Actually we have a pretty great thing in Idaho. We risk losing it when hunters can't be objective.And this is why we can’t have nice things.
They should at a minimum just make the seasons congruent state wide so that units don’t get hammered harder than they should be by being open later. Choose your weapon etc.
Populations of residents are skyrocketing and there are not nearly enough draw options, it’s a recipe for a crash.
The resident population might be skyrocketing but guess what isn't? Hunter numbers.
Between 2018-2022, OTC mule deer hunter numbers dropped 9.6%.
Between 2018-2022, OTC elk hunter numbers dropped 2.5%
Between 2018-2022, OTC Whitetail deer hunter numbers dropped 18.6%.
I think most of the decline can be attributed to lower deer populations. The low deer populations are a result of bad winter survival and have nothing to do with hunting pressure. But let's ignore that and blame hunting pressure or NR so we can reduce our own hunting opportunities.