Idaho Bonus point system

Would you support a bonus point system in idaho

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 6.7%
  • No

    Votes: 249 93.3%

  • Total voters
I've got an idea!!!! Make it a draw for all the idiotic out of staters to move to Idaho!!! Make it a points system too. this might be the first good application for a point system in history. Lord know the op will love it since he wants to use it to fix everything else.

I know differing opinions are scary, we should all live in an echo chamber on a flat earth..

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Since some of you have been hunting longer than a lot of these changes have been around, wouldn't going back to where the general tag was good for any unit rather than picking a zone spread out pressure just by virtue of people just naturally going to where there isn't pressure over time?
@Customweld @robby denning @idelkslayer
You would think that would be the case. I think it would be a lot like throwing a rock into a pond. The initial waves would be fairly prominent, but would subside and find it's own level in a few years.
I think with the capped tags, it gives an appearance of scarcity, which drives FOMO.
I honestly wish the entire state was general over the counter. People would flock to draw units. They'd get hammered then there would be a normalization. I think big deer would come out of the state at the same rate they always have. But it would be a better use of the resource as a whole. It would certainly be better for the guys who are serious about hunting. There's a lot of unrecognized expenses in making a trophy area.
I’ve been thinking about this a fair amount lately and would love to see this happen. Maybe keep a couple units draw only as a trophy unit or if there are actual population concerns for an area, but the rest are OTC October rifle hunting for residents with a low number of controlled rut hunts in each unit as well.

I feel this would spread people throughout the state and help with some people’s perception of hunter crowding. I also think this may be the best bet for future generations of hunters to enjoy OTC deer hunting for as long as possible as Idaho’s population continues to grow. What it won’t help with, just like going to more controlled hunts, is increasing someone’s chance to kill big mule deer who aren’t willing to put in the work.
I know differing opinions are scary, we should all live in an echo chamber on a flat earth..

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Demonstrably bad opinions are frustrating to hear brought up constantly. Point systems are broken in every state they’re used in. Moving general units to draw units has been done in the state. There’s podcasts recently about some of the ones in East Idaho on the rock cast. Hunt quality did not significantly improve. But people still bring this up like it’s gonna fix something.
What we have would best analogize to a flat tire with seven holes in it. you want to patch one of them and think it’ll hold air. you’re not actually addressing the root problem you’re just gonna make it worse for Hunters.
Since some of you have been hunting longer than a lot of these changes have been around, wouldn't going back to where the general tag was good for any unit rather than picking a zone spread out pressure just by virtue of people just naturally going to where there isn't pressure over time?
@Customweld @robby denning @idelkslayer
There were several areas in the state that tended to get a disproportionate amount of NR hunting pressure. Several units in the Southeast(close to Utah), North(close to Washington), and west(close to Oregon) were as high as 30% NR hunters. Other areas of the state had as little as 5% NR hunters. The quotas set in 2019 reduced the high pressure units to 15% and raised the low pressure units to 10% to try and more evenly distribute NR hunters. The unintended consequence of setting NR quotas for every general season unit was the buying frenzy on Dec 1 to get a unit specific tag.

Now that IDFG is going to implement a draw system for NR tags. I think it might have been better to go back to how it was before or put NR quotas only on the handful of units where NR were more than 20% of the total.
I still think there needs to be a delineation of archery and rifle though.
Way off topic:
I would be curious to know if the popularity of elk hunting would be as high as it is, if it wasn't for the advancements in archery and early elk season technology.
Demonstrably bad opinions are frustrating to hear brought up constantly. Point systems are broken in every state they’re used in. Moving general units to draw units has been done in the state. There’s podcasts recently about some of the ones in East Idaho on the rock cast. Hunt quality did not significantly improve. But people still bring this up like it’s gonna fix something.
What we have would best analogize to a flat tire with seven holes in it. you want to patch one of them and think it’ll hold air. you’re not actually addressing the root problem you’re just gonna make it worse for Hunters.

I spend significant time (last 4 seasons about 6 days in each, during deer season) in one of the units in SE discussed, I disagree with the take that its not significantly better than every unit around it, and definitely better than any of the OTC units I have spent time in. The only perceived reason for lack of improvement in my opinion, is the effort of those who drew the tag. I’ve hunted both units that directly abut it for deer.

