Idaho Spring Bear

If you weren't seeing bears in idaho last spring... it wasn't the weather or snow to blame. It's the influx of hunters. The bears are seeing too many people, so they just aren't moving around during daylight hours like they used to.

Between the beginning of April and the end of June, I hit over a half dozen major trailheads, and a dozen more non-trailhead locations. Every one had more rigs than any year prior. A few had as many as 30 vehicles in locations that just a few years ago would have only had 2 or 3 rigs. And don't think that just going in deeper is the fix... I found hunters back in the knarliest places, many miles from the trailhead, and everywhere in between.

Best bet if you are going to do it anyway, is go where there aren't any rigs parked... and do your best to deduce whether other guys were there a day or week earlier. If they were, then move on. Pick spots between major roads and major trailheads... don't go all the way to the trailhead.
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If you weren't seeing bears in idaho last spring... it wasn't the weather or snow to blame. It's the influx of hunters. The bears are seeing too many people, so they just aren't moving around during daylight hours like they used to.

Between the beginning of April and the end of June, I hit over a half dozen major trailheads, and a dozen more non-trailhead locations. Every one had more rigs than any year prior. A few has as many as 30 vehicles in a location that just a few years ago would have only had 2 or 3 rigs. And don't think that just going in deeper is the fix... I found hunters back in the knarliest places, many miles from the trailhead, and everywhere in between.

Best bet if you are going to do it anyway, is go where there aren't any rigs parked... and do your best to deduce whether other guys were there a day or week earlier. If they were, then move on. Pick spots between major roads and major trailheads... don't go all the way to the trailhead.
Honestly lol - we were 9.5 miles back on trail, and then 1k ft climb up and down the backside and ran into 2 other guys. It was actually pretty unreal haha.

Appreciate that info!
What do you guys think about these April 1st openers? We're in Western MT and considering spending a few days right out the gate, since the season here isnt going till the 15th. Curious on how you guys think it'll be that early in April. Obviously, the majority of bears wont be out till may, but I imagine if this winter stays light there's gotta be some boars starting to crack their eyes open. We're much higher than where we've been looking at in ID, here I've been on bears around 5,500ft on April 15th, but most people arent even thinking about them till middle of may.
What do you guys think about these April 1st openers? We're in Western MT and considering spending a few days right out the gate, since the season here isnt going till the 15th. Curious on how you guys think it'll be that early in April. Obviously, the majority of bears wont be out till may, but I imagine if this winter stays light there's gotta be some boars starting to crack their eyes open. We're much higher than where we've been looking at in ID, here I've been on bears around 5,500ft on April 15th, but most people arent even thinking about them till middle of may.
In a lot of Idaho, this isn't a light winter... But bears were out last April 1st. I don't see why they wouldn't be next April as well.
Idaho is a great state for NR OTC bear hunting. I would look into the possibility of getting a 2nd reduced tag if traveling a far way. Could be worth it in the northern zones near the Frank Church Wilderness.
What's the word on 2025 spring Black Bear hunt in Idaho? Hunted last season in mid June and didn't see a single bear. We were in unit 34 and 33. I am thinking to try units 12/17 or 4 this year and earlier in the season.
Those two are hard to do after April. They green up fast and they get thick
A hunt residents should be happy to help with. Come have a great time and kill a bear. Montana and Wyoming also have good spring bear hunting. Spot and stalk is lots of fun and totally doable for hunting. On multiple trips I've spotted bears on day one.

Nonresidents wondering where to go have lots of options. The units with the most bears killed, say top three, are well known. They're good and have a lot of bears killed to some extent because of their popularity. Not crazy busy in those units from my experience but also kind of nice to get off the beaten track a bit more.

Salmon, McCall, Sawtooth, Beaverhead, Lemhi all have at least decent bear numbers. The Middle Fork and Selway Zones are not very accessible due to high country access points until Mid June or later when the bear hunting starts to drop off or get closed. You could target a mid June backcountry hunt in there and make it work but access will be a challenge and the bear hunting won’t be easy that late and in huge country. You could also do a fly-in hunt earlier in the season when the greenup is closer to the river and animals are closer to winter range. That would likely be a better hunt. You could have a wolf, lion, bear combo hunt and just an amazing time in deep backcountry. The other main access point to the Selway and Salmon Zones is along the river roads. Steep hiking but a good number of bears if you hike away from access points.

In general, for the average guy not messing with the lower priced tags which are more difficult to access and rugged to get around will make for a more successful hunt. Buy full price and go for it.

Throughout the state, you'll want to do your research to see if the road you're planning on taking will be open. Anything above 5,000 feet is a red flag. Call the forest service office and post on here if you want about the roads. Look at Snotel and information available online about snowpack. Many will be closed or impassable. You might be good for a while and then hit a snowbank. A common good approach is to find a lower elevation road and hike up from there. 4 wheelers are very helpful for getting around when access might be hit or miss.

