Idaho NR general tag going to draw?

For those saying NR will ask for a point system next, where is the large and obvious demand for a point system in NM?
Not a state that I interact with people that hunt as much as Idaho. There are plenty of people I have spoken with that are residents of Idaho and although less so, nonresidents that have said they wish Idaho would go to a point system.

Like I said, I hope I am wrong but I do believe that many think the draw will fix the problem and once it is realized it won’t, there will be other solution’s and the forefront of those will be some form of point systems. Not saying it will be tomorrow, next year or in ten but I will bet I see it in my lifetime.

I hope I am wrong.
You have to remember, here on Rokslide we are the minority when it comes to our understanding of other states systems compared to the average hunter. The average hunter doesn’t understand the details many here do. They think that other states point systems are working and they view them as the solution to not drawing.
Not a state that I interact with people that hunt as much as Idaho. There are plenty of people I have spoken with that are residents of Idaho and although less so, nonresidents that have said they wish Idaho would go to a point system.

Like I said, I hope I am wrong but I do believe that many think the draw will fix the problem and once it is realized it won’t, there will be other solution’s and the forefront of those will be some form of point systems. Not saying it will be tomorrow, next year or in ten but I will bet I see it in my lifetime.

I hope I am wrong.
You have to remember, here on Rokslide we are the minority when it comes to our understanding of other states systems compared to the average hunter. The average hunter doesn’t understand the details many here do. They think that other states point systems are working and they view them as the solution to not drawing.
I think when I read your original post I assumed you were advocating for a point system. I feel you clarified properly that it's just your opinion. I still disagree, but maybe that's simply because I want to be optimistic.
When you interact with the folks who feel that a point system is necessary, I hope you explain that the opposite is in fact true.
I would vote to keep points out of Idaho. It isn’t needed. Purely random is the best approach.

No points!
No points!
No points!

No preference points, no bonus points, no you supported an outfitter points!

No points!

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I think when I read your original post I assumed you were advocating for a point system. I feel you clarified properly that it's just your opinion. I still disagree, but maybe that's simply because I want to be optimistic.
When you interact with the folks who feel that a point system is necessary, I hope you explain that the opposite is in fact true.
I once told my wife that I want my headstone to read “**** your point system and the white horse it rode in on.”

She told me “No.”

Then I asked her if we changed that one word to “screw?”

She still said “No.”

I am currently still trying to find a way to leave an everlasting impression of my hate for point systems on this world.
I'm curious as to why the posters on this thread previously think the draw odds for these general hunts will be so minimal...

Color me an optimist, but I think you will have decent draw odds depending on the hunt. And I definitely think you will be able to get a tag every year if you play your choices right. (and depending on how badly you want to hunt elk)

The requirement of the 180 dollar NR hunting license (I think that is around how much it is) will be a pretty big deterrent for most. As opposed to the current system where you can sit in the line and not have to buy anything until your number gets called and you have the tag in your cart. So you are not out anything to play the game. But add in that 180 dollar barrier to entry and I think you weed out most of the people who are just there to see if they can get lucky and pick up something. For those posters in this forum earlier that I read saying every tom dick and harry will pay that to put their name in the hat to MAYBE not even hunt Idaho is not how it play out at least to me.

Just trying to add some sunshine and optimism to this thread, otherwise the pointless bitching and moaning will win out.
I'm curious as to why the posters on this thread previously think the draw odds for these general hunts will be so minimal...

Color me an optimist, but I think you will have decent draw odds depending on the hunt. And I definitely think you will be able to get a tag every year if you play your choices right. (and depending on how badly you want to hunt elk)

The requirement of the 180 dollar NR hunting license (I think that is around how much it is) will be a pretty big deterrent for most. As opposed to the current system where you can sit in the line and not have to buy anything until your number gets called and you have the tag in your cart. So you are not out anything to play the game. But add in that 180 dollar barrier to entry and I think you weed out most of the people who are just there to see if they can get lucky and pick up something. For those posters in this forum earlier that I read saying every tom dick and harry will pay that to put their name in the hat to MAYBE not even hunt Idaho is not how it play out at least to me.

Just trying to add some sunshine and optimism to this thread, otherwise the pointless bitching and moaning will win out.
I think it will be interesting to see where the drawings odds fall. Also, in Idaho there is a wait period of a year if you draw any antlered tag in the controlled hunts. I wonder if that would be applied to the general season drawing as well. If so, it will become impossible to hunt Idaho in back to back years. At best you would be able to hunt every other year.
I'm curious as to why the posters on this thread previously think the draw odds for these general hunts will be so minimal...

Color me an optimist, but I think you will have decent draw odds depending on the hunt. And I definitely think you will be able to get a tag every year if you play your choices right. (and depending on how badly you want to hunt elk)

The requirement of the 180 dollar NR hunting license (I think that is around how much it is) will be a pretty big deterrent for most. As opposed to the current system where you can sit in the line and not have to buy anything until your number gets called and you have the tag in your cart. So you are not out anything to play the game. But add in that 180 dollar barrier to entry and I think you weed out most of the people who are just there to see if they can get lucky and pick up something. For those posters in this forum earlier that I read saying every tom dick and harry will pay that to put their name in the hat to MAYBE not even hunt Idaho is not how it play out at least to me.

