You know what hasn't really changed? Hunter numbers in Idaho. Everyone likes to say there are more but they're wrong. Maybe more of them are applying for controlled hunts, but there aren't more of us than 40 years ago.
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(And before anyone points to 1987-1991 to say things used to be better, those years were a fluke. A perfect storm of conditions that were never seen in the decades before, and haven't occurred since. And ended with one of the worst winter kills Idaho has ever seen.)
The rush for NR tags and the resulting difficulty to buy second tags is a recent issue caused by the NR unit quotas that were created in 2019, not anything to do with changes in population. Everyone also seems to forget that NR tags sold out every year prior to 2008, and it was the recession that created the second tag opportunity as a way for IDFG to recoup revenue and sell out those tags.
One final point, since you have brought it several times already. And it is a valid point. The real danger to our mule deer is development of winter range. Point systems will do nothing to help. Point systems would only change how we slice the shrinking pie.
Maybe, instead of wasting our time on point systems we would be better off petitioning our legislators for protections of mule deer winter range. Maybe we should encourage them to be proactive about protecting mule deer instead of wasting their time on more dumb trespassing, muzzleloader, and lighted nock bills.