In the market for a spotting scope


Jul 12, 2021
Christmas Bonus is hitting and one of the things on my list is a spotting scope. Looking for good glass, but doesn't have to be brand new.

I would like something doing at least 60x, but more is ok too. I know the good scope brands, but being mostly an Ohio hunter, I've never dove much into the good spotting scopes.

Thinking angled and would like to buy one, and not have to again. Would rather pay once and get a good one.

What do you guys like? I'm just getting into my research mode.
I had a Swaro 65mm for several years. Switched to a Kowa 77 this past year. Really like the Kowa. Of course I wish it was smaller/lighter but there is always a trade off
It's our pleasure, as a long standing supporting vendor here, to discuss the different available options and special opportunities with you. Your timing is great as we are running our Black Friday Sale Please give a call, 516-217-1000, when you have the time. Thanks
If you serious about glassing. 85mm swaro is by far and away the only route to go! Especially if you want a buy once thing.

Price and weight savings between 65 and 85 does not outweigh the loss of detail. 85 is worth every ounce and penny over anything smaller.

Angled is gar superior to straight. Reduces fatigue by alot. Takes a bit to get used to angled spotter. It's a fart in wind
I’ll be posting up a Swarovski ATS 80mm HD with a 20-60 eyepiece tomorrow once I dig out the box tonight and get some pictures taken of it. Might fit what you’re looking for as you shop around and do your research.
Call Doug at CameraLand,,,,,he helped me into a Swarovski last month
It's our pleasure, as a long standing supporting vendor here, to discuss the different available options and special opportunities with you. Please give a call, 516-217-1000, when you have the time. Thanks