Idaho legislature screws us again

I believe it is hatred of those that lock me out of what I possess that is the point here.

I'm sure you'd be pissed if I threw a gait across your driveway and locked you out and you had no legal ramifications to do anything about it unless the county stepped in. . .

I'm my experience landowners breakdown about like this:
1. 30% amazing people all the way around
2. 30% great people, that want some privacy and are skeptical of strangers
3. 30% good/great people that have become jaded by past actions of others
4. 10% entitled, elitist assholes

Much of the land is this country is held by generational wealth, or was bought by the backing of generational assets. Making it hard for the common man to "buy his own". That is why the common man want to have his legally granted access to the lands that he owns, instead of a member from group #4 locking him out!

Maybe you should buy your own land instead of bitching about landowners who saved and worked hard to buy their land.

This envy and hatred of others who possess more than you seems really popular with the younger socialist give me generation
A fence of convenience is a legal term so one really can't be greater than the other. There is a lot to boundary law, more than people realize.

Negative. There is liability if the fence of convenience, or in this case a gate infringes on the use of the easement that was deeded. Other than the civil litigation is no recourse for the injured party. By not allowing that litigation as the gentleman from Texas suggested we are in fact establishing that a structure of convenience supersedes the rights granted by the deed.
I'm not trying to stay things one way or the other but I'm confused. Some folks say they're illegal blocking access but others say the gates are never closed. Am I reading things wrong?

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I'm not trying to stay things one way or the other but I'm confused. Some folks say they're illegal blocking access but others say the gates are never closed. Am I reading things wrong?

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They left the gates open, however, the gates were built within the public right-of-way and they put up signs stating "Private Road no Trespassing"

They also hired security guards to patrol the road and harass the public for travelling the road. One person uploaded a video to youtube of the security guard harassing him and telling him he was trespassing even though the road is public and at that location was on public land.
I heard it all now, convenience supersedes legality.

Convenience....You mean like having to post your land and home for defense against trespassing, for the convenience of those trespassing.... what’s next.. oops, door wasn’t locked guess that means home is open to the public.

Make it criminal, civil is way to ambiguous and thus why it was tabled.
This statement above is just as stupid as when you called me a socialist millenial who needed to buy his own land....

Then why are BHA board members working to shut down hunting seasons?

In Washington State a BHA board member works for an anti hunting organization that worked to shut down hunting and abolish trapping.

Chase Gunnell is the full timer paid spokesman for the anti hunting organization Conservation NW. Conservation NW was founded by and is run by a self admitted eco terrorist Mitch Friedman who founded earth first.

Why would BHA put anti hunting advocates on the boards if they are pro hunting?

I see the same in Colorado

Please explain
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I own land. An amount that I would think is more than the average person owns. I also worked hard enough and saved enough to own it before I'm old too.

What does that have to do with illegally posting public land?

Just because I'm a land owner the laws shouldn't apply and I should be able to illegally block access to Public Land?
You are dead on exactly
Landowners and outfitters that post public land are some of the lowest scum on earth. They rate a lot lower than poachers in my book. Fences of convenience are common, and surprise the public side is often more "convenient". When you hang your posted signs on that fence that's a couple hundred yards into the public, you should be held accountable.
Convenience....You mean like having to post your land and home for defense against trespassing, for the convenience of those trespassing.... what’s next.. oops, door wasn’t locked guess that means home is open to the public.

Make it criminal, civil is way to ambiguous and thus why it was tabled.

I suppose it is more convenient to have hunters hire Professional Surveyors to mark all the property boundaries in their hunting areas?

Seems more reasonable to me that a landowner should be the one responsible for marking their land and be held accountable if they illegally post public land.
Convenience....You mean like having to post your land and home for defense against trespassing, for the convenience of those trespassing.... what’s next.. oops, door wasn’t locked guess that means home is open to the public.

Make it criminal, civil is way to ambiguous and thus why it was tabled.

Right now it is criminal and not civil. The problem with this is that every day citizens stand little to no chance fight this in a criminal court. On top of that, the fines under a criminal charge are minuscule. This is the way I understood it anyway...I could be wrong.
I suppose it is more convenient to have hunters hire Professional Surveyors to mark all the property boundaries in their hunting areas?

Seems more reasonable to me that a landowner should be the one responsible for marking their land and be held accountable if they illegally post public land.

My comment wasn’t abour illegally posting land, it was in reference to Trail’s convenience issues. It’s about the convenience of the trasspassing apparently not the home or property owner in mosts eyes.

In theory Game unit boundaries need to be marked same way as private property? They aren’t....
In theory Game unit boundaries need to be marked same way as private property? They aren’t....

Good point, however, most unit boundaries use prominent landmarks, highways, roads, etc. as the boundary between units. There are units however that use less definite boundaries such as ridge lines.

Private property lines tend to be straight lines and cut across land features with no clear delineation especially in the more thickly forested areas of the state.