Iphone IOS not logging into Rokslide


Jul 4, 2022
Is anyone having issues reaching the Rokslide webpage from an Apple device? I have 2 phones and an ipad that all lost connectivity last night around 8:30. I am unable to reach the site using wifi or cellular data? Curious if this is a known issue?

I can't imagine all 3 devices went sideways at simultaneously.
Mine is having issues as well but only when using wifi.
Are you on Spectrum internet? I finally managed to connect using cellular data after a reset. Wifi still will not connect. I am connected on a PC through the same internet service so I cannot assume it is Spectrum. More than likely IoS. This has to be an issued with IoS and wifi connectivity
Are you on Spectrum internet? I finally managed to connect using cellular data after a reset. Wifi still will not connect. I am connected on a PC through the same internet service so I cannot assume it is Spectrum. More than likely IoS. This has to be an issued with IoS and wifi connectivity
I do use spectrum. Other websites work fine on the wifi
Mine is having issues as well but only when using wifi.
Are you on Spectrum internet? I finally managed to connect using cellular data after a reset. Wifi still will not connect. I am connected on a PC through the same internet service so I cannot assume it is Spectrum. More than likely IoS. This has to be an issued with IoS and wifi connectivity
Same, issues on spectrum WiFi only and only this site.
Mine started not connecting yesterday and also have spectrum. Works fine on my hotspot and at the gym and at work but won’t connect at the house. What’s the issue do you guys think? I’m having no issues with any other site I get on like archerytalk or Chive or YouPor…I mean YouTube.
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On the phone with Spectum. They stated their malware security system is flagging this site.
No guff. Asking to speak to security team now. The slide should be on the whitelist.

I can tell you this. When you look up Seekins Precision. Make sure you spell the full name or you get sent to Seeking.com. Which is a find an affair service. Not good to have in the browser history.
Spectrum has put the slide on the black list. They are sending me the explanations as to why.
We're having a little discussion on the Mod forum as two of us are experiencing similar issues.

I couldn't connect to the site on either my computer or iphone, both using Safari. I loaded Chrome on my computer and after a rather lengthy glitchy affair, it appears to be working OK (still not on Safari).

I loaded Chrome on my iphone and doesn't work with either- kind of odd. When I shut off the wifi on the phone it works on Safari.

This morning I unplugged the router and modem and restarted them, magically I got Safari to work on my phone and just as magically it quit working :(

I have to believe it's something with the site as I can browse any other site, BUT rokslide on Safari—either on my phone or computer.

If I learn anything I'll post it here.
Is anyone having issues reaching the Rokslide webpage from an Apple device? I have 2 phones and an ipad that all lost connectivity last night around 8:30. I am unable to reach the site using wifi or cellular data? Curious if this is a known issue?

I can't imagine all 3 devices went sideways at simultaneously.
Forums or review side
I think Rokslide has an issue. I'm on Verizon and have seen a popup several times that either goes away or I dismiss it (it's been a week or so).
Big Brother Spectrum watching out for y'all. Y'all are using TEMU too much and making more money than Nancy Pelosi with all those stock trader tips you have going. Who knows, big Sitka may have gotten this site banned for selling it's products in the classifieds higher than they are selling them. Who knows, maybe Spectrum is watching Rokslide and it doesn't have enough DEI content.

Now before I get banned/flamed, please repeat after me, "I have to know facetiousness when I see it." It's all good and fun, right? I do hope the moderators are able to get with Spectrum and get you all up and running.