How many allocated NR deer and elk tags does NM offer each year? Were these recently OTC? I’m not very familiar with NM.
I’ll reiterate that I don’t want a points system in Idaho, and with a new NR “OTC” draw and no points, I believe the tags will still sell out. However, there will be a very loud group claiming that it isn’t fair that year-after-year they apply and get nothing. There have been some significant changes in recent years as a result of people screeching at IDFG.
The 6-10+ NR group hunts with the current system would be antlered, but it takes homework, coordination, and effort to get the tags. I wouldn’t say that those griping about the NR system are off base, but they do only wish to put in minimal effort in obtaining tags.
@IdahoBeav I had to look it up in the draw odds report that NMDGF releases each year. Last year in the NR pool alone, they issued 2369 deer tags through draw and 917 elk tags through the draw. New Mexico has an interesting way off going about OTC tags. For deer you can get OTC private land tags in most units (I think the unit 2 might be an exception, but don't quote me on that, I try to hunt close to home or places that interest me).
For elk, NM doesn't allow NRs to apply for anterless only elk tags through the draw. However, they have a system called EPLUS (Elk Private Land Use System) where private land owners can enter into an agreement with the Game & Fish Dept. They can either go into as a "Unit Wide" ranch or a "Ranch Only". Meaning that, whatever land owner tags that they received (based off an algorithm of how many habitat acres they own), those tags give access to other Unit Wide Ranches as well as any public ground in that GMU, or the tags can only be used to hunt the Ranch that was given the tags (generally, only really large ranches do this). Even though the ranch can sell tags for whatever the market is will to pay, the state only gets the NR's license fee ~$160 IIRC.
Outside of the primary elk management zones, you can get elk tags OTC, but these areas are generally largely private and generally don't hold many/any elk on a regular basis. Believe it or not, GMU 34 was proposed a few years back to go to elk management zone 2.
I don't think any western state has a perfect system, but from what I understand, I like the hybrid system that ID has. I just think their OTC stuff needs to be revamped. A random draw similar to what NM has is the easy button IMO. It avoids points and everyone has a chance, while avoiding overcrowding issues for the most part. I don't like NM's EPLUS system, but I'm not sure of a better way that doesn't come with its own issues.
Similarly, I don't like the dedicated allocation to those applying with outfitters. It's government welfare IMO. I'd be content with something along the lines of an 88/12 split for Resident/Non-Resident split. I think that could offset having to raise resident fees (NM is a pretty poor state and it's relatively inexpensive by today's standards for NR's).