Idaho Bonus point system

Would you support a bonus point system in idaho

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • No

    Votes: 36 80.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 6, 2013
Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on a Bonus (not preference point system) for Idaho.
Just wondering what peoples thoughts are on a Bonus (not preference point system) for Idaho.

I don’t like any points systems. I’ve put in for over ten years as an Idaho resident, and if I never draw anything, oh well. They aren’t fair for kids and other new hunters. They don’t help anyone but the people with the most points. Bonus points are better than preference, but I still don’t like the idea. A better way to boost draw odds, for everyone instead of just high point holders, would be to separate each species in the draw like they do with trophy species.

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Bonus point systems are a nightmare. They become top heavy and limit opportunity for younger folks. If you are born 20+ years after a bonus point system is introduced you are 20+ points behind the guys who were around when it was implemented.

You also can’t ever undo them. The public outcry when you suggest eliminating a system that has guys 20+ years in will prevent it ever going away and then you are stuck with a broken system.
I'm not for it, that being said I'm not a big fan of the super hunts as well the way it is being done. I think you should only be able to purchase one tag to make it Fair. Instead it's about money which I do somewhat understand.

All that being said I know a handful of people that draw some form of super tag every few years. They spend thousands every year putting in.
It is random, what do you want cleaned up?

Edit: Are we talking controlled hunts or OTC?

Should of been more clear.
NM Style
Random- pick two choices and apply. No que line.
Party apps fine. No buying tags for others.
Limit the outfitter welfare. Let them stand on their own merits.

But to be fair to the OP. He wanted to focus on points. So I guess a hybrid BP with 80 percent going to the random pool. 20% to high point holders.
I'm not for it, that being said I'm not a big fan of the super hunts as well the way it is being done. I think you should only be able to purchase one tag to make it Fair. Instead it's about money which I do somewhat understand.

All that being said I know a handful of people that draw some form of super tag every few years. They spend thousands every year putting in.
It's a fundraiser by design. I say keep the super tags as is.
Should of been more clear.
NM Style
Random- pick two choices and apply. No que line.
Party apps fine. No buying tags for others.
Limit the outfitter welfare. Let them stand on their own merits.

But to be fair to the OP. He wanted to focus on points. So I guess a hybrid BP with 80 percent going to the random pool. 20% to high point holders.

No, keep it 100% random. We’ve all seen the shitshow of any sort of points system in surrounding states.

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No, keep it 100% random. We’ve all seen the shitshow of any sort of points system in surrounding states.

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I disagree, I hunt and apply states that have all the different systems.

I personally liked Oregon's system when I lived there. As a resident I knew when I was going to draw and I also drew a few tags out of the random pool. (75/25 PP vs Random)

On severely limited entry tags I did keep a pile of points to draw them and hunted other opportunities while I waited. (Not sure I would do it again to be honest, missed some good stuff on the wait) That being said, my best friend drew one of the hardest elk tags in the state with half the needed points out of the random.

I like Nevadas except the 5 choice option which severely dilutes draw odds.

The place where it becomes a constraint is HD tags with low tag numbers. 40 early rifle bull, you’re never going to draw it points or no points for example.

Points and Bp systems work on low to medium demand tags, low tag numbers and high demand will always be a constraint no matter the system.