Idaho Sawtooth B tag

West Mountain complex along with Middle Fork complex has shut down the majority of Sawtooth zone (roads and forest). Will be an interesting year for those with tags in those units. Folks who were planning on a bowhunt in there will most likely need to alter plans.
Yep. Wapiti turned into a serious fire, and is going to disrupt a lot of people's lives for a while it looks like. 80k acres and growing, with high winds and warmer temps in the forecast. Not a good combination.

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Wow, actually glad my wife decided to have our baby in September forcing me to hunt in November now
Thought I'd give you all an update. Some will be happy to hear that, although I did not harvest, I did put boots on the ground in a lot of the area and learned a ton. I had a great hunt and nearly had a great bull. The scouting trip I made early in the year panned out. All the advice around getting in shape was understated! That is steep country, steep but beautiful! I also learned that walking over deadfall sucks.

I'll start with mid Oct 2022 was unusually hot. Nothing moving mid day. Decided elk were going to be in the higher country.

I packed in 5 miles into wilderness area. Got close but ran into a herd running from some horseback hunters. 1 nice bull in the herd. Was never presented a shot opportunity. Hiked back out that night to try to get away from the horseback guys.

Moved south to unit 33, drove around scouting/hunting. Saw too many hunters down there so decided to go back to near where I hiked in. Hiked in 3.5 miles into a nice vantage point. sitting at 8200ft. set up camp for the next few nights. That evening while sitting over a canyon a herd moved in out of the cover. It was near the end of light when the bull presented a shot opportunity but I missed. Nerves??? fever??? gun NOT... Just a clean miss. I still replay that opportunity in my head every day. Just can't comprehend how I missed.

Anyway long story short, heard a few more bulls that week but only at 2am. Didn't get another opportunity on this trip. Area full of fresh sign. Saw more cows but no more bulls.

Thanks to those who gave advice. I even thank those who scrutinized... you actually made me work harder trying to prove I wasn't who you thought. I will be back next year, but this time with a bow in island park.
I got a B tag for 2025, first time in that unit. Any info would be appreciated.