Inactivity / idle timeout for forum users

Jan 8, 2013
Based on my short time here on Rokslide forum, I've noted that the site has a relatively aggressive timeout setting for inactivity.

For example, if you are idle for more than a few minutes, you have to manually log back in (for my account least, which is a Facebook integrated account). This causes problems when you are responding to a post, or just multitasking across sites, and come to an expired Rockslide session.

I would recommend that you increase the authentication / activity timeout to something more substantial, say 4 hours, or heck even 12 hours in duration. If you need help with this, let me know. If you don't have the server horsepower to maintain sessions for that long, so be it, but it should be very light for a forum of this size.

What Ryan Said. I am logged in at my office on phone and at home all the time never have been booted off just have to check the keep me logged in box
yep. Check the rememebr me box. I had the same problem. I just kept over looking the box. finally donned on me. Use to drive me crazy!
Lol, so it's in the header right next to my mouse button, but I can't see it.

Great forum and content, red neck user interface.

I am getting a lot of information from this site, and would be willing to give back with some additional mock-ups / html / php for the forum to bring the look and feel into the 2010's if you'd like... ping me if you want free help.

Thanks for your help!