Idaho archery bucks


Feb 29, 2012
A while ago I posted a few pics of a 30"er during scouting. Follow me throughout the archery season in a general season unit in Idaho as I pursue him or another big buck.​

This is the first video I've edited so its not great...I realized I talk too much. Future video's will have much less talk and more footage of the country, bucks, and hopefully a bow kill.

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I enjoyed the video and hope to see more of your hunt. I can't wait to get up to the mountains of Idaho here in a 2 weeks to take down a big buck and bull.

Good Luck & Bring Home the 30 incher,
Friday was a bust with huge thunderstorms rolling through the area. I packed up and headed for lower country to escape the storm. I'd rather burn half a day re-packing into an area than spead a night hunkered down on top of a mountain in a lightnight storm. Been there, done that.

I was back on the mountain Saturday morning but spent most of the morning in a cloud with poor visibility. By 10am the fog started to lift and I started seeing bucks.


This was a great 3-pt that I figured to be 25". A good buck but no 30 incher.

Around noon I spotted the cheater buck from opening morning. I was stoked!!! He appeard to be alone, bedded in some brush about 500 yrds below, and in a spot that I thought was stalkable.

Here is the path that I took. The brush was tall and the wind was inconsistent. If I had a stronger, consistent wind to cover the noise I could have gotten closer. Instead I wasn't able to seal the deal and he moved on.

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Well I'm home and you'll never guess what happened... It all began on Saturday when I felt some burning on my ankle. I took off my boot and it looked like an ingrown hair on the front of my ankle, no big deal right. Well on Sunday I kept hiking around, ignoring the ankle although the pain was much sharper and I felt adnormally weak and tired. By late afternoon I had a killer headache, sore neck and felt like I was getting the flu. I thought I was just dehydrated. To cut to the chase I was bitten by a Hobo spider!!! I went to the doctor and got meds for the infection. The doc said the biggest risk at this point is a severe infection in the ankle joint. I can't believe this is happening right now. Still planning on going back on Friday but I guess I'm day-to-day.
That just sucks! Hope it clears up quick. We don't have hobo spiders down here but we do have brown recluse spiders. A friend nearly died from the blood poisioning. In the end he lost his pinky and ring finger and his arm and hand are withered and weak. Make sure you are cleared up before you get away from medical help.
Corey, finally had a chance to watch your video. Good job and I love that cheater buck. He has some great height, too! Keep us updated on that hunt- you've got tons of time ahead (30 day archery, 14 day rifle, gotta love general season opportunity.)

So sorry to hear about the spider bite. Knowing you, you'll be up in no time.

For those of you not from around here, these spiders are everywhere and are a real danger. We spend $100+ per year trying to control them. I bet I could find one in the garage in 5 minutes.

All the best Corey.
Dang that sucks!!! I got bit by some kind of spider on a trip this summer and I have a knarly scar on my left trap muscle that rides underneath my pack... I HATE spiders! Just another reason to stay away from floorless! haha jk Get up and good luck healing soon.

i love your story and the fact that you have the archery and the rifle is great. Maybe you can relocate the cheater buck for opening rifle. I'm pulling for you.:)
Ok Rokslider's, well I'm getting better. Slowly, but surely. The bite was no sweat but the infection that followed kicked my butt. I've pretty much been belly up on the couch since Sunday night. The biggest relief was Thurs. when the tests came back negative for mrsa. At the rate things are going I could be back on the mountain as early as Monday.

I think its a good idea to first test my strength on the mountain to confirm if I can go back to work. :cool:
I'm thinking you may need more than one day to test your strength. Maybe three to be sure you are ready to give 100% at work ;) . Heck , by then the week is almost gone so you might as well give yourself seven days off to be extra sure you can perform at work..just say'n :)
WOW I loved your video and have the highest hopes for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck
Lets get this thread roling again. I'm good to go- although the doc said give it 7 more days before any real strenuous activity. I told him I was going hunting and he said "I think you'll be fine, just stay close to the truck or ATV trail, you shouldn't have any issues walking to a tree stand or meadow". If he only knew...

Anyways, planning on hunting Friday-Sunday and I'll be with a good buddy. He's got 1st shot as he helped me pack out this bull I shot last year. I owe him big time for that.

I'm also going to go scouting tonight (if I can slip away from work) to check out a spot where I saw a nice 27" box-frame buck end of July.

2011 Bull 006.jpg
I got home Sunday afternoon and left early Monday morning to Minnesota for work so I haven't had time to edit the video but my buddy made a play on this nice buck. Stay tuned for the outcome...
