Idaho vs Wyoming

Wyoming is hard to beat for resident opportunities. The hard part is making it as a resident in Wyoming. It’s not the easiest state to move to and carve out your niche.

If Grizzlies are delisted, Wyoming will definitely have the best opportunities for residents in the Lower 48.

But one area where Idaho shines is black bear. If I ever go somewhere else to be the “dude,” it will be the Salmon River Lodge for a black bear hunt.

Grizzly hunting in the lower 48 will be a joke. Good luck ever getting a tag or bagging one before the quota gets filled. I know our initial regs before the season was cancelled were unbelievable.
Too much drama. Imagine the number of people who have never seen a wild bear, and never been to the Rockies that are out to murder the first hunter to legally kill one.

A friend worked for the Federal Fish nd Wildlife and was involved in removing some problem bears with the state. He ended transferring agencies and moving out of state to get away from the drama.

every anti-hunter will know your name and address if you kill one.
Grizzly hunting in the lower 48 will be a joke. Good luck ever getting a tag or bagging one before the quota gets filled. I know our initial regs before the season was cancelled were unbelievable.
Allow me to indulge my fantasy, please. I’m about to be 58 and I have high hopes that this will be my last big hunt in my senior years. I’m a realist, but hey, it doesn’t cost to wish, so I might as well wish big.
every anti-hunter will know your name and address if you kill one.
As mentioned above, I’m about to be 58 and I expect I’ll be a senior if I ever manage to git ‘er done. Trouble from anti-hunters? ……. Bring it.

“Get off my yard!”


“I was worried for my grandkids.”