Huh deer populations aren’t doing well. We’re losing shit loads of winter range and carrying capacity associated with it, yet lets just blame everything and everyone else instead of taking steps to improve the situation before it gets worse.
I agree that deer populations aren't doing well and I cited that as the reason why hunter participation has declined in recent years. (This pattern has occurred many times in Idaho history). My point is that I have never heard so many complaints about hunter crowding as I have over the last few years even though the number of hunters has declined over that same period. Despite the demonstrable decline in hunter numbers we keep hearing the same argument that the mountains are too crowded and we need to do "something" to save the deer. That "something" often takes the form of reducing opportunity in some form or fashion. It could be season length, season timing, choose your weapon, antler-point-restrictions, NR allocation, etc.
Do you know what will do nothing to increase deer populations? Here's an incomplete list:
1. Reducing NR allocation.
2. Antler-point-restrictions.
3. Changing season length or timing.
4. Choose your weapon or other weapon restrictions.
5. Eliminating OTC.
None of those things increase deer populations. The only thing they could potentially do is increase buck escapement and consequently age class. But recent research casts doubt on some of these methods to accomplish that.
There are only two primary things that can have a positive impact on deer populations and those are winter conditions and habitat (winter range and summer range). I rarely heard crowding complaints from 2013 through 2016 even though there were far more hunters in the field then. It can only be because deer were abundant during that period. We aren't as bothered by the presence of others if we are all seeing and killing deer.
Since this thread is meant to discuss NR tag distribution I will end my thoughts there. The next few years will be interesting as NR drawing odds find an equilibrium. With no prior drawing statistics to base applications on, will NR apply heavily for only a few units and leave many tags undersubscribed? What will happen in the second year in response to the first? Will drawing a general tag in Idaho be something that can occur every year, every-other year, or will it be more difficult than that?
As of now there is a wait period if you draw an antlered tag, will that apply to the general season drawings as well? If so that automatically eliminates annual hunts and at best would mean individual NR will only be able to get tags every two years.