Idaho Sawtooth B tag

Man, you're crazy if you put a $650 elk tag on a wolf when you can buy a wolf tag for $41.75 or so. Bear tag that's good statewide is less than $200. No way would I use an elk tag on a wolf.

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Yea, I'll buy a wolf tag. I meant if late in the hunt and I see a bear I might take it instead of eating tag soup.
Our stomping grounds, great advise on a wolf tag. Another tip, start working out, this is more like hunting mountain goats than elk, and we see goats almost everyday in our grounds.
I probably have underestimated the area but good advice. I've started the MTN OPS elk fit training already. Plan to get in the best shape I can in the months to come.
PM inbound. Got the tag with a buddy as well. Happy to share info and compare notes. Similar situation to you though, first time in the unit. My buddy and I got some okay spots in line and somehow both had access about 10 minutes apart and the only tags left we had an interest in was the Sawtooth B tag and both were able to get it in the cart. Baring any permit draws and with our deer schedules, we'll be there the last week of the season.
Great news... I plan to do some scouting trips. Have been getting some intel from some great people. I'd be more than happy to share my experiences. I plan to go up probably a week before your plan. Didn't see the PM
Id advise not to go deep and plan on staying in for a days if you are not into elk or know elk are historically in the area you are hunting. Id go before it opens to scout, day hunt from truck till you find elk then pack in.
Plan on making a trip up mid July. I've got a few spots e-scouted and have some friendly intel. You're the first to say not to go in deep but I think you mean stay mobile until we locate elk?
Great advice... rookie move on my part. Just thought it might be different here than on facebook... my mistake... Funny, if anybody wanted intel on NV I would have zero issues helping... not sure why people make it such a big deal... I go out of my way to help fellow hunters/fishermen be successful but I guess I'm in the minority.
Info sharing to the world is what has ruined hunting IMO.e everybody wants the work done for them and can't understand why others won't broadcast their years of work to a stranger. Learned my lesson he hard way and can't believe it is still going on after years of this stuff. And most are so offended when other hunters won't hand over info to a stranger!!! You are asking way too much. Just go hunt and see what you can figure out!!!!
Info sharing to the world is what has ruined hunting IMO.e everybody wants the work done for them and can't understand why others won't broadcast their years of work to a stranger. Learned my lesson he hard way and can't believe it is still going on after years of this stuff. And most are so offended when other hunters won't hand over info to a stranger!!! You are asking way too much. Just go hunt and see what you can figure out!!!!
I get it, and I'm not offended about those who choose not to share. I am put off by all the "hollier" than thou hunters that choose to belittle anyone who asks for advice, help, etc... I said multiple times that whether or not I get intel from others isn't going to change the fact that I will e-scout and put boots on the ground scouting yet I still have to hear about how nobody is going to show me their honey hole or how I need to go do it or why do I buy a tag in an area I don't know.... Everybody has to start somewhere and I'd venture to say everybody has been shown or taught somehow.
Plan on making a trip up mid July. I've got a few spots e-scouted and have some friendly intel. You're the first to say not to go in deep but I think you mean stay mobile until we locate elk?
yes. Lotta places you dont have to be way in to glass elk up somewhere way in then make a plan versus just going in blind to a new spot
Thought I'd give you all an update. Some will be happy to hear that, although I did not harvest, I did put boots on the ground in a lot of the area and learned a ton. I had a great hunt and nearly had a great bull. The scouting trip I made early in the year panned out. All the advice around getting in shape was understated! That is steep country, steep but beautiful! I also learned that walking over deadfall sucks.

I'll start with mid Oct 2022 was unusually hot. Nothing moving mid day. Decided elk were going to be in the higher country.

I packed in 5 miles into wilderness area. Got close but ran into a herd running from some horseback hunters. 1 nice bull in the herd. Was never presented a shot opportunity. Hiked back out that night to try to get away from the horseback guys.

Moved south to unit 33, drove around scouting/hunting. Saw too many hunters down there so decided to go back to near where I hiked in. Hiked in 3.5 miles into a nice vantage point. sitting at 8200ft. set up camp for the next few nights. That evening while sitting over a canyon a herd moved in out of the cover. It was near the end of light when the bull presented a shot opportunity but I missed. Nerves??? fever??? gun NOT... Just a clean miss. I still replay that opportunity in my head every day. Just can't comprehend how I missed.

Anyway long story short, heard a few more bulls that week but only at 2am. Didn't get another opportunity on this trip. Area full of fresh sign. Saw more cows but no more bulls.

Thanks to those who gave advice. I even thank those who scrutinized... you actually made me work harder trying to prove I wasn't who you thought. I will be back next year, but this time with a bow in island park.
Just picked up the same tag. Interested in your findings. I will be using this thread as a starting point
Sawtooth B tag is also typically inundated with non-hunters throughout Fall. It's steep and rugged country (like most of Idaho), Good luck.
It's also on fire in several places right now. Better check inciweb before making any final plans.

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It's also on fire in several places right now. Better check inciweb before making any final plans.

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The Nellie and Wapiti are making some major runs today. Pretty dang sad, both areas burnt in the late 80's and early 90's and the Pioneer fire burnt the island between them in '15. Both will burn until weather puts them out.
The Nellie and Wapiti are making some major runs today. Pretty dang sad, both areas burnt in the late 80's and early 90's and the Pioneer fire burnt the island between them in '15. Both will burn until weather puts them out.
Looks like it added 5k acres to the total just today on the Wapiti fire

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