using my points for elk in the next few years. At 51, will I ever draw a general tag again when I start over???
I’ve been one point away for the last 2 years. I have 4 right now. When I started applying it was 2-3 points. Can’t seem to catch up. 😭
If my understanding of the rule changes is correct, we can't really rely on last year's draw odds as an indicator for 2024. The impact of the special price increase is unknown and we also don't know how the general three unit change will impact odds. I suppose it is possible that odds in one of the areas could be much higher or lower than this year's general odds.
SHould be pretty easy to draw Eastern Region GEN tag next year. But , it may be tough to get access to hunt without outfitter.
Really glad I drew my general tag two years ago.

I think I’m done trying to kill bulls in Wyoming. Still a great state to hunt and explore, but antler isn’t worth the ass pain.
All we can do is guess with the complete change in the system. It sure will be interesting to see what happened after the dust settles.
Where is the info on the Wy general region splits? Like allotments for each, etc

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Special tag is now $1965.
Just saying in case people are still using the old prices in their head when they apply
Whoa I didn't see that. $1200 for deer and antelope. Pretty bad when a $30k credit card limit might not be enough to cover my wife, daughter, and my own applications. Hopefully it wont be like Montana in 22' when they held my money for 4 months after the draw.