InReach Explorer+, InReach Mini, or Zoleo?

I’ve had three InReach Explorers, the first two were replaced under warranty after getting cold and starting to act wonky (they wouldn’t shut off, had to do resets to get them to boot up). The third one I sold and bought the InReach mini. I see no advantage to the explorer over the mini. The mini is much less in the way, battery life seems better and it’s easier to keep inside a jacket in the winter to keep it warm. Have had the mini for a couple years now with no issues and we use them year around.
I run the mini year round, basic $12 plan, during hunting season I typically go over plan but highest bill was $35. Can run it from watch or phone and functions great. Works for me.
The mini will go for 24 days in powersaver mode with 30 minute tracking intervals.

I'm willing to bet the Zoleo's 200 hours are without tracking. Zoleo does not specify. Zoleo also does not say how frequently it checks messages (the mini checks once an hour).

The Explorer + checks messages every 10 minutes on default and the interval can be changed. In power save mode the Explorer + gets 30 days of power. This is with 30 minute tracking intervals. The Explorer has a barometric altimeter and a compass.

The Zoleo gives you an actual phone number and email, which makes communication easier than the inReach.

Both inReach and Zoleo use the Iridium satellite network, and both should have 2.5 watt ttransmitters, so uplink should be the same (SPOT uses the Globalstar network, short version, Iridium is better).
I bought the Zoleo, better in every way except for tracking and lack of texting from device itself.

In the last 10 years the only time my phone has ever died is from the cold and plug it in and voila it’s back. This is not something I take into consideration and usually hunt with someone else.
I have both of the Inreach's but only use the mini now. I looked at the Zoleo but the lack of stand alone texting keeps me from trying it. Texting on the mini itself would be punishing but it would be better than not being able to in the event of no phone available.

I'm sticking to the mini.
The Zoleo claims 200 hours of battery life which makes sense in therory as it doesn’t have a display to suck up battery, but I do not know this in practice yet.
Its pretty accurate I think. I have had mine on standby for over 9 days multiple times before Amber battery warming comes on. That’s just standby so I cant comment on constant use quite yet buts its not really designed for constant use i.e as a map
I ran the numbers and here's a quick cost breakdown of the annual plans for the two satellite communicators for how I'd be using them. Since I don't live in the West and would only be hunting in the backcountry for one month out of the year, the cost analysis is assuming I'd use the mid-tier plan for one month, and then move to the lowest tier as necessary, suspend service or deactivate when not needed.

Garmin Freedom Plan = $105 annually
Garmin Annual Plan = $187 annually
Zoleo plan paying monthly suspension fee = $131 annually
Zoleo plan deactivating when not in use = $95 annually

If you'd like to review in detail, I've included is a screenshot of the spreadsheet I created for quick reference. I tried to upload the excel file for anyone to use or review the formulas, but the forum doesn't allow that extension type. If anyone would like the excel file to plug in their own numbers for how they'd use the plans, PM me and I'm happy to send it to you.

If I'm missing something or you think there is an error somewhere, please let me know.


  • Satellite Communicators - Plan Breakdown Screenshot.jpg
    Satellite Communicators - Plan Breakdown Screenshot.jpg
    74.2 KB · Views: 113
How are you getting $105 annually for the freedom plan? I see you have an activation fee and 1 month of mid tier plan. thats more like $105 for a month.

For 3 months suspended over winter, 6 months on minimum "freedom safety" plan for summer scouting/fishing and 3 months of unlimited for hunting, my Inreach was costing me about $350/year.
How are you getting $105 annually for the freedom plan? I see you have an activation fee and 1 month of mid tier plan. thats more like $105 for a month.

For 3 months suspended over winter, 6 months on minimum "freedom safety" plan for summer scouting/fishing and 3 months of unlimited for hunting, my Inreach was costing me about $350/year.
Like you mentioned, there is the a $35 activation fee with the Freedom plan.

For Garmin's Freedom plan it is assuming I'll use the monthly service plan for just one month a year. It would be their middle tier Recreation plan, at $35. I'd schedule to have the service suspended after the one month, as Garmin says "Freedom Plans allow the user to change plans or suspend service at any time after 30 days of plan use." at the top of this page.

From what I've found, there isn't a reactivation fee associated with the Freedom plan, but you do pay a $35 annual fee for the plan (the Annual plan doesn't have an annual fee).

Activation Fee = $35
Annual Fee = $35
One Time Monthly Plan Charge = $35
TOTAL = $105

In your case you are using it a lot more than I am so, you costs are higher.

If I wanted to use the Unlimited plan for the single month I'd be in the backcountry, I'd add $15 to the total, equaling $120. If my trip hunting in the backcountry straddles two months, I'd need to double the Monthly Plan Charge.

Let me know if I'm missing something associated with the plan, or there is a miscalculation somewhere.
The mini will go for 24 days in powersaver mode with 30 minute tracking intervals.

I'm willing to bet the Zoleo's 200 hours are without tracking. Zoleo does not specify. Zoleo also does not say how frequently it checks messages (the mini checks once an hour).