I disagree that all of the point systems are broken, once again that’s just my opinion.

I disagree that all of the point systems are broken, once again that’s just my opinion.

Every point state I apply and draw in, continues to work as designed. The one state that was "broken", AZ, was promptly fixed and now continues to operate as designed.
What's broken, is understanding what the point systems were designed to do, which is to provide a long time participant an advantage over those with less application time invested. There isn't a point system in the west that guarantees anyone a tag.
Since some of you have been hunting longer than a lot of these changes have been around, wouldn't going back to where the general tag was good for any unit rather than picking a zone spread out pressure just by virtue of people just naturally going to where there isn't pressure over time?
@Customweld @robby denning @idelkslayer
I am not familiar with Idaho. It in Montana our general tag is statewide and always has been. The end result seems to be that people gravitate to eastern MT. I speculate that the deer are easier to see, numbers are typically higher, terrain is easier are the primary drivers.

I would love to see MT go to regional tag or even district to spread the pressure across the state. As left to it's own has left the majority of the pressure on the plains.
Rarely, what you see more often is point sharing from a non hunting spouse or a guy who wants to hunt with his buddies on a lesser hunt.

Bonus point or a split system reward those that wait yet still offer new hunters a chance to draw.

On the counter point, what about the guy who applies for 15 years for 54 rifle and never draws randomly? I like to plan my hunts and scout, not just guess when I’ll draw and be way behind the 8 ball when results come out.

Idaho shorts you on your scouting time because the draws so late.

For example I when I drew my long wait elk tag in Oregon, knowing I was going to draw I had over 50 days in the unit in the prior years in preparation.

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Perhaps you should move back to Oregon. Problem solved. We don't want points systems for anything in Idaho. Nothing.

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Why is a bonus point system a scam?
It's a money maker for the state. That's it. It's for old guys who want their tags now and to hell with their kids and grandkids who it screws down the road. The older hunting crowd is the most selfish subset of the entire hunting industry.

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They wouldn’t most likely have drawn either with random system either.

Almost every state has a random component, the issue isn’t the point system its limited supply of high demand opportunities.

One of they guys I bird hunt with has 25 years of applying for antelope with no tags in Idaho, he has the same worse odds next year.
He could hunt with archery equipment every single year. He is trying to draw the hardest tag in Idaho just because he wants to use a rifle. That's his problem, and his alone.

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Perhaps you should move back to Oregon. Problem solved. We don't want points systems for anything in Idaho. Nothing.

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Differing opinions are scary I know, I threw it out here because I like hearing people’s opinions even if they differ than mine.

I hunt with my kids every year, it’s not being selfish, it’s nice to have some sort of plan for what you’re going to do each season.

I moved here because I like the politics, not because I want them changed. That being said no state is perfect.

I’m guessing from your other post, you don’t know the difference between bonus point system and a preference point system.
He could hunt with archery equipment every single year. He is trying to draw the hardest tag in Idaho just because he wants to use a rifle. That's his problem, and his alone.

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I’ve a pope and young goat on the wall, If I never hunt archery antelope with a bow again, I’m good.

He’s not putting for the hardest tag in the state, or at least hasn’t been for the last 5 years.
As a resident or non-resident I don’t like point systems. The only benefit is some predictability in when you’ll draw.

What I would rather rather have is the states spread their app dates out & results quicker so somebody can get a tag in state A then sit out the remaining states or vise versa. I usually can only handle 1 tag a year per species, and with a majority of the draws overlapping now it makes it tough to do that.

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Differing opinions are scary I know, I threw it out here because I like hearing people’s opinions even if they differ than mine.

I hunt with my kids every year, it’s not being selfish, it’s nice to have some sort of plan for what you’re going to do each season.

I moved here because I like the politics, not because I want them changed. That being said no state is perfect.

I’m guessing from your other post, you don’t know the difference between bonus point system and a preference point system.

Why can’t you ”plan” to hunt a general unit?
Pretty sure you can “plan” on an otc tag.

Even with pref points high point holders could swoop in out of the blue.
Why can’t you ”plan” to hunt a general unit?
Pretty sure you can “plan” on an otc tag.

Even with pref points high point holders could swoop in out of the blue.

I never went to a party with the goal of taking home a fat girl.

Did it once a bunch of times anyways..