Iron Will Broadheads (how many times)


Jul 2, 2018
I just bought some and before I justify buying more I wanted to know how much I can realistically expect to reuse them. I'm conditioned to just one and done but they seem to pay for themselves if I can get 2-3 animals out of each.
So far I have used one head on 2 deer. The second was bedded down and it zipped through and hit a rock on the other side, chewing up one edge a bit. I could of resharpened it, but didn't feel like taking that much time. So I just ordered a replacement 3 pack of main blades. IW does have a lifetime warranty on their broadheads and I guess I could of used it, but felt it was more of my fault then a failure of the broadhead.

If it wasn't for that rock, I would be using it again on deer/elk this year. Like turkey said, you'll probably loose it before it breaks.

all parts of the head are replaceable so in theory you can just keep rebuilding them
I just bought some and before I justify buying more I wanted to know how much I can realistically expect to reuse them. I'm conditioned to just one and done but they seem to pay for themselves if I can get 2-3 animals out of each.
Do you plan on using your iron wills on whitetail? I just bought some s100 to take to Colorado and debating on using these here in PA for deer or if the wides would work better for blood trails.
I have a few 2 blade BHs that I have resharpened and used again. My record is 3 animals.

IME, I hunt a lot and I lose a fair amount of arrows to them blowing through the animals so fast they;
1. bury in the dirt or under grass and brush and I lose them
2. ricochet on rocks and trees past the animal and gone
3. hit a rock at an angle and head is tweaked enough its not straight enough to shoot again

I don’t shoot an expensive head for those ^ reasons AND because the tapered design of a 2 blade puts little pressure on the edge so avg steel works great. The Buzzcuts and $3 German Jaegers Ive been shooting have all been razor sharp after going through animals- so what else do I need?

Dont get me wrong, I think IW is a great product…
I have a few 2 blade BHs that I have resharpened and used again. My record is 3 animals.

IME, I hunt a lot and I lose a fair amount of arrows to them blowing through the animals so fast they;
1. bury in the dirt or under grass and brush and I lose them
2. ricochet on rocks and trees past the animal and gone
3. hit a rock at an angle and head is tweaked enough its not straight enough to shoot again

I don’t shoot an expensive head for those ^ reasons AND because the tapered design of a 2 blade puts little pressure on the edge so avg steel works great. The Buzzcuts and $3 German Jaegers Ive been shooting have all been razor sharp after going through animals- so what else do I need?

Dont get me wrong, I think IW is a great product…
I'm cash rich and target poor, so my priorities are a little different. I just get excited about some fresh, high end broadheads showing up in the mail. But I still carry Stingers when I chase hogs down here. I gotta put some effort into finding a hog lease or something...
Do you plan on using your iron wills on whitetail? I just bought some s100 to take to Colorado and debating on using these here in PA for deer or if the wides would work better for blood trails.
Yeah, I think I'm going to get some wides if these tune well with my bow for PA, gonna shoot them in the AM.
I have one that has been lost twice and refound. It's currently lost again. If/when I find it again I intend to keep using it. Two deer, rabbit, few grouse, several groundhogs.

They are the energizer bunny of broadheads.
Sounds good to me!
Send it to your work!
I work from home, maybe a buddies house. I'm lucky to live ~15 min from Lancaster Archery so I just do curbside pickup there.
Shot 1 elk with one... im trying to convince myself to climb that mountain again with a metal detector as i know i could shine it up and get another! They are expensive but sharp and solid!
As others have posted, unless you lose it or smash it into large rocks, you can just keep touching up the edge and reusing it.
I have lost more in the moss/ground after zipping though an animal than I have damaged. The damaged ones I use as practice heads as typically they still spin true.
Seven deer with one head is the highest number I've heard from a customer. I've lost track on my heads, but I often put the same head through multiple hogs on the same night. They will often shave hair after a pass through if they don't hit rocks.