Ideas for next duck season…

Gotta throw The Great Salt Lake in there... Overlooked by many but world class hunting. We have such a huge variety here... Cinnamon Teal, GWT, Mallards, Cans', Reds', BB, Tundra Swan, Pintails, Wigeon, Spooners, Ruddy Ducks, Mergies (Red Breasted and Hoodies).... The list goes on. Sunrises and sunsets are incredible here... You are on the marsh within 35 minutes of Salt Lake City. Pretty Flippin cool.
Flooded timber absolutely wrecked all other waterfowling for me. Prior to it, I saw thousands of birds die in cornfields throughout the Midwest and Canada. I got the timber bug and leaned against my first tree about 15yrs ago. You couldn’t pay me anymore to lay in a cornfield and turn on spinners and have every bird come in exactly the same. Timber or nothing for me….
Timber does that to people… the hardest thing with timber is having water and a big freeze up north to push ducks down to the GTR’s in the south. It’s definitely a quality over quantity hunt. One good timber hunt will ruin somebody for the rest of their days. It’s just getting harder to come by for NR’s to get in on a good operation now that the secret is out.
Timber does that to people… the hardest thing with timber is having water and a big freeze up north to push ducks down to the GTR’s in the south. It’s definitely a quality over quantity hunt. One good timber hunt will ruin somebody for the rest of their days. It’s just getting harder to come by for NR’s to get in on a good operation now that the secret is out.
I hear you, I'd rather shoot a pair of hen mallards in the timber than a full limit of green in a cornfield
Come to Arkansas man. It's not called the duck hunting capital of the world for no reason. If you want to come I have a couple places to recommend depending on what you're looking for. From booshie to practical.
For what it’s worth I feel like Arkansas and timber hunting ducks is a victim of its own success and it not what it was in previous decades. It’s certainly not a great DIY option as Arkansas has become actively hostile to nonresident DIY public land hunters and the conditions that are needed for great wide spread timber hunting are a perfect storm of freeze ups in Missouri and heavy enough December/January rains to flood the river bottoms. In addition to that once the ducks hit Arkansas (or Western TN, Northern MS, etc) they have been shot at since September in Canada and are very weary.

It really requires knowing an insider on a green timber duck club or just forking over for a guide service for that type of hunt. Being in the right social circles in Memphis or being a member of the right SEC fraternity is going to be more useful than being a hardcore DIY duck hunter from Minnesota as to getting on a good green timber duck hunt.
Even trying to get a guide for a gt hunt is not that easy. I found a lot of guys call the flooded buck brush green timber.