The Explorer + checks messages every 10 minutes on default and the interval can be changed. In power save mode the Explorer + gets 30 days of power. This is with 30 minute tracking intervals. The Explorer has a barometric altimeter and a compass.

The Zoleo gives you an actual phone number and email, which makes communication easier than the inReach.

Both inReach and Zoleo use the Iridium satellite network, and both should have 2.5 watt ttransmitters, so uplink should be the same (SPOT uses the Globalstar network, short version, Iridium is better).
My Zoleo app shows messages check interval can be adjusted from every 15mins to 1 hr or manually to any interval you want including always on
My Zoleo app shows messages check interval can be adjusted from every 15mins to 1 hr or manually to any interval you want including always on

Thank you. That is good to know, id gives it better functionality for communication than the mini.

Out of curiosity, does it give an idea of how changing the message check frequency changes battery life?
Thank you. That is good to know, id gives it better functionality for communication than the mini.

Out of curiosity, does it give an idea of how changing the message check frequency changes battery life?
So far i see the device has a battery light indicator (green or yellow, I guess no light means it's dead) and no way from the app to see battery percent remaining, which seems odd to me, I'm sure I'm missing something.
So far i see the device has a battery light indicator (green or yellow, I guess no light means it's dead) and no way from the app to see battery percent remaining, which seems odd to me, I'm sure I'm missing something.
I can say yet how the mesaage fecth affects the battery life, i just havent used it enuhg at diffenret settings. I've mostly left it at 15mins.
Thank you. That is good to know, id gives it better functionality for communication than the mini.

Out of curiosity, does it give an idea of how changing the message check frequency changes battery life?
I can say yet how the message fetch affects the battery life, I just haven't used it enough at different settings.
I've mostly left it at 15mins. I don't see anything in the manual that gives an idea either.
So far i see the device has a battery light indicator (green or yellow, I guess no light means it's dead) and no way from the app to see battery percent remaining, which seems odd to me, I'm sure I'm missing something.
When the app is open, and you have a set message fetch duration set, say 15mins, it will actively show the battery life in bars at the lower right of your app screen.
It will say "Nest messaging check in " " minutes" to the left of those bars.
To the left of the word "Next", there's a small swipe up arrow. When you swipe up it displays the exact battery life left in %
Thanks for everyone's feedback. After taking everything into consideration, I ended up pulling the trigger on the Zoleo.
I bought a zoleo this weekend. Initial opinions...

- App is inferior to Garmin Earthmate.
- They also won't give you a count on messages used towards your months quota (if not on unlimited) which seems like a way to nickel and dime you hoping you accidentally go over.
- larger than the mini and a bit awkward to mount on the carabiner, ended up buying the strap mount.

- setup was pretty easy and it is nice to be able to send/receive for free over cellular or wifi if it happens to catch service, for instance if mounted in your car and you're in and out of coverage in FS roads.
- messages thus far came in the proper order and the delivery confirmation is nice
- App connect very quickly and you don't have to keep messing with Bluetooth and forcing the sync to your phone.

Overall, I like it. As ling as the messages come through on time and in order, I'm a happy camper, the rest of the stuff is just fluff
I called Zoleo about this and I asked what happens if I don't care about keeping my same number/email associated with it and instead of paying the $4 a month, I just deactivated it. They said that I'd have to pay another activation fee the next time I wanted to use it.

They also pointed out that once you activate it, you have to pay for a monthly plan for 3 months. I asked if you were locked into one specific monthly plan for all three months and they said no. So if you wanted, you could have the unlimited plan for the first month at $50, and then the next two months, downgrade to the basic plan for $20 a month.

I haven't run the numbers yet to see if it is advantageous for me to just pay the $4 a month maintenance fee or deactivate for the months I'm not using it and then reactivate it. Most likely, its better to just pay the $4 a month.
I was wondering why anyone would pay the $4, it makes more sense now.
Thanks for everyone's feedback. After taking everything into consideration, I ended up pulling the trigger on the Zoleo.
How do you like it so far? They aren't on sale anymore but still a decent buy at $199.
UPDATE: SpotX failures last week

We had a crew member get sick on Tuesday...heat/dehydration. We got him back to feeling pretty good with water and snacks and sent him back to camp. He was instructed to message my SPOT via his SPOT so we could continue to work. My SPOT with direct skyview or very limited tree cover (dead whitebark) failed to send 4 message. After resending them, the messages were not received on coworker's device. Coworker sent several messages stating he was feeling great and was going to take a nap. I never received those. Having not received his messages I walked the 4 miles back to camp to confirm he was good. Coworker received my messages nearly 7 hours AFTER they were sent and I still haven't received his.

5 or 6 years ago we had basic SPOT devices fail to send the "check-in's" repeatedly. I started using my personal DeLorme (preGarmin).

I vote NO CONFIDENCE in SPOT devices. If it's not a Garmin/DeLorme I don't want anything to do with it!!!
How do you like it so far? They aren't on sale anymore but still a decent buy at $199.

I haven’t activated it yet so I don’t have any feedback on it so far. My hunt isn’t until mid October, so I’ll probably activate it some time in September.