Northern Idaho has more bears generally speaking than south and central Idaho. Panhandle, Clearwater, and Lolo areas can be productive. You will have to plan for how you hunt with all the dense timber but there are bears around and more wolves up there too.

Pioneer and more desert units south of I-84 don't have a lot of bears.

Normally the later part of April through early June the hunting can be good. May is a nice middle ground. You might want to hunt a little lower or higher depending on the timing.

Feel free to PM. Depending on volume and where you're looking, I might be able to help. I don't know that much about the areas north of the Salmon River Breaks. Anything south of that I've probably ventured through and hunted at least a little for some critter.
Thanks for the info!!!
Hi all, I’ve been following this thread for about a year now. I’m glad to see it’s still going strong.

My buddy and I are planning an Idaho spring bear trip for the second week of May. It’s our first trip out west, so our only goal is to enjoy the experience, and work hard enough we don’t feel like we left anything on the table if we don’t come home with a bear.

I’ve been e-scouting pretty heavily in unit 39 for various reasons, but also because we already have a 21hr drive to Idaho, so I’d like to not spend another 6 or 8 hours driving across the state. I was wondering if anyone had any insight on the access that time of year? I’m looking at an area east of the Boise River in the central part of the unit. By the sound of things this year it shouldn’t be much of a problem by mid-May, but always good to check.

Also, if would anyone be willing to chat in the DM’s I would love to get opinions on the specific areas I plan to check out. My main concern is that I’m either heading into an area that is heavily hunted, or that I’m wasting time in an area known to not hold many bears. As long as we’re heading to an area where we have a decent opportunity, we’re willing to burn the boot leather and see what we turn up.

Thanks in advance for any help, and to all who have contributed in the past. This thread has been super helpful in planning this trip so far.
How did you guys do?
Is Idaho better state for bear hunting than Montana? or are they similar
Similar. Tags are cheaper in Idaho.
Bait and dogs in Idaho.
Some dogs in MT

Depending on what you are looking for and season you want to hunt.
Depending on where you are coming from the you might pick the state that is closer and allows the most time for scouting or hunting time.
Similar. Tags are cheaper in Idaho.
Bait and dogs in Idaho.
Some dogs in MT

Depending on what you are looking for and season you want to hunt.
Depending on where you are coming from the you might pick the state that is closer and allows the most time for scouting or hunting time.
I'm looking at the first week of June coming from Michigan, I wanna do spot and stalk, which interests me more than baiting. So Montana is closer, but I just feel like I've seen so much more success in Idaho, even with stalking not just bait.
I'm looking at the first week of June coming from Michigan, I wanna do spot and stalk, which interests me more than baiting. So Montana is closer, but I just feel like I've seen so much more success in Idaho, even with stalking not just bait.
I'd recommend hunting Idaho if that is where you are interested.
If you don't find it to be enjoyable then try MT the next time you want to hunt bear.
Either state will have good opportunities.
I'm looking at the first week of June coming from Michigan, I wanna do spot and stalk, which interests me more than baiting. So Montana is closer, but I just feel like I've seen so much more success in Idaho, even with stalking not just bait.
I’m fairly new to western hunting, also coming from Michigan. Hunted spring bear in both states. Our first trip to Montana we stopped at a local brewery in a small town to try and find something unique while also downloading more maps and whatnot. The bar tender was super nice/cool and I jokingly asked hey, where are all the blackbears around here? She smiled, laughed, and pointed out the window - they’re in the woods, she said 😂

Both states are super unique once you get off the beaten path. Spring bear in either comes with their own set of challenges. I found Montana a lot easier to navigate unit-unit than Idaho, but I feel like Idaho is more like Michigan and seem to enjoy it more.

Like she said, they’re in the mountains/woods. You’ll find bears in either. Just get out there and look.
Planning a spring bear hunt last week af April. Based off the info I have found unit 39 has a lot of good elevation to hunt and accessible anyone willing to give any info? Planning to back pack in.
Planning a spring bear hunt last week af April. Based off the info I have found unit 39 has a lot of good elevation to hunt and accessible anyone willing to give any info? Planning to back pack in.
If you pick a spot to pack in that doesn't have a legit trail, you should be able to avoid most other folks. And you probably can get away with just going in a few miles from the main roads. But if there are other trucks parked there when you get there, have a backup plan or two.
If you pick a spot to pack in that doesn't have a legit trail, you should be able to avoid most other folks. And you probably can get away with just going in a few miles from the main roads. But if there are other trucks parked there when you get there, have a backup plan or two.
Is 39 doable or should I focus on another unit? Sounds like the snow will be melted in most the unit? Am I going to be hunting a needle in a hay stack? Is the pressure going to make them more nocturnal?