Hi, I’m looking for help/ideas for help packing out a moose if need be. One of the outfitters is willing to help but the other isn’t and unfortunately he’s the one who has all the good ground. I’m willing to pay a fair price.
In Idaho the outfitters are your only option if you are going to pay for a packing service.
The only way around this is for a friend or other person to pack out for you for free. Even paying for their gas or hay for their animals could be considered as payment for professional services and get you into trouble.
I am aware guides are my only option. However I’m forced to ask around as only one guide in the unit is willing to packout, and the other isn’t the friendliest and is only willing to do all or nothing. Unfortunately, I enjoy hunting and doing it myself. The guide who is willing to pack out is in the portion of the unit with less area.
it’s in central eastern Idaho, near Montana. DM me for more info.
im willing to “rent”gear for packing out if you are willing to be there for free.