InReach Explorer+, InReach Mini, or Zoleo?

I run the base $12 year round. During hunting season I might get a 25-35 dollar bill for overages, but overall the base covers me and I carry the mini much of the time.
Does it connect to your cell phone so you can send texts from your phone through the app?
Can you message device to device and and see other people on the screen.
Say if two guys split up and wanted to message his location or just look at other guys location?
If not is there any devise that does.I think the garmin rino did but wasn’t well received.
Anyone have any experience with the Garmin messenger?

Yes. I used one last fall and it is awesome. I haven't used the mini or mini 2, but from reading what features those add having the screen, I'd say messenger is a way better deal. Of course, if you don't have a cell phone you can tether when hunting it is less appealing but i would probably still go for it based on battery life and 2way messaging.