Just trying to add some sunshine and optimism to this thread, otherwise the pointless bitching and moaning will win out.

I think the first year there will be a lot of people that pony up the $180. After that I think some people will give up.

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The whole mess would be easily solved;

Just require Non Res to buy their own tag either online or in person...and don't allow Residents to turn it into the Black Market purchasing tags for others.

Yeah, there are a couple other things worth mentioning as well.

Their website is POS. It has had problems every year booting people, crashing and so on.

They also need to deal with proxy accounts, where one guy can get dozens or more of spots in line.
I'm curious as to why the posters on this thread previously think the draw odds for these general hunts will be so minimal...

Color me an optimist, but I think you will have decent draw odds depending on the hunt. And I definitely think you will be able to get a tag every year if you play your choices right. (and depending on how badly you want to hunt elk)

The requirement of the 180 dollar NR hunting license (I think that is around how much it is) will be a pretty big deterrent for most. As opposed to the current system where you can sit in the line and not have to buy anything until your number gets called and you have the tag in your cart. So you are not out anything to play the game. But add in that 180 dollar barrier to entry and I think you weed out most of the people who are just there to see if they can get lucky and pick up something. For those posters in this forum earlier that I read saying every tom dick and harry will pay that to put their name in the hat to MAYBE not even hunt Idaho is not how it play out at least to me.

Just trying to add some sunshine and optimism to this thread, otherwise the pointless bitching and moaning will win out.

Please don’t tell my wife that it’s a deterrent to others .

I spend that in most states.
I'm curious as to why the posters on this thread previously think the draw odds for these general hunts will be so minimal...

Color me an optimist, but I think you will have decent draw odds depending on the hunt. And I definitely think you will be able to get a tag every year if you play your choices right. (and depending on how badly you want to hunt elk)

The requirement of the 180 dollar NR hunting license (I think that is around how much it is) will be a pretty big deterrent for most. As opposed to the current system where you can sit in the line and not have to buy anything until your number gets called and you have the tag in your cart. So you are not out anything to play the game. But add in that 180 dollar barrier to entry and I think you weed out most of the people who are just there to see if they can get lucky and pick up something. For those posters in this forum earlier that I read saying every tom dick and harry will pay that to put their name in the hat to MAYBE not even hunt Idaho is not how it play out at least to me.

Just trying to add some sunshine and optimism to this thread, otherwise the pointless bitching and moaning will win out.

This, there’s already thousands of people logging on to “just see” what number they will get. These people don’t have any intention of buying a tag unless their other 3 buddies can get one and we ALL KNOW those odds.

Now, i think there better ways besides a draw. But, if they too stupid to modify the current system then a draw is better than WTH is in place now.

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I think the first year there will be a lot of people that pony up the $180. After that I think some people will give up.

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And I think that's where the push for some sort of NR point system will start. "I paid $180 and didn't draw, I want something to show for that money"
There is already an option for preference points to be implemented, IFG just hasn't utilized it. Given the disdain that many legislators have for IFG, when someone starts planting the seed of how much money Idaho could be leaving on the table by not having a system in place, it's only going to be a matter of time before one is started.
I hope that they don't start one but I trust the Idaho Legislature about as far as I can pick them up and throw them. The Fish and Game Commission make rules, but the legislature controls the purse strings. And we all know about the golden rule.
If they do end up going to a draw, I hope it works out for all of us. The less attention we get down at the statehouse , the better for all of us.
I'm curious as to why the posters on this thread previously think the draw odds for these general hunts will be so minimal...

Color me an optimist, but I think you will have decent draw odds depending on the hunt. And I definitely think you will be able to get a tag every year if you play your choices right. (and depending on how badly you want to hunt elk)

The requirement of the 180 dollar NR hunting license (I think that is around how much it is) will be a pretty big deterrent for most. As opposed to the current system where you can sit in the line and not have to buy anything until your number gets called and you have the tag in your cart. So you are not out anything to play the game. But add in that 180 dollar barrier to entry and I think you weed out most of the people who are just there to see if they can get lucky and pick up something. For those posters in this forum earlier that I read saying every tom dick and harry will pay that to put their name in the hat to MAYBE not even hunt Idaho is not how it play out at least to me.

Just trying to add some sunshine and optimism to this thread, otherwise the pointless bitching and moaning will win out.
My theory is that I know a handful of people that do not currently mess with Idahos system but have said that if it goes to a draw, then they will. How many more people are like this? I think that you will see more applicants due to the simplicity of a draw. Applying takes 10 minutes. The current system takes half a day.

Will they be offset by the people that dont try due to costs? I dont know and time will tell.
ID should do what's best for the residents and I'll either go back or continue to hunt elsewhere. It was pretty good hunting in the early 80's. What I will never do is spend $180 non refundable on a draw that doesn't have points.