Information on Swift Creek Outfitters


Jul 26, 2012
I'm considering a first rifle season elk hunt with Swift Creek Outfitters out of Jackson Hole WY. It's the last week of the September hunt. Does anyone have information about this hunt with this outfitter? I appreciate any information you can provide.
I don’t know anything about that outfitter but I have a hunted Swift Creek before. If I was going to hunt there, it would be late season. As late as possible.
Hey Joe, this outfitter guides out of Pacific creek..not sure why he is named Swift Creek.. they’ve been around for a long time.
Hey Joe, this outfitter guides out of Pacific creek..not sure why he is named Swift Creek.. they’ve been around for a long time.
I'm not 100% sure who it is, but I suspect they guide out of both spots (have multiple permits for base camps). Talked with a couple non-residents this fall before they went out to hunt. Sounded like there were going to hunt both of those camps depending on where the animals were.

Never did hear back from them after the season. They were nice guys so I wished the best for them.