ISSUE>Sig P365>Magazines>Why So Stiff?>How to Fix?


Jun 12, 2020
Today got to put my first rounds thru a P365. Overall? Nicely Accurate. I bring it up to aim very naturally, once I lock-in with supporting hand, very easy to execute smooth trigger pull, even brand new.

The only thing that to me seems inexcusable here? Is how UNGODLY STIFF it is to load anything much more past the 5th round in these P365 Mags!!?? I'm talking like it seriously starts wanting to rip your skin with the ungodly amount of force I was applying to try to get more rounds than 5 in there. Think the most I was able to shove in it was like 7 or 8. But that was AFTER coming home and taking a thinly oiled QTip and cleaning the follower surface and a lil down into the mouth of the magazine as best I could depress the follower down with like a chopstick in the other hand.

I'm of course going to store them now with as many as I can shove in for the moment and leave them that way, so the springs can have some tension on them to ease-up a hair after a while.

Can somebody give me an idea of how much of a round count ya think it's gonna take for this stiff @zz spring to settle down some?

My goal is to encourage my wife to carry this piece on hikes... but there'd be no way in hell she could manage to load more than 5rds into these mags. And getting to 7 or 8 was downright murderous on your skin! And I wear Size XL Gloves man, I'm tellin' you, this AIN'T an issue of finger strength either.

I mean, sheesh man, I get wanting to have enough spring tension to ensure you're reliably getting each new round pushed up to top each time during cycling.. but freakin A man!!

When a grown-@zz man, 5' 10" 215 Lbs dude with Size XL hands is coming damn close to tearing thru his skin in his effort just to load a Gawd Dang Magazine? I mean what in the actual? Ya know?

SO... any tips you guys got for these mags, I'd surely appreciate the advice. Thanks!
They sell a loader for those mags on their website, buy one. Dicking with mags/springs is a recipe for malfunctions.

But as was suggested in the prior thread, just because the gun is small doesn’t mean it is a good gun for a woman. Quite the opposite IMO. Great gun, just not for someone without a lot of hand strength.
The little $5 sig tool makes it easy

I don’t know the specific answer to your question but I’ve got no issue loading the 12th round in a 12 round mag or the 10th in a 10 round mag with my bare hands and a hard surface to place the baseplate of the mag on
I drank a raw egg today for breakfast while I remembered I’m a man. I then went on to loading my P365 mags like a boss. J/k

Get a maglula and make life easy.
Get a maglula.

I literally had thumb pain for weeks after trying to load my new P365 mags.
FYI...After a bit of time with 12rds, the spring will soften....Still runs great.
Edit: There are counterfeit Maglula products out there...Buy from a reputable dealer.
Grab a MagGuts spring. Much easier to load rounds and you get extra capacity. It's a win-win. That and the Maglula and you're set.

Sent from my SM-S928U using Tapatalk
I have a Maglula and love it, but the double stack version does not work well on the P365 mags because they have a much more distinct taper toward the top of the mag than most no others. This is the one you want, made specifically for the P365.

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I load the mags and let them sit for a week. During that week of sitting I unload and reload them once a day. Seems to loosen them up just fine.
Yeah, end of the night I ordered the UpLula fr MidwayUSA.

I sure hope the dealio is that I'd just use this thing to get it past this difficult stage.

Seems dvmb as hell to me to make mags soo difficult people can't even freaking use them as intended.

My thought process is to get this weapon to where the user should be able to do everything unassisted with the help of any additional devices.
The little $5 sig tool makes it easy

I don’t know the specific answer to your question but I’ve got no issue loading the 12th round in a 12 round mag or the 10th in a 10 round mag with my bare hands and a hard surface to place the baseplate of the mag on
Yeah.. not this one. That's what's soo crazy!! I KNOW I've got better grip strength and vastly more pain tolerance than a huge swath of the population... and I'M over here going WITAF?? At this thing.

After a few decades of "using more force" and breaking isht left and right... I've learned over the years if it seems like it takes too much force.. you're probably doing it wrong and need to stop immediately and re-think what you're doing. Hence the reason I bothered to ask if there's a hot-ticket "trick" for getting these mags to settle-down.

I mean.. I know just putting lots and lots of round thru it will of course EVENTUALLY settle them down.. but they are at this reDONKUlous level of hard ATM so I figured there has GOT to be a Million people who've gone thru this, so there must be some tricks.

I mean... do they like give soldiers freaking mag loaders for while they're out in the field on those P320's? I'd have to guess the answer is NO. So... Hrmm... does that mean the military just has to throw-money into having each individual soldier grind thru the round-count needed to ease-up these mag springs?

I struggle with believing the military would be ok with something that wasn't just grab and go, ya know?
They will break in, but the last few rounds will still be hard. I use an Uplula on all my pistol mags. It’s more about time, convenience, and saving wear and tear on your fingers.
i have a few mags from the year the 365 came out and have a couple thousand rounds through them between three different p365's, they break in. i also have some other mags that I swapped with MagGuts 14 round conversion kits into and have yet to have an issue. That was almost 3 years ago now when i got those and I have yet to have a failure, highly recommend them.