Idaho capped elk zone tags Dec. 1

Wonder how many people aren’t going to be able to complete the transaction in the required time. I just got lucky and don’t have a patient at this particular time.
The "waiting room" actually takes longer. Just close out of it and you can log directly in and buy your tag. I was number 5122 and closed out of it and was able to log in and buy the tag I wanted in 30 seconds. Good luck
What a ******* joke.

I sat through the waiting room, added my tag, and the checkout now button won't work. My five minutes is now up and I'm shit out of luck.

What a cluster.
What a ******* joke.

I sat through the waiting room, added my tag, and the checkout now button won't work. My five minutes is now up and I'm shit out of luck.

What a cluster.
And their phones are disconnected so you can’t call and have them help you figure it out. Lol. Sorry man.
What a mess. I'm able to log back in and add the tag to my cart again, but it still won't let me checkout.

Everytime I get back in I'm seeing the number of tags go down, so someone is having luck getting through.
This system is wack

I’ve moved from 20 min wait left back to over an hr wait like 3 times

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Same exact thing just happened to my hunting partner. I got my tag and he got hung up on checkout button and got booted. Might be hunting solo...
Imagine all the working people out there simply trying to get a tag, but can’t sit for an hr in a “waiting line” due to work

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DAV sold out in about 1.2 seconds it looks like. I was 3000 in line and all gone

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Got right in no problem, added items to cart, couldn't complete check out. put tag in my cart again, Got through checkout process but was then redirected to the waiting room instead of a confirmation page. Got a text saying my card was charged by IDGFP though. No email from IDGFP. Who knows if i actually